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Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Learning

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There are three types of learning styles, which are visual, auditory, kinesthetic. My primary learning style would be a visual learner. Being a visualize learner means that you memorize and recall various information, learn better in lectures, and use visual objects.
For example, I am able to study my notes for an exam and visualize the notes when its time to take the test. When my professor has a lecture in class, I lock the information in my mind. In my opinion, being a visual learner comes at an advantage over others that are not a visual learner. Being a visual learner can benefit you in numerous ways. But, at times I see myself as a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner. I can read and retain information, able to concentrate when

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...VARK Learning Style Grand Canyon University December 16, 2012 What does VARK stand for? The acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic sensory modalities that help an individual discover their own learning preference. Neil Fleming and Mills created the VARK learning system in 1992, which includes questionnaire that allow people to choose multiple answers and assessment tool will evaluate the person best learning skills (Neil Fleming). Why is it important for an individual to understand their own learning style? Understanding and knowing learning style can help student be more effective, perform better on tests, learn information quickly and mostly likely to be successful. Various learners prefer various methods of learning, some prefer visual learning, while some choose to read textbooks and others prefer to take notes to learn. This paper will be focusing on more about preferred learning strategies and compare these strategies with identified strategies and lastly conclude with evaluating the modifications necessary for better studying habits. VARK focusses on four categories (Visual, Aural/Auditory, Read/Write and Kinesthetic) that reveal the understandings of student. Visual preferences are illustration of information in the form of diagrams, images, graph, map etc. that professor use to represent information than using words. Aural or Auditory preferences are when information is described through hearing and speaking. Read or write preferences...

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