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Lagrange, Portfolio Choices


Submitted By Mrpk01
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Pages 6
L’ottimizzazione di un portafoglio di titoli “rischiosi” nel senso di determinazione della varianza minima) è un problema di ottimo vincolato:


min  2 ( R p )  x  S  x
xT  I  1

 E ( R p )  x  E    given

che si risolve minimizzando la funzione “Lagrangiana1”:



C  x  S  x  1  (1  x  I )  2  (  x  E )

La funzione C dipende da n+2 variabili:

C ( x, 1 , 2 )
 x1 
x  dove x è un vettore colonna a n componenti x   2 
 
 
x n 

Il metodo dei ‘moltiplicatori di Lagrange’ è utilizzato per trovare il massimo o il minimo di funzioni quando esitono dei vincoli sulle variabili. In tale metodo la lettera lambda () è utilizzata per rappresentare una variabile chiamata il
‘moltiplicatore di Lagrange’. Il ‘moltiplicatore di Lagrange’ , è trattato come una variabile indipendente e permette di scrivere la funzione Lagrangiana:

F ( x, y,  )  f ( x, y)    g ( x, y)
Dove z = f(x, y) è la funzione obiettivo e g(x, y) = 0 è il vincolo.
Per esempio, volendo massimizzare o minimizzare una funzione z = f(x, y) soggetta al vincolo g(x, y) = 0, si eseguiranno i seguenti step:
Step1: determinazione funzione Lagrangiana

F ( x, y,  )  f ( x, y)    g ( x, y)
Step2: determinazione di ciascuna derivata parziale Fx, Fy, F, a condizione che esistano.
Step3: risoluzione del sistema di 3 equazioni:  Fx ( x, y,  )  0

 Fy ( x, y ,  )  0

 F ( x, y ,  )  0

Step4: se f ha un minimo o un massimo relativo soggetto al vincolo g(x, y) = 0, allora i valori corrispondenti di x e y saranno sicuramente tra le soluzioni del sistema indicato nello Step3.


per cui, volendo minimizzarla, dobbiamo fare le n+2 derivate (parziali) rispetto alle n+2 variabili ed uguagliarle a zero. Ricaveremo allora un sistema di n+2 equazioni lineari (  2 ( R p ) è quadratica, e la derivata è lineare) in n+2 incognite.
Se si introduce un investimento (aggiuntivo, rispetto agli n investimenti in titoli rischiosi) risk-free con rendimento rf, il rendimento del portafoglio (a questo punto di n+1 titoli) sarà dato da:


E ( R p )  x  E  (1  x  I )  r f
Per cui il problema di ottimo vincolato sarà:

min  2 ( R p )  x  S  x

(il risk-free non influenza la varianza)

 x T  I  (1  x T  I )  1  1  1( scompare)

E ( R p )  x  E  (1  x  I )  r f   ( fissato )

La funzione “Lagrangiana” sarà quindi:




C  x  S  x      x  E  (1  x  I )  r f

Tale funzione dipende da n+1 variabili:

C ( x,  ) dove x è un vettore colonna a n componenti.
Derivando rispetto alle n+1 variabili si ha:

 2x  S    E  rf

   x  E  (1  x  I )  r f

Eguagliando a zero tali derivate (parziali) si ha il seguente sistema di equazioni:

2 x T  S    E  r  0 f 

  x  E  (1  x  I )  r f  0


Poiché non serve esplicitare e determinare il valore di , ci si può limitare al sistema di n equazioni nelle n+1 incognite ( x e 


2 x  S    E  rf  0 da cui:


x S 


E  r  f e ponendo: z 2



si ha:

S  z  E  rf

da cui:

z  S 1  E  r f

Se standardizziamo:

2 zi 


z i 1


 n xi


 x i 1


xi n x i 1


 x1 
x 
Troviamo il portafoglio desiderato: x   
 
 
x n 
Il sistema di equazioni:

S  z  E  rf

ricordando che:


  12  1, 2

S   2,1
 3,1  3, 2
 n ,1  n , 2

 1,3 ....
 2,3 .....
 32 ......
 n ,3

 1,n 

 2,n 

 3, n 
n 

può essere scritto:


z i   i2   z j   i , j  Ei  r f

per i = 1, 2, ……,n

j 1 j i

Nel modello Singolo Indice sappiamo che:

