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Leadership and Intelligence Response


Submitted By devonbloodsworth
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Leadership and Intelligence Response Devon J. Bloodsworth College of Charleston October 9, 2014

I agree with the article’s statement that leadership is a much more organic process than simple IQ scores (Clawson, James G. and Bevan, Greg, 1). Relying on “recipes” and “steps” and disregarding other factors such as inter-personal skills and other intangibles is an ineffective and haphazard way to determine good leaders, managers, etc. Someone with excellent rational intelligence and a low level of emotional intelligence does not fit every criteria of a well-rounded leader and in certain situations is not the ideal person for the job as discussed in the Contingency Theory. I also agree with the article that emotions are very powerful and can even trap someone and keep them from performing at their peak, which is why in order to be the most effective leader an individual has to reach their full potential in both their rational and emotional intelligence (Clawson et al., 6). A person who is in control of their emotions is more likely to make rational and carefully considered decisions. However, I disagree with the authors’ argument that emotional skill limits can be surpassed as opposed to IQ which is pretty much concrete. Your emotional intelligence, like your rational intelligence and physical abilities, do have an eventual peak that can be reached and once it has peaked there is little one can realistically do to surpass that. Our biological and genetic traits coupled with our environment and our life experiences have a joint impact on the maximum level of intelligence we can obtain, leaving us with the ability to reach our limits but ultimately unable to significantly pass them. Overall I agree with the majority of the arguments made within the article and have a slight disagreement with the argument presented towards

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