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Inner City Baltimore: Film Analysis

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On September 12, 2002 twenty at risk young boys from the dangerous streets of inner-city Baltimore left their homes in order to pursue better opportunities and to attend the 7th and 8th grade at The Baraka School. This school is an experimental boarding school located in Kenya, East Africa. At the Baraka school, the boys were faced with a strict academic and disciplinary program. However, it wasn’t just all work and no play, the boys were given the opportunity to be normal teenagers without succumbing to the pressures of the streets. This documentary puts a face to a human statistic, 61 percent of Baltimore's African-American boys fail to graduate from high school and 50 percent of them go on to jail. The streets of inner-city Baltimore are ruled by drug dealers, families broken by addiction and prison and a public school system surrendered to chaos. …show more content…
Devon Brown, Montrey Moore, Richard and Richard's younger brother, Romesh Vance are the boys that this documentary mainly focuses on. These boys are of ages 12 and 13, the most vulnerable ages where boys begin to grow and turn into men. On the unforgiving streets of a city like Baltimore, Maryland, where the four boys reside, that road to adulthood is filled with choices that are far more make-or-break, even life-or-death. These boys have to choose whether or not they become the next drug dealers on the streets of Baltimore. They have the opportunity to make a decision to better their futures. Devon Brown, age 12, wants to be a preacher; he wants to spread the word of the Lord. He wants to make better for himself. Montrey, also age 12, wants to be a scientist; again, he too wants to make a

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Secrecy Surrounding the Practice of Female Circumcision in Mabvuku and Tafara Surburbs

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