1) R i ,s   i   i  RMs   i ,s con le assunzioni (da verificare empiricamente):
2) E ( i )  0 per ogni titolo i = 1, 2, ……,n

E ( i2 )  E i  E ( i )   2i

(varianza dell’errore)

3) cov( i , RM )  0
4) cov( i ,  j )  E ( i   j )  0
La 1) quando non c’è la necessità di indicare il periodo ‘s’ può essere scritta:

R i   i   i  RM   i

e inoltre:


E ( R i )   i   i  E ( RM )


E ( R i )  E ( R i )  E ( i   i  RM   i )   i   i  E ( RM )

 ( Ri )  E  Ri  E ( Ri )





 E  i   i  RM   i   i   i  E ( RM ) =


 E  i   i RM  E ( RM ) =


 2

 E  i   i RM  E ( RM )  2   i   i RM  E ( RM ) =


 E ( i ) 2   i2  E RM  E ( RM )  2   i  E i  RM  E ( RM ) =
 

 cov( i , RM )

=  2i   i2   M

per i = 1, 2, ……., n


 ij  E  Ri  E ( Ri )   R j  E ( R j )  =

 




 


 E i   i  RM   i   i   i  E ( RM )  j   j  RM   j   j   j  E ( RM ) =

 E  i  RM  E ( RM )   i   j  RM  E ( RM )   j  = sviluppando il prodotto e facendo il valore atteso di ciascun termine si ottiene:

 i   j  E  RM  E ( RM )  i  E  j   RM  E ( RM )    j  E  i   RM  E ( RM )   E ( i   j ) =

0 assunzione 3

0 assunzione 3

0 assunzione 4

= i   j  M

La varianza dell’errore

 2


può essere stimata attraverso la varianza residua:


2e i ^

 E  Ri  R i   valore medio del quadrato delle differenze tra valori effettivi Ri e valori


teorici (perequati) R i .

 Ris  R is 

 s 1 m m

 i2e


‘m’ sono le osservazioni

Il sistema di equazioni:


z i   i2   z j   i , j  Ei  r f

per i = 1, 2, ……,n

j 1 j i



= z i  ( i2e   i2   M )   z j   i   j   M  Ei  r f = j 1 j i


= z i i2e  z i  i2   M   i   M   z j   j  Ei  r f = j 1 j i

= z i


  i   M  z i  i   z j  j   Ei  r f = j 1

 j i

2e i 2


= z i i2e   i   M   z j  j  Ei  r f

sempre per i = 1, 2, …..n

j 1

da cui: n 2
Ei  r f   i   M   z j  j j 1

zi 

per i = 1, 2, …..n

 i2e

Ei  r f

zi 

 i2e

i  2


  z j  j per i = 1, 2, ……n


 i2e

j 1

moltiplichiamo ambo i membri per i vari  j e ne facciamo la somma:



 zi  j   j 1

E j  rf

j 1


j 

 2e j j 1

 j2   2


 2e j n

z j j j 1

otteniamo: n n

z  j 1


E j  rf

j 1

 2e j  j 


1  j 1


 j2   2


2e j j

e quindi:



E j  rf

j 1

 2e j 


z 





 j2

j 1

j 1

 2e j 1 M  

Sostituendo questo risultato nella relazione: zi 

Ei  r f

 i2e

i  2


 i2e


  z j  j per i = 1, 2, ……n j 1

si ha: n zi 

Ei  r f

 i2e

i  2


 i2e

E j  rf

j 1

 2e j 



 j2

j 1

 2e j 1 M  

da cui, ponendo: n C M 

E j  rf

j 1


2e j n


 j2

j 1


 2e j 1 M  

E j  rf

j 1

 2e j 1


 j2

j 1

 2e j 





j e (R/V)i =

Ei  r f


si ricava, finalmente:

zi 

 R / V i  C  

R/V = Reward to Volatility
Anche qui si standardizza e si trova il portafoglio:

