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Submitted By Tanusha
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Pages 2

Water. It seems like such a simple word. Add freezing and training to that and you get my training for my summer job. This past summer I worked at North Woods Rafting as a white water raft guide. Before I could officially call myself a guide I had to go through training, but this wasn’t the ordinary show up watch a video and then attend a CPR class type of training. Well, we did watch a video and take a CPR certification class, but there was much more to it. On the first day of training I arrived at 7 am on a cold May morning. Now for most people May is a month where the weather is usually nice and warm, but I live in northern New Hampshire. Here that May day was barely 36 degrees and the water temperature wasn’t any different. We were shown a video and sized to receive our guide gear. After struggling into a wetsuit and layering on as much fleece as possible we were read; albeit slight reluctant to begin training. The first bit of training was rafts themselves. We were taught how to open and close valve and the terminology that goes with the rafts. We were shown how to blow up the boats and how to tell when they were done. A few facts were thrown into the mix also. For example did you know that most river rafts alone weigh around 200 pounds? Also if you leave a fully inflated raft in the sun the heat would cause the chambers to expand and eventually explode! Next we loaded up the trailer and headed to the Pontook Dam on the Androscoggin River. The senior guides showed us how to properly give a safety talk while making it fun and then the training really began! The water was running at record highs and the waves were amazing. It was too bad no trainees noticed because of how cold we were! The wetsuits, helmets, life savers (PFD’s) and splash jackets we wore provided little protection the freezing water. If it wasn’t enough just being cold were trying our hardest to remember the information being yelled out as we crashed into waves

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Kaspersky Lab

...growing company relies on many strengths. KL had initiatives and tendency to attract and retain qualified employees. Their skills and competences helped to delivering high-quality services and products. The products and services offered are technologically superior. Beside quality, their abilities also contribute to early detection of various threats. It was the first company to identify major shift in hackers behavior. The company ability to motivate and reward its employees is just a one piece of the strength puzzle. Another key strength is innovation. The constant updates and their pace with the changes and trends in the market is a key advantage over the other competitors. Furthermore, KL was the first company to introduce hourly anti-virus updates, leaving the competitors lacking with only daily updates. An important strength which helped KL to be successful in foreign emerging markets were the localized solutions. KL has great ability to launch products which will satisfy the needs of a certain market. Another strength is their webpage, which offers free trials, information and guidance for the customers. I personally believe that the great amount of money should also be classified among their strengths. In comparison with so many strengths, I was able to find and analyze only one internal weakness of the company. The one area, or I better say the one segment that the company could do better and improve is the business market. KL has much stronger competitive position in...

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...Unit 1 Research Assignment 1: Exploring Programming Languages Asdddddddddda Asdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf asddddddddddddddddd asdffasdddddddddddddddddddd asddddddddddddddddddd sadddddddddddddddddddddd saddddddddddddddddddddddddd saddddddddddddddddddd sdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa saddddddddddddddddddddddd asdddddddd d d d d d d d dd d d d d d d dkddkkdkdkd d dkdd kdkd dkdkd dkd dkdkkdk dkdkdkdkd dkdkkdkdk dkdddkk kkkk k k k kk kk k k k j kl ; j l kj lk j; lk j lkj ljj ;l kjj ;l kj ;lj l; kj kl kl kl kl k k l. l l jkl ;l kj lj lk ;l j l;j kl jl;k l/ / lj /lj /lkj lk lk lk llk / kl /l /kl / / j j / / /l j l/ kj l/k jkl kl klk k l lk kl kl lkkl lk l k/ / lk l/ kl kl lk kj kl j klj kl l l lj .. l l l l k jhh h h hj k. . kk k k kjk jkjjk jk jk kj.. k k kj k j jk jkjk jkjk jk jk kjgk lghlhkjljkhk klj hjl j . . . k . kjj hkjh h j hk hlkj . jh h jh kjh hj jk ;lkkjfddfgsfgsgf. . asdf . . .a .asds j jj j j j jj j j jj jj j jj j j j k kk k j j kj kj k jk jkjk kk kkkk kk kk kkk k . kk kk kk kkk . .k kkk kk k kk k kk . k k kk kk k kk k k . k k dkljfals;sdfjalsjf ajlsd;fja;s ld;kajsd fl;askdjf;ladjf al;sdkjfj ldskfjld lf;asdjf l alskdfjk lkdjkfj dlk;aljdf la;sdjf...

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...jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. Cv gbhnjmk fvgbhn jmk, yuik olp;[ yuio p yujik o u hyh dsfg Asfdvc vbn jmk thj k,l 8yuj kl cfvgbhnu mik,l. ...

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