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Submitted By koaycarin88
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D1: 吉隆坡-广州 - 海口: (晚餐) 酒店:海口国宾大酒店(或同级4星)海口美兰机场接团后,沿途观赏海口市区景色,入住酒店。稍事休息后开始海口市区游。海口是海南岛的省会城市,是海南岛的政治,经济,文化的中心。游览海口市区商业中心--明珠广场,DC商业城。这里是海口市区最繁华的商业区,汇集了无数的商业店铺和大型商场,是了解海南发达繁荣的最佳去处,也可以随意购买些海南特色的商品带回去留作纪念。体验海口风情。晚上可以自费欣赏大型歌舞秀“印象海南岛”。 | D1: Kul - Guangzhou – Haikou: (Dinner) Kul-Can CZ 366 0950-1350 // Can-Hak CZ 6778 1625-1735 Hotel: Haikou Ambassador Hotel (or similar 4 stars) Welcome the pax at Haikou Meilan Airport, along the way of ornamental Haikou city scenery,check in the hotel. After taking a break began to Haikou city tour. Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Island, is the center of political, economic and cultural in Hainan. Later we visit Haikou commercial center-Pearl Plaza, DC City. Here is the most prosperous business district in Haikou, including numerous business stores and the large market, is to know the best places for Hainan developed prosperity, also can buy some gifts of Hainan features remain for memorial. Experience the Haikou amorous feelings. At night we can appreciate at one's own expenses the grand dance show "Impression Hainan Island". | D2: 海口 – 兴隆(BUS) (早/中/晚餐)酒店:兴隆汇丰温泉花园酒店 (或同级4星)早餐后前往兴隆, 中途参观亚洲最大的热带鸟类公园--热带飞禽世界,这里各种各样的鸟类令您大开眼界。然后前往海南第一大侨乡琼海。乘游船观赏壮观的万泉河入海口,三江入海胜地,博鳌亚洲论坛之博鳌水城和列入吉尼斯记录的玉带滩;乘竹筏体验海南特色的万泉河竹筏漂流,饱览东方亚马逊之称的万泉河风光;游览浓郁热带风光的植物王国—兴隆热带植物园,参观中华瑰宝宝树堂。免费品尝闻名遐迩的兴隆咖啡;晚上可以自费欣赏兴隆特色的红艺人大型演出或享受温泉。 | D2: Haikou – Xinglong (BUS) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) Hotel: Xinglong Huifeng Hotspring Garden Hotel (or similar 4 stars)After breakfast we go to Xinglong, midway we visit Asia's largest tropical birds park -- Tropical Birds World, here a variety of birds brighten your eyes . Later,By boat visit WanQuan River sea resort, where 3 rivers rush to the sea. Then visit Boao Asia Forum and Boao Water City, in the guinness book of world records of the Jade Belt Beach linked to the blue sea. Later Bamboo Rafting experience WanQuan River rafting characteristic of Hainan, enjoy the scenery as WanQuan River Oriental Amazon, Visit the plant kingdom with strong tropical beauty -- Xinglong Tropical Botanical Garden, visit China famous medicine star-- Baoshutang.Taste the World famous Xinglong coffee freely, At evening we can enjoy the Xinglong characteristics large perfomance --Red Artists Perform(paid by their own) or enjoying hot springs. | D3: 兴隆 - 三亚(BUS) (早/中/晚餐) 酒店: 三亚汇融海景大酒店 (或同级4星)早餐后乘车观赏日月湾海门花园壮观景色;参观海南厨房刀具展览;到达中国最南端的,有中国“冬都”美誉的三亚市,大东海是三亚著名的“冬泳胜地”,您可以自费参加各种各样惊险刺激的海上活动,例如潜水,高空拉伞,海上摩托艇。。。;旅途劳累之时品南国香茗,欣赏精彩的海南茶道表演。外观世界小姐选美之美丽之冠,然后游览碧水蓝天一色,海底蔚蓝清晰,集海水、沙滩、阳光、绿色和空气于一身的天下第一湾亚龙湾。 | D3: Xinglong – Sanya (BUS) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) Hotel: Sanya Huirong Seaview Hotel (or similar 4 stars) After breakfast passing by to view the spectacular seaside Garden scenery –Sunmoon Bay ,Visit Hainan Army steel kitchen Knife Museum. Arrived in China's southernmost,.Sanya has the China's "winter holiday center" reputation, Sanya Dadong Sea is most famous, you may enjoy the various adventure at the maritime activities, such as diving, altitude umbrellas, marine motor boats. During the journey, enjoy exciting taste austral fragrant teas to enjoy the Tea Performance of Hainan. To look around appearance of the Miss World Pageant Beauty Crown, then we'll visit the color blue clear, seawater, sand, sun, green and air Sanya Yalong Bay. | D4: 三亚 – 海口(BUS) (早/中/晚餐) 酒店: 海口国宾大酒店 (或同级4星)早餐后,参观丝绸文化馆,体验中国悠久历史博大精深的纺织艺术,然后乘车游览绵延数十里的三亚湾美丽的滨海公路椰梦长廊,参观海南土著民族之黎村苗寨,黎、苗族都能歌善舞,至今还保留着许多质朴敦厚的民风民俗,颇具特色的民族文化和风情。