xi 

zi n z i 1



E ( Rp )  x  E



 2 (R p )  x  S   x indicando con S  :
  12

 2 1 M

S 
  3 1 M
 n 1 2

 1  2 2
 3  2 2
 n  2 2



1  3 2 ........ 1  n 2 

 2  3 2 .....  2  n 2 

 32 ......
 3  n 2 
 n  3 2
n 








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Finance Notes

...Lecture Notes in Finance 1 (MiQE/F, MSc course at UNISG) Paul Söderlind1 14 December 2011 1 University of St. Gallen. Address: s/bf-HSG, Rosenbergstrasse 52, CH-9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland. E-mail: Document name: Fin1MiQEFAll.TeX Contents 1 Mean-Variance Frontier 1.1 Portfolio Return: Mean, Variance, and the Effect of Diversification 1.2 Mean-Variance Frontier of Risky Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Mean-Variance Frontier of Riskfree and Risky Assets . . . . . . . 1.4 Examples of Portfolio Weights from MV Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 9 19 22 A A Primer in Matrix Algebra 24 B A Primer in Optimization 27 2 . . . . . . . . 31 31 32 37 39 42 45 46 47 3 Risk Measures 3.1 Symmetric Dispersion Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Downside Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Empirical Return Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 54 56 67 4 CAPM 4.1 Portfolio Choice with Mean-Variance Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 70 Index Models 2.1 The Inputs to a MV Analysis . 2.2 Single-Index Models . . . . . 2.3 Estimating Beta . . . . . . . . 2.4 Multi-Index Models . . . . . . 2.5 Principal Component Analysis 2.6 Estimating Expected Returns . 2.7 Estimation on Subsamples . . 2.8 Robust Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . ...

Words: 69445 - Pages: 278

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Curriculum Source References

...Curriculum Source References The following references were used in the CFA Institute-produced publications Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis, Analysis of Equity Investments: Valuation, and Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process. Ackerman, Carl, Richard McEnally, and David Ravenscraft. 1999. “The Performance of Hedge Funds: Risk, Return, and Incentives.” Journal of Finance. Vol. 54, No. 3: 833–874. ACLI Survey. 2003. The American Council of Life Insurers. Agarwal, Vikas and Narayan Naik. 2000. “Performance Evaluation of Hedge Funds with OptionBased and Buy-and-Hold Strategies.” Working Paper, London Business School. Ali, Paul Usman and Martin Gold. 2002. “An Appraisal of Socially Responsible Investments and Implications for Trustees and Other Investment Fiduciaries.” Working Paper, University of Melbourne. Almgren, Robert and Neil Chriss. 2000/2001. “Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions.” Journal of Risk. Vol. 3: 5–39. Altman, Edward I. 1968. “Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy.” Journal of Finance. Vol. 23: 589–699. Altman, Edward I. and Vellore M. Kishore. 1996. “Almost Everything You Wanted to Know about Recoveries on Defaulted Bonds.” Financial Analysts Journal. Vol. 52, No. 6: 57−63. Altman, Edward I., R. Haldeman, and P. Narayanan. 1977. “Zeta Analysis: A New Model to Identify Bankruptcy Risk of Corporations.” Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 1: 29−54. Ambachtsheer, Keith, Ronald Capelle, and...

Words: 12603 - Pages: 51

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The Money Multiplier

...Money and Banks: Some Theory and Empirical Evidence for Germany Oliver Holtem¨ ller∗ o November 2002 Abstract This paper contributes to the analysis of the money supply process in Germany during the period of monetary targeting by the Bundesbank from 1975-1998. While the standard money multiplier approach assumes that the money stock is determined by the money multiplier and the monetary base it is argued here that both the money stock and the monetary base are determined endogenously by the optimizing behavior of commercial banks and private agents like households and firms. An industrial organization style model for the money creating sector that describes the money creation process is developed assuming that the main policy variable of the central bank is the money market interest rate. A vector error correction model for the nominal money stock, the monetary base, nominal income, short-term and long-term interest rates, and the required reserve rate is specified, and the interaction between these variables is analyzed empirically. The evidence contradicts the money multiplier approach and supports the presented model of the money creating sector. JEL Classification: C32, E51, E52 Keywords: Industrial organization approach to banking theory, money multiplier, endogenous money, vector error correction model ∗ This paper is partially based upon the second chapter of the author’s doctoral dissertation (Vector au- toregressive analysis and monetary policy, Aachen:...

