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Intermediate Accounting Sample Exam


Submitted By dmk77d7
Words 1539
Pages 7
1.) Wholesome, Inc. starts a pension plan for its 10 employees on 1/2/20A. All are 53, and will retire at age 65 (in 12 yrs) on 12/31/20J. All are expected to live 10 yrs past retirement. Each is given credit for 15 years prior service at inception of the plan. The plan calls for payments at the beginning of each retirement year. Wholesome will make a lump sum payment of $250,000 on 1/2/20A to partially fund the prior service cost of $453,246. Funding is to be set at a level payment each period of $108,258, starting on 12/31/20A. The fund earning and the settlement rate are 8%. Prior service cost is to be amortized st-line over the remaining service lives of the employees. The following data are available: 1/2/20A 12/31/20A 12/31/20J
Projected Benefit Obligation $453,246 ? ?
Prior service cost (PBO method) $453,246
PV @ 12/31/20J (annuity due, 10 payments) of benefits earned each yr per employee: $ 7,609
a) Compute pension expense, listing components, and present required entries per SFAS 158 for the payment on 1/2/20A and the expense accrual/payment at 12/31/20A:
Expense amount: $86,664

b) What is the PBO on 12/31/20A? What is the funded status of the plan on that date? (Show your work).
PBO: $522,139 Funded status: $143,881

PBO: __________________

Funded status: _______________

2) Lease
Lessor, Inc. leases a computer under a 6 yr noncancelable lease to Lessee, Inc. The lease calls for payments at the beginning of each year of $5,795, plus $205 yearly for a maintenance contract (total = $6,000). The following facts are known:
FMV of computer @ inception: $32,000 Cost: $25,000 Economic life: 10 yrs Implicit rate (known to Lessee): 6% Lessee's incremental rate: 7%
RV (salvage), end of yr. 10: $546
RV end of yr 6 (guaranteed by lessee): $2,546
There are no

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