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Life Challenging Event


Submitted By mibana
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Life Challenging Event
Maureen Dela Cruz
November 20, 2014
Professor Joseph Trimarche

Life Challenging Event At one point in our lives, we encounter an event that changes us to be better or to be bad. Challenges that may or may not mold us to be better. This is what we call our turning point. My childhood years probably is not a typical experience or normal experience for most people. I grew up witnessing my dad ruin his life. He followed the wrong path. His responsibility of being a father to three children was forgotten. It was buried in the dark. There was not anyone or anybody I could turn to but myself. My mom was miles and miles away from me. Ocean was our distance. At age 15, I was pretty much on my own. I had to support myself financially. I had to work to be able to attend high school. It was during high school years when I felt I had hit rock bottom. I had to grow up fast. I had to become mature quickly than others. Yes, they call it public school, but public school does not mean everything comes free. I still needed money for my daily expense and projects. I can vividly remember what my father told me one evening. He tried to stop me from attending high school. According to him, going to school is a waste of time. I remember how he told me to just work and give him my paycheck to help the family. He did not believe I could make it. My heart sank upon hearing those words. I could not help but think, “What kind of father would say that to their children?” Parents are supposed to be the first one to encourage their child/children to attend high school, to push and never stop until they reach their dreams. I was devastated, sad and angry. For little while, I could not moved. I could not do anything until something snapped me out to reality. The reality is that no one will

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