Words: 9924 - Pages: 40

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Quantitative Easing

...Quantitative Easing and the American Economy: How Saving is Saving Us From Inflation Mark Nasca „12 Colgate University April 30th, 2012 Abstract Following the Great Recession (2007-09), the Federal Reserve (Fed) utilized monetary policy instruments that had never been used in previous economic recoveries. With interest rates near zero, the Fed undertook rounds of quantitative easing (QE), a non-standard policy, in an attempt to stimulate the economy and help bring the nation out of the recession. In this study, the theoretical model presented by Nasca (2011) will be expanded to show that price level can be stabilized when saving and the money supply increase in tandem, all else constant. Following the theoretical discussion, this study will then utilize an intertemporal model with heterogeneous agents to describe the U.S. economy in order to analyze factors affecting consumer saving decisions when QE policies are enacted following an economic crisis. The goal of this model is to show how the saving decision is affected by the enactment of QE in a crisis environment, given the lower prevailing interest rate scenario and elevated levels of economic instability. This study finds that the increase in saving rate observed in the unfavorable rate environment can potentially be attributed to the increased uncertainty in future income expectations and heightened levels of risk aversion that are characteristic of a post-crisis economy. This serves as a theoretical justification for...

Words: 13053 - Pages: 53

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Investements more practical to use some of the listed symbols to represent a different concept. In other instances, clarity required making the symbolic representation more precise (e.g., by being more specific as to the time dimension of an interest rate). Roman Alphabet a Amount invested in the risky asset; in Chapter 14, fraction of wealth invested in the risky asset or portfolio AT Transpose of the matrix (or vector)A c Consumption; in Chapter 14 only, consumption is represented by C, while c represents ln C ck Consumption of agent k in state of nature θ θ CE Certainty equivalent CA Price of an American call option CE Price of a European call option d Dividend rate or amount ∆ Number of shares in the replicating portfolio (Chapter xx E The expectations operator ek Endowment of agent k in state of nature θ θ f Futures position (Chapter 16); pf Price of a futures contract (Chapter 16) F, G Cumulative distribution functions associated with densities: f, g Probability density functions K The strike or exercise price of an option K(˜) Kurtosis of the random variable x x ˜ L A lottery L Lagrangian m Pricing kernel M The market portfolio k M Uθ Marginal utility of agent k in state θ p Price of an arbitrary asset P Measure of Absolute Prudence q Arrow-Debreu price qb Price of risk-free discount bond, occasionally denoted prf e q Price of equity rf Rate of return on a risk-free asset Rf Gross rate of return on a risk-free asset r ˜ Rate of return on a risky asset ˜ R Gross...

Words: 166919 - Pages: 668

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...Macroeconomic Theory Macroeconomic Theory A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach Michael Wickens Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford Copyright © 2008 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 3 Market Place, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1SY All Rights Reserved ? A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library This book has been composed in Times and typeset by T&T Productions Ltd, London Printed on acid-free paper Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ∞ Contents Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 Dynamic General Equilibrium versus Traditional Macroeconomics 1.2 Traditional Macroeconomics 1.3 Dynamic General Equilibrium Macroeconomics 1.4 This Book The Centralized Economy 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Basic Dynamic General Equilibrium Closed Economy 2.3 Golden Rule Solution 2.3.1 The Steady State 2.3.2 The Dynamics of the Golden Rule 2.4 Optimal Solution 2.4.1 Derivation of the Fundamental Euler Equation 2.4.2 Interpretation of the Euler Equation 2.4.3 Intertemporal Production Possibility Frontier 2.4.4 Graphical Representation of the Solution 2.4.5 Static Equilibrium Solution 2.4.6 Dynamics of the Optimal Solution 2.4.7 Algebraic Analysis of the Saddlepath Dynamics 2.5 Real-Business-Cycle Dynamics 2.5.1 The Business Cycle 2.5.2 Permanent Technology Shocks 2.5.3 Temporary...

Words: 188884 - Pages: 756