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Latino Artistic Expression

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Influence of Artistic Expression in the Hispanic Community.
Art is not just a picture on a wall or in a museum, art comes in many forms. Throughout history, it has always been the case that art has the power to change society, especially when new media are used to express an idea. You can perceive the art in many ways. However, in many other ways, the creator's expression of ideas and feeling may influence the spectator. Frequently, art in the Hispanic community is highly influenced by the artists’ feelings towards the socio-political concerns and aspirations. Consequently, artist of Hispanic Heritage all over the world using art as an expression of their thoughts and feelings towards their surroundings. Therefore, artistic expression is considered …show more content…
However, Galvanized by the times in which they lived, Latino artists became masters of socially engaged art, challenging prevailing notions of American identity and affirming the mixed indigenous, African, and European heritage of Latino communities. Accordingly, many reinvigorated murals and graphic traditions in an effort to reach ordinary people where they lived and worked. Under those circumstances, the movement towards civil rights featured energizing genres like history painting or creating activist posters or works that penetrate bicultural experiences. Latino artists, indeed, shaped and chronicled a turning point in American history.
Fortunately, art in the Latino community influenced to the point of inspiring movement and even styles of art and expression. Among these styles was the Spanish Cubism, known as a reaction to traditional modes of representation, characterized by single viewpoint perspective. Namely, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque abandoned this premise, thereby introducing the fourth dimension (time) in painting. Furthermore, the style was characterized by its use of geometric shapes, interlocking planes and austere color

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