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Key Personality Traits

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There are 5 key traits that everyone has, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extraversion. Some people score higher, some don't. It's not a bad thing to score lower its just how your personality traits are. For me, I had a 30% for openness, 8% for conscientiousness, 15% for extraversion, 83% for agreeableness, and 60% for neuroticism. On our masks we had to put certain objects or drawings to represent our personality traits. Around one eye I put a butterfly to represent openness (down to earth) because butterflies are gentle, I'm gentle with my word and with my actions. Most gentle people have a down to earth feeling to them. I show that I'm down to earth by being there for people, I'm easy going, and I put others before me. Around the other eye I decided to put a rainbow to represent agreeableness (forgiving) because a rainbow is seen in the bible as a representation of forgiveness. I …show more content…
If you put me in a room full of people that I don't know I will find a corner and I will stand there until someone comes to me. I'm very shy and will not talk much unless I have to. On my forehead I put bricks to represent that I'm closed mind, and don't like to do things outside of my comfort zone. On the side of the forehead, I put a thought bubble that says worry inside because I tend to over think things and get worried or anxious. I get nervous when I have to talk in front of people or do something out of my comfort zone. Even little things I over think it and get anxious. I tend to be very indecisive, so I put a yes and a no on each cheek because I don't like making up my own mind sometimes, and wanting others to decide for me. I'm very flexible with decisions and how things are planned. I think that's why I'm so indecisive with making

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