Premium Essay

Internet Ethics


Submitted By jconger702
Words 344
Pages 2
The internet most certainly can be used as a tool to do unethical things, but it can also be a very positive and powerful tool for anyone to get information. It used to take hours to get information out of a library by painstakingly searching and reading but now with the ease of the internet and search engines it’s much easier. The internet is a time-efficient tool for everyone that enlarges the possibilities for curriculum growth. Learning depends on the ability to find relevant and reliable information quickly and easily, and to select, understand and assess that information. Searching for information on the internet can help to develop these skills. Classroom exercises and take-home assessment tasks, where students are required to compare website content, are ideal for alerting students to the requirements of writing for different audiences, the purpose of particular content, identifying and judging accuracy and reliability. Since many sites adopt particular views about issues, the internet is a useful tool for developing the skills of distinguishing fact from opinion and exploring subjectivity and objectivity.
Internet ethics means acceptable behavior for using internet. We should be honest, respect the rights and property of others on the internet. Some of the rules that individuals should follow while using a computer are listed below:
•Do not use computers to harm other users.
•Do not use computers to steal others information.
•Do not access files without the permission of the owner.
•Do not copy copyrighted software without the author’s permission.
•Always respect copyright laws and policies.
•Respect the privacy of others, just as you expect the same from others.
•Do not use other user's computer resources without their permission.
•Use Internet ethically.
•Complain about illegal communication and activities, if found, to Internet service Providers

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