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Industrial Revolution Pros And Cons

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We have very advanced technology today and it keeps moving forward everyday. Throughout history there have been revolutions. Some of them are violent uprisings to overthrow dictators. Others are technological and industrial revolutions. These industrial revolutions are called so because of the sudden change of the technology used. With this change comes both pros and cons. People get new technology that can make life easier. Also new technology can stimulate an economy leading it away from an economic disaster. But with these benefits comes the darker side. These new technologies are unregulated and can be taken advantage of, along with the people required to use it. As people flock to cities to contribute and gain from these new technologies …show more content…
This technologies can be used to make a process easier. As this industrial process gets easier it makes life for people easier. It can make goods cheaper to buy thus resulting in less money spent by the consumer. As these goods become easier to produce it allows for more of the goods to be placed on the market, allowing for more of the goods to be sold. With government taxation this can lead the economy of a nation away from disaster. But with everything good there is a downside to it.
Industrial revolutions can bring a lot of good to a country. But it also comes with its price. As a new technology is created it is unregulated by the government because it is so new. This means that these new technologies could be taken advantage of. This also meant that the workers required to operate or use the tech could also be taken advantage of. Policies such as lower wages for longer work hours and no health care provided were forced upon the workers by their employers.
As people began to move into cities to gain from these new technologies the cities began to struggle under the load of its new citizens. This led to more problems than would be normal. People began to cluster closer together as more and more people flocked to the city. This led to health problems such as rampant disease and lower

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