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Insurance Fraud


Submitted By mohitchintakindi
Words 645
Pages 3
Definition of Insurance Fraud
Insurance fraud is a duplicitous action done with the intent of gaining or profiting from a claim or payment from an insurer. Insurance fraud is committed by a people coming from various walks of life. There are many cases of insurance fraud committed by doctors, layers, automobile insurers, salesman, and insurance agents and also by people in positions of trust. By law, any person who makes false claims and inflated claims in order to gain profit and benefit by mains of insurance can be prosecuted in the court of law.
Types of Insurance Fraud
In general terms, the law enforcing officers an lawyers distinguish insurance fraud in to two categories. They are:
Hard Fraud: It is considered a serious crime than a soft fraud. A hard fraud is when a person purposefully fakes or sets up an accident, injury theft, arson or other loss to claim money by cheating the insurance companies. Hard frauds are usually committed by single individuals, but there has been an increase in the organized crime rings who setup large scale schemes to steal huge amounts of claim money.
Soft Fraud: These are considered softer crimes and are usually not as serious as hard fraud. These types of crimes are characterized by "little white lies" to the insurance company, the purpose of these soft frauds is to get a change to file a claim or maximize the claim amount. Even though this is not considered harmful it is a crime.
Lancaster man case
A recent case of insurance fraud happened in Lancaster, The State Attorney General; Kathleen Kane's office issued the arrest of Carrasco-Rivera. Similarly seven other insurance fraud charges were announced on separate insurance fraud charges.
Angel Luise Carrasco-Rivera, 53, had reported to Geico Insurance about the damage to his motorcycle in November 2011. He claimed that his motorcycle was damaged on left side after it was involved in an accident.
Based on his claim Geico insurance company has settled the claim by paying for the damages. A check payable to "Alex Customs" was issued for $1,287. Carrasco-River, instead of using the check to repair the mototcycle used it to cash back the money. According to Kathleen Kane’s office, Carrasco-River did not want to repair the bike and the Manager/owner of Alex Customs cashed back the check and gave cash to Carrasco-River.
Carrasco-Rivera, in May 2013 took up a new insurance from Geico insurance under a different policy number. Using this as advantage he claimed insurance for the damage to his motorcycle.
This scam of Carrasco-River was soon found out by the insurance adjuster of Geico Insurance. The reported case and the damage to the motorcycle were exactly same as it was in 2011. On further investigation on to this it was found that Carrasco-River also used Nationwide insurance as well. He claimed for the damage and was paid $1,515 by the Nationwide insurance
Based on these frauds, Carrasco-Rivera has been charged with two counts of insurance fraud, and one count each of theft by deception and attempted theft by deception.
Carrasco-Rivera is subjected to preliminary hearing on June 5. This type of fraud usually results in fine, probation and jail time. The jail term is usually five years or less and the fine upto $15,000
Fraud Bureaus
There are state fraud bureaus which work in identifying, detecting and prosecuting the insurance criminals. Examples of such organizations are
• National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
• Coalition Against Insurance Fraud (CAIF)
• National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)


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