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Leadership by John Maxwell


Submitted By iammemarge31
Words 922
Pages 4
The Five Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell
Posted: November 26, 2013 in 4-H, Leadership Development, Youth Development
I’ve been traveling outside the United States lately – to both Europe and Asia. Just this week I spoke to over 700 leaders for a gathering in Bahrain. And I delivered5 Levels of Leadership one of my favorite lessons: The 5 Levels of Leadership.

I came up with the idea of five distinct levels of leadership many years ago, and first described the concept in a book in Developing the Leader Within You. And in 2011, I devoted an entire book, The 5 Levels of Leadership, to exploring the levels – their upsides, downsides, the best behaviors for that level, the beliefs that help a leader move up to the next level, and how the level relates to the Laws of Leadership.

Level 1: Position

This is the lowest level of leadership—the entry level. People who make it only to Level 1 may be bosses, but they are never leaders. They have subordinates, not team members. They rely on rules, regulations, policies, and organization charts to control their people. Their people will only follow them within the stated boundaries of their authority.

Position is the only level that does not require ability and effort to achieve. Anyone can be appointed to a position. This means that position is a fine starting point, but every leader should aspire to grow beyond Level 1.

Level 2 – Permission

Making the shift from Position to Permission brings a person’s first real step into leadership. Leadership is influence, and when a leader learns to function on the Permission level, everything changes. People do more than merely comply with orders. They actually start to follow. And they do so because they really want to. Why? Because the leader begins to influence people with relationship, not just position.

When people feel liked, cared for, included, valued,

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