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The Fault in Our Stars Wide Reading


Submitted By wockaflocka1123
Words 994
Pages 4
Wide reading
Title: The Fault in our Stars
Author: John Green
Date finished: 18th of April Although this novel had a very sad story line it was a very enjoyable read it gave me a lot if incite to the lives of family’s and friends dealing with one whom has the unfortunate life eating disease of cancer. This book made me feel as if I was on an emotional roller coaster. It’s a captivating teen read.

One incident from the Novel was when Hazel first attended the support group for cancer sufferers“…I wanted to make my parents happy. There is only one thing in this world that is shittier than biting it from cancer when you’re sixteen, and that’s having a kid who bites it from cancer.” I found this really moving, as she wasn’t denying that she was sick it was almost like she was accepting it for the good, she was extremely strong about it although it almost seemed as if she was being facetious about her illness though and she was trying to be smart. I thought that this would upset some people that were at the group because they might not be as accepting of their illness as she is. It made me feel as though hazel just wanted her death to be over with and for her to feel nothing anymore. There are the effects of having a incurable illness that I have seen from a people around me having such awful disseises they just don’t want to feel anything anymore and although they want to live they don’t see much point as they are already on there death bed making it harder for the others which are around them. This life eating disease is a dreadful thing for the family to deal with and it makes it even harder for the patient to have to be the cause of there stress and agony they are causing for there parents or family that have to watch them suffer. I think this is what Hazel is feeling because she cant do anything other then lay in bed, watch TV or read, there is no point to keep going with her life. This made me feel quite sad, however know from experience with cancer patients that they do try there best to put a smile on their faces. It is hard for anyone to go to a support group for the first time for whatever reason they are going it will always be hard to accept and deal with the fact that maybe you need help or just someone that will actually listen to what you have to say. This might be a support group for an eating disorder, Illness, depression or an addiction for example. People with life taking illnesses are constantly thinking about there death and how everyone will cope when their gone. When the cancer has fully taken over them and there is nothing that can be done to make them feel comfortable and slightly happy. They don’t want to be there anymore so they just completely give up fighting. This makes me extremely sad because you should live your life to the fullest before you pass and it’s all over. Make the most of the days you have.

When Hazel met Augustus at the support group she changed her views towards her life “Look let me just say it: he was hot. A nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at be, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy…well.” this made me feel very warm and I already knew that Augustus would soon become a very big part of her life. For me this was now something that hazel could live for, it wasn’t just another person feeling sorry for her but he completely understood what she was going through and he all of a sudden made her life worth living. It was something that picked her up when she was almost pretty much at rock bottom. She had no friends because she didn’t want anyone to sufferer because of her sickness. I felt that this was a very happy thing for hazel because she was actually trying for once to have a normal life as she possibly could. She was stepping out of her comfort zone and connecting with people out side of her own bubble she had created for herself. I felt this was a big step for Hazel but I did feel proud of her because it would be such a hard thing to do. For me this also sort of related to the movie “Cyber Bully” the main character felt as if she couldn’t socialise because she was so ashamed of the was she looked and was viewed by the Bullies. She didn’t want to be seen and she didn’t want people to bully her or feel sorry for her. I felt this was like what Hazel was feeling because of her cancer she didn’t want anyone to have to feel sorry for her or be affected by her cancer. She didn’t have any motivation to get out of the house and she wanted to hide from the world just like the girl from “Cyber Bully” Although these are two completely different they are somewhat the same. This is very sad that people in our society feel this was and everyone should have an equal treatment no matter what, I don’t think anyone should be ashamed to live there lives although I understand that she is just trying to be thoughtful at the same time. Having Augustus who is going through the same sort of pain and trouble as her is extremely helpful to giving her more self-confidence in the outside world. I thought that this would be a big step up for her but in the long run it would turn out to be the best decision she would ever make.

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