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AP History addell Unit 1
8000 BCE-600 BCE

Environment: Humans and their environment

In Mesopotamia, new land was opened to agriculture by building and maintaining irrigation networks: canals brought water from river to field, drainage ditches carried water back to river, partial dams raised water level of river, and dikes protected against floods.

States: Building, Expansion, Conflict

Conquest gave some Mesopotamian city-states access to vital resources. Trade offered an alternative and long-distance commerce flourished.

Social Structures: Development and Transformation
The Law Code of Hammurabi, a Babylonian law code, reflects social divisions. It identifies three classes- 1) free land-owning class (royals, high-ranking officers, etc.) 2) dependent farmers and artisans 3) slaves employed for domestic service. The lower orders received the most severe punishments. Slaves were made out of POW.

Cultures: Development and Interaction

Ziggurats, a multistory, mud-brick, pyramid-shaped tower was built, yet scholars still wonder its function and symbolic meaning.

Economic Systems: Creation, Expansion, Interaction

Evidence of seagoing vessels that carried wood, metals, stone from foreign lands were exchanged with wool. cloth, barley, and vegetable oil. This trade helped boom the economy of Mesopotamia and other nearby countries such as Lebannon, Syria, Egypt, and Anatolia.

Unit 2
600 BCE-600 CE

Cultures: Development and Interaction

The Parthians, a people originally from east of the Caspian Sea, had their threshold of Central Asia and shared customs with the steppe nomads farther to the east which helped foster the Silk Road.

Economic Systems: Creation, Expansion, Interaction

During the Sasnid Empire, the Silk Road brought many new crops to Mesopotamia. Sasanid farmers pioneered in planting cotton, sugar cane, rice, etc. which were adopted from India and China. Later, these new crops would later become important consumption and trade items for the economy.

Environment: Interactions between humans and their environment

The Silk Road connected China and the Middle East across Central Asia bringing immigrants of all backgrounds together. Musicians, camel pullers, merchants, monks, and pilgrims.

States: Building, Expansion, Conflict

Trade became popular in Central Asian life, and Iranian-speaking people settled down in trading cities and surrounding villages. By 6th century, nomads spread across steppes. They spoke Turkish and lived in round huts called yurts.

Social Structures: Development and Transformation
In the late third century Iran, Christians, Jews, and Buddhists were persecuted by the Zoroastrian high priest.

Unit 3
600 CE-1450

Environment: Interactions between humans and their environment

In the Islamic world, urban growth was affecting the countryside by expanding the consumer market. Fruits, rice, and sugar cane increased in acreage. Irrigation works expanded. Coinage facilitated long-distance trade the provided links between isolated districts and pastoral nomads.

Social Structures: Development and Transformation

In Muslim lands, women seldom traveled. They mostly worked in fields and tended animals. Urban women lived in seclusion and did not leave the homes without covering themselves. Although women sometimes became literate and studies w/ relatives, they did so away from unrelated men. For women, public roles were generally barred.

States: Building, Expansion, Conflict

Arab conquests were mostly outside of Arabia. The Arab armies took over Syria and Egypt from the Byzantine Empire. Tunisia fell and became the governing center, which was organized by an Arab-led army. Sind, the southern Indus Valley, succumbed to invaders from Iraq. Muslim dominion remained stable for the next three centuries.

Economic Systems: Creation, Expansion, Interaction

During this time, Iran and Iraq had economic misfortunes that were caused by robust urbanization which had strained food sources and political fragmentation had dissipated revenues. The practice of using land grants to pay soldiers also was a part of it. When grant holders used agents to collect taxes, the agents took little interest in improving production all which weakened the agricultural base of the economy.

Cultures: Development and Interaction

The Abbasid Caliphate falls under the control of mountain warriors from the province of Daylam in northern Iran. They conquest Iran as well as Iraq. For almost two centuries these warriors held firm.
Unit 4

States: Building, Expansion, Conflict

As Ottoman Empire armies went deeper into Eastern Europe, the sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, sought to control the Mediterranean. The Ottomans fought with Venice, which was more than a trading nation-- sugar plantation, cheap slave labor, etc. For the Ottomans, fielding hundreds of men to expand or defend their frontiers ment consuming more state resources.

Social Structures: Development and Transportation

During the Safavid Empire, women seldom appeared in public, even in Istanbul's covered market or Isfahan's bazaar. At home, women's quarters were separate from the public rooms where the men had visitors. Islamic law permitted, however, that women could retain property after marriage and appear in court cases.

Cultures: Development and Interaction
During the Safavid Empire, Iran separated an Arab zone from the Persian zone. The post-Mongol period saw a burst of creativity and innovation in Iran, Afgahanistan, and Central Asia. Painted & molded tiles and tile mosaics-mostly in turquoise, became the standard decoration style in Iran.

Economic Systems: Creation, Expansion, Interaction
Tobacco became popular in the Ottoman Empire despite government prohibitions. The agricultural economy of western Anatolia, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean coast-the Ottoman lands, were most accessible to Europe--became entangled in a growing European commercial network

Environment: Interaction between humans and their environment
During this time in the Ottoman Empire, rual disorder and decline in administrative control opened the way for new economic opportunities. The port of Izmir population increased.

