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Ipilimumab Cancer Case Study

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√Melanoma is the sixth most common cancer in the UK, killing more than 2,000 people in Britain annually. Now, a recent study has presented some much needed help in the fight against the cancer.
Data on two drugs called Ipilimumab and Nivolumab, presented by UK doctors at the American Society of Clinical Oncology, showed that in 60% of case studies, the drugs shrank tumors. The new international trial showed a significant 58% of patients showed a stop in the cancer’s advancement in a period of almost one year.
The immune system is a powerful defence against infection. However, there are many "brakes" built in to stop the system attacking our own tissues. Harnessing the immune system is a rapidly developing field in cancer research.
Cancer, a corrupted version of healthy tissue, can take advantage of these brakes to evade assault from the immune system. Ipilimumab, which was approved as an advanced melanoma treatment by the UK's health service last year, and Nivolumab both take the brakes off. …show more content…
The figures, published simultaneously in the New England Journal of Medicine, for Ipilimumab on its own were 19% and 2.5 months.
The downside of the study is that the lasting results of drug treatments are still unknown. Side-effects such as fatigue, a rash or diarrhoea are also an issue. More than half of those tested had side effects on combination therapy compared to around a quarter on Ipilimumab alone.
Ipilimumab is given intravenously every three months and costs around £100,000 for a year. Nivolumab is given every two weeks until it stops

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