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It's Not About Me Anymore


Submitted By maurin0927
Words 377
Pages 2
Topic: clothes shopping before kids vs. clothes shopping after kids
Controlling idea: it’s all about me/it’s all about them
Points: appearance, frequency, experience



I. Appearance a. Before kids b. After kids II. Frequency c. Before kids d. After kids III. Experience e. Before kids f. After kids


It’s Not About Me Anymore

My experience with clothes shopping changed seemingly overnight. One day I’m thrilled to find myself at a mall, the next day I dread going to any place that sells clothes. What was the reason for this sudden change? I married a man who already had two children; Kevin was seven and Haylie was five when I met their father. I became a mother, overnight, to two rapidly growing children. What I knew as shopping was no more. Before I became a mother, I loved going to the mall. I would spend hours getting myself all dolled up; who knew whom I might bump into. I made sure I looked perfect; my belt matched my shoes and my shoes matched my purse. My stylishly coifed hair glistened in the sunlight. After Kevin and Haylie came into my life, the sunlight never got to see my stylishly coifed hair. Instead, my tresses never saw the outside of a bun. The time that used to go towards my own appearance was now directed toward my children. I had to make sure the little ones were appropriately dressed for the weather. The same amount of time was taken to get ready; the focus was just a little different.
The outings to the mall were few and far between before I had kids. Once every couple of months I would make a day out of it. My time was spent trying on clothes and chatting with friends. With my children, both growing like weeds, I would be taking a trip to the mall at least once or twice a month. For someone who likes shopping, you’d think I would jump at the chance to get away for some “retail therapy.” With my children in tow, a trip to the mall is no longer “retail therapy.” It becomes a race to the finish line; how fast can I get in and out before the tantrums start.

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