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June's Bravery

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June’s Bravery

June sacrifices herself in order to please her mother. “Tuesday of the Other June” by Norma Fox Mazer tells how June gets bullied by another girl named June. In this short story we find that June is dishonest, yet confident, as well as caring.
The first reason why June is dishonest is because she doesn’t tell anyone about how the other June bullies her, not even her mother. June has always been taught to follow her mother’s rules to go to her when there is a problem. “I walk away, run away, come on home as fast as my feet will take me,” June recites. Her mother replies “Yes. You come to me. You just bring me your trouble, because I’m here on this earth to love you and take care of you”. June may tell her mother “Yes, I will go to you when I’m in trouble”, but she never told her mother about the other June. After class June’s mother would notice bruises on her arms (from the other June) but she quickly made up a short story how she got them. At swimming practice the other June shoved her into the pool. The swimming teacher got upset because no one was allowed in the water yet. June never said that it wasn’t her fault but she was pushed into the pool.
June is also confident enough to stand up to the other June. Even though she is being teased she will not let the other June walk all over her. In the locker room the other June made fun of …show more content…
Despite the fact that she is constantly being teased and disobeys her mother’s rules, she does it because she cares about her. June doesn’t want her mother to worry and possibly make the situation worse. June explains “I won’t light fires or let strangers into the house, and I won’t tell anyone on the phone that I’m here alone.” June’s mother adds “I know i’m just your old worrywart mother.” This shows that they both care about eachother and wants to make sure no one is hurt. June doesn’t want her mother to get stressed about

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