Unit 5
Cultures: Development and Interaction

The Ottoman Empire: In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte has an invasion into Egypt and the French quickly defeat the Mamluks forces. However, in the failed attempt to seize Syria, Bonaparte is stopped by British naval forces and Ottoman land which he then sneaks back into France and makes him emperor. In Egypt, Bonaparte’s generals tried to govern a country that they could not understand well. They agree to withdraw and the collapse of a military power gives Muhammad Ali’s a rise to power. Ali’s power coincided with the career of Bonaparte. Muhammad adopted many French practices in rebuilding the Egyptian state. Instead of relying on groups of warriors like the Mamluks, he instituted the French practice of conscription: Egyptian peasants were made into soldiers. He also established schools for training artillery and cavalry officers, and other specialists that featured many European skills and sciences.

Economic Systems: Creation, Expansion, Interaction

The Ottoman Empire: The flow of silver from the Americas increased the monetarization of sectors in the Ottoman economy; mostly in the cities. An increasing number of workers were paid in cash rather than goods, and businesses connected with banking, finance, and law developed. Competition drove women from the work force with “woman’s work” such as weaving, was seen more mechanized and done by the men.

Social Structures: Development and Transformation

Ottoman Empire: Sultan Selim III, the former ruler of the Ottoman Empire, created reforms that were driven to European-style military units, bring provincial government, and standardize taxation and land tenure. They failed to be more for political than economic reasons. Many opposed such reforms: Janissaries and Muslim religious scholars. After Sultan Selim III’s death, his cousin, Sultan Mahmud II revived the reform movement. Mahmud felt that he could not implement major changes without reducing the political power of the religious elite. He wanted to restructure the bureaucracy, educational, and the legal systems. His reforming ideas received the widest expression from the Tanzimat, a series of reforms by his son, Abdul Mejid. Public rights and political participation granted during the Tanzimat applied to men. Private life, including everything connecting to marriage and divorce remained the sphere of religious law, and there wasn’t any time for political participation or reformed education for women. These reforms decreased the influence of women. The political changes than ran parallel to economic changes narrowed women’s opportunities. However, women did retain power by management and disposal of property, through inheritance. Women got their say in distribution of property through creation of charitable trusts for their sons. This gave women of wealthy families an opportunity to gain control over property. Then in the 1820’s and 1830’s, the reforms of Mahmud II, transferred jurisdiction over charitable trusts from religious courts to the state and ended women’s control of property. Reforms in military, higher education, professions, and commerce bypassed women.

States: Building, Expansion, Conflict
Around the 1850’s the Russian Empire tried to expand southward to exploit Ottoman weakness and acquire the Mediterranean Sea. When Muhammad Ali’s Egyptian army invaded Syria, Russia signed a support treaty of the Ottomans. This set the stage for dispute and resulted in war. In 1852, the sultan bowed down to British and French pressure and named France, ‘Protector of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem’ which made Russia protest. The sultan stood firm which in response made Russia invade Ottoman territories. Between 1853 and 1856, the Crimean War occurred with Britain, France, and Italian kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont sided with the Ottomans. An alliance among Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire blocked further Russian expansion into eastern Europe and the Middle East. This gave Britain and France a means of checking each other’s colonial ambitions in the Middle East and was entitled to take Ottoman territory for its exclusive use.

Environment: Interaction between humans and Environment
Egypt was influenced by European ideas since the French invasion in 1798. They began to industrialize. The force was led by Muhammad Ali. He wanted to build up Egyptian economy and military so that they could be less dependent on Ottoman sultan. To do so, he imported advisors and technicians from Europe and built cotton mills, foundries, shipyards, weapon factories, and other industrial enterprises.

Unit 6
Social Structures: Development and Transformation

Mustafa Kemal, former of central gvt. of Anatolia, tried to make Turkey westernized: women received civil equality-right to vote, and be elected to national assembly. He changed traditions: strongly discouraged women to veil their faces, and replace the fez (traditional Turkish men's hat) with European brimmed hat.

States: Building, Expansion, Conflict

During the 1900s, the Ottoman Empire began to weaken and was losing many provinces that were situated closed to Europe—Macedonia rebelled, Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia, Crete merged with Greece, Albania became independent, Italy conquered Libya (Ottomans’ last hold in Africa). Also during this time, European powers controlled many affairs of the Ottoman Empire: finances, taxes, railroads, mines, and public utilities. Slowly, European countries were expanding and taking over Ottoman Empire lands. At Paris Peace Conference, France, Britain, Italy, and Japan proposed to divide the Ottoman Empire territories among themselves. They compromised of the mandate system which would let the rulers administer the territories, but would be accountable to the League of Nations for "the material and moral well-being and social progress of the inhabitants."

Cultures: Development and Interaction

Mustafa Kemal, a hero of the Gallipoli campaign & former of nationalist gvt. in Anatolia, wanted to bring Turkey closer to Europe as quick as possible. He abolished sultanate, and introduced European laws. In a break w/ Islamic tradition, he suppressed Muslim courts, schools, & religious order. He also replaced the Arabic alphabet w/ Latin.

Environment: Interactions between humans and their environment

The shock of oil in the Middle East faced rising demands. So oil-producing states formed OPEC (organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) to promote their collective interest in higher revenues. The use of oil as weapons disturbed the worldwide oil industries.

Economic Systems: Creation, Expansion, Interaction

Oil prices began to increase caused by rising demands. This increase boosted the national incomes of major producing countries--Russia, Iran, and Saudia Arabia.

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