然后,车观天涯海角.参观海南竹炭展览.驱车前往幸福之地- 南山佛教文化旅游区,南山是一个极富灵感与灵气的风水宝地,依山傍海,高达108米的世界级、世纪级南海海上观音就建在南山的海面上。您可以沐浴佛光,拜佛祈福,享用南山素斋,神游长寿谷,眺望海上观音之神韵…… | D4: Sanya – Haikou (BUS) (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) Hotel: Haikou Ambassador Hotel (or similar 4 stars) After breakfast visit Silk Museum to experience China silk culture has a long history and profound weaving art .then go sightseeing several miles of the beautiful coastal highway to visit—Coconut Dream Corridor, and visit Hainan's local minority Li and Miao Village, who are still retained many of the folk custom, and simple features of national culture and customs. Then, passby to view Tianyahaijiao . visit Hainan Bamboo Charcoal Exhibition,At afternoon to visit -Nanshan Buddhist Culture Tourism Garden, It is a very inspiration and aura of Feng Shui treasure-house,. The highest in the world South Sea Avalokitesvara high 108 meters was built in the sea. You can enjoy nanshan overlooking the sea of avalokitesvara charm...back to Haikou hotel. | D5: 海口 – 广州-吉隆坡 (早餐)早餐后整理行装,前往海口美兰机场返回吉隆坡。 | D5: Haikou – Guangzhou – Kul (Breakfast) Hak-Can CZ 6773 1415-1520 // Can-Kul CZ 365 1720-2115After breakfast, free till transfer to Haikou Meilan Airport return Kul | 下面团费已经包含如下费用:(住宿)以上4星级酒店双人房住宿费用(晚)。(门票)含以上行程中景点首道大门票。(导游)优秀导游全程精心服务。(保险)按中国旅游局规定的全额保险。(车辆)保证优质车辆及司机细心服务。(用餐)包含4个早餐和7个正餐.(风味)海南四大名菜(文昌鸡,加积鸭,东山羊,和乐蟹,海南鸡饭),东南亚风味宴,南山素斋。全程提供矿泉水。 | The below Tour Fare Included Items:(Accommodation)4 star hotels twin rooms rate ( 4 nights)。(Attractions Entrance Fee)the first gate entrance tickets as in the itinerary。(Guide)Guide service。(Insurance)Full Insurance According the rule of china government。(Coach)Good coach with good driver service。(Meal)4 Breakfast and 7 lunchs and dinners.(Local flavor)Hainan Four Famous Dishes(Wenchang Chiken,Jiaji Duck,Dongshan Goat,Hele Crab,Hainan Chiken Rice),Southasia Flavor banquet,Nanshan Vegetable Diet, and the Mineral Water. | 团费价格:10月-下年3月: (单房差:RM380/人) 2-4人--------RM1130 + 小费RM80/人儿童价格: 有床位:与成人同价格。 无床位:成人价格的80%。不含:机票: RM1185 + 680 (饥肠税/燃油费) = RM1865签证:RM85 (一次) | Quotation: Oct.- March: (Single Room Supp: RM380/pax;) 2-4pax-------RM1130+tip RM80/pax Children: With Bed: Same price with adult No Bed: 80% of AdultExclude:Airfare: RM1185 + 680 (airport tax/fuel surcharges) = RM1865China Visa: RM85 (single entry) | 推荐自费:(客人自选,绝不强制)套餐一:红艺人大型演出秀 + 保健按摩 + 商业街 = RM160/人套餐二:乘游艇欣赏三亚夜景(夜游三亚湾)卡拉OK,啤酒饮料 + 温泉鱼疗保健 + 商业街 = RM190/人套餐三:印象海南岛秀 + 温泉鱼疗保健 + 海鲜大餐 +商业街 = RM230/人 | Optional Tour Program:(Not Compulsory)A: Red artist large-scale performance Show + Health massage + commercial street = RM160/paxB: yachting appreciate Sanya night View( karaoke, beer, beverage) + the hot spring fish therapy care + commercial street = RM190/paxC: Impression Hainan Island Show + the hot spring fish therapy care + commercial Street+ the full seafood Banquet = RM230/pax | 联络: Kim Chong Office: 33420618 / 9 | Contact:Kim Chong Office: 33420618 / 9 H/P 012 2189048 |

20 Nov 2012

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