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Is Macbeth Life Is Pointless

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As Macbeth goes through life, he starts to realize how everything he wanted forward to is not enough. Macbeth always thinks there is something better then what he has. Macbeth believes life is pointless, and it is "life just a tale told by an idiot." Once Macbeth gets the power to be someone and have power he always wants whats next. Macbeth never enjoys something in the moment, he is always wondering whats better and whats next. Macbeth is named Thane of Cawdor but that is not enough for him, he wants to be king. Macbeth encounters the three witches who give him a prophys that he will be Thane of Cawdor, they also tell him he will be king. " All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king here after." When Macbeth finds out he will be king is no

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