Premium Essay

Life Before I Could Write


Submitted By jack560
Words 878
Pages 4
An Issue Of Confidence

I haven’t written in quite a while, and that was because either I got lazy or because I thought things were getting better. I’ll be honest. Nothing is getting better. For one, there is a girl I currently like. The friendship, relationship or what ever you want to call it began on the Internet, and when I see her in person, I cannot even muster the courage to talk to her. My shyness, and confidence issues really are beginning to hinder any social progress for me in this world. The thing is that she might be one of the few girls that I’ve ever liked, and I do not want to screw this up. When I’m in her vicinity, I begin to become extremely self-conscious. I think about my face, my hair, and my breath, just about everything. I only think about the negatives but not the positives. Sometimes I ask the question, how can she possibly like me at all. I don’t find my self to be handsome, and I know for a fact that she is extremely beautiful. Tomorrow her and some other people are coming to my house, and I do not want to mess up again. Should I try my best to overcome my shyness? I know that if I do start talking to her, I will scrutinize everything I say, and become extremely nervous if I think I’ve made a mistake. I don’t think I can possibly survive in the ”real world” if I do not overcome these confidence/shyness issues, because its becoming quite extreme so I’m hoping that from now on I can do something about it. I have no one to seek advice from, tomorrow will be either a coming of age for me or just another of my pathetic showings of extreme confidence issues. I think if that I could gain more confidence then I would be become a much more likeable person to be around. Time is of essence here, and I hoping tomorrow will be the first constructive day of this change. I shall write tomorrow, and we shall see if there has been any progress.


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