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Individual Learning Styles and Competencies


Submitted By KrlosParra
Words 270
Pages 2
Individual Learning Preferences

1) Describe your strongest dimension on the personality spectrum.
According to the personality spectrum, I am cataloged as an organizer and also a thinker, which describes me pretty much in my practical and controlled panning manners. I tend to be organized in my studies and very dependable. Everything I do is systematic, meaning one step at a time in an organized manner. My only negative aspect is that I can become predictable sometimes in my activities but conservative none the less. I am also very detailed on my life and also very disciplined when it comes to serious matters such as economic situations. Organizing is fundamental for all my actions and I can’t really think of another way of doing things.

2) Describe how each practice activity reinforced or contradicted something about yourself The first practice revealed to me something that I didn’t really consider, that I can type and express more confidently with my right hand then my left hand; so that puts a different perspective regarding learning what is really my style and knowing my competencies. This reinforced my learning and expressing methods but declared me as predictable since I’m better “with my right hand than my left”.
The second activity guided me to select the correct response to the activity on question. Selecting which input I considered to be correct for the assignment.
The third activity describes a situation which we must point what is “Kristen’s” learning preferences and hers instructor’s teaching methods seems to be. With this I learned that I consider myself to be as organized and systematic as Karen’s

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