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Food Webs


Robert A. McGuigan, Department of Mathematics, Westfield State

Prerequisites: