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Leadership on Church


Submitted By solomon4christ
Words 2946
Pages 12

Moses-Jethro Leadership Style: A Concept for Church Leadership

Submitted to
Rev’d (Mrs.) Adebayo M.O
In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the course RED
Leadership Principle, Recruitment and Training [RED 287]

Matric number 2014/1078

April, 2016.

Agbowa, Lagos.









Leadership style has been shown to be a major factor in the effectiveness of the organization, and different leadership styles are sometimes more effective in different situations. “Leadership is a relationship- a relationship in which one person seeks to influence the thoughts, behaviors, beliefs or values of another person.” That is, from the experience one person who is interested in passing it to another person, to change his entire being and give him another orientation in formal way or informal. Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard define leadership as “any attempt to influence the behavior of an individual or group”
JETHRO: - Jethro, also called Reuel (Exod. 2:16-18; Num. 10:29), was “the priest of Midian” (Exod. 2:16). We first encounter Jethro when Moses rescued his seven daughters from the rough treatment of other shepherds at a well and helped them water their flocks. Moses later became son-in-law to Jethro.
MOSES: - Deliverer of Israel from Egypt, law-giver, servant of God; “draw out” of the Nile, raised in Pharaoh’s house (Exodus 2:1-10)
LEADERSHIP: - “The state or position of being a leader” leadership in this context involves the task of a leader in leading, guiding, directing and influencing those who work with him or her. He or she exercises

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