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John Proctor's Ambition In The Crucible

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Through others’ eyes, John Proctor is a loyal, hardworking man dedicated to his family. In his own eyes, he believes he is a good person that did immoral things in the past. One immoral thing he did was adultery. John never planned on going against his Christian beliefs since adultery was one of the 10 Commandments he should not commit. Alas, greed took him to the barn where he committed sin with Abigail Williams, the family servant. After Proctor did this on what he thought was his wife’s deathbed, he felt immensely horrible for his ungodly act against his wife. His wife, Elizabeth Proctor, soon was suspicious; her suspicions were right. Only John, Elizabeth, and Abigail were to know the details of this sin.
Another sin from the 10 commandments is lying, one that shouldn’t be committed either. With the affair comes lying to himself and others in the town during his trial. In a way, his lying started when Reverend Hale came to his house to question him. At the time, John said all but one Commandment, adultery. Hale was suspicious after it being the only one forgotten. Here, John had denied committing adultery, thus lying and breaking another Commandment.
Although sinning throughout the trials, he decides to say everything truthfully with no holding back. The reason for this is he believed …show more content…
Although defying the 10 Commandments, Jesus did die so we could sin, so in a way, he did nothing wrong. But in his eyes, he felt he was a bad, immoral person since he broke the Commandments. I believe John Proctor died in peace despite what he did. My reason for this is because he eventually did the right thing by not confessing (lying), and Elizabeth was not to judge his for what he would choose. Not one person in the entire world can say they are completely innocent of every sin. But those who have done less are viewed as good people, which were the people that never confessed and that died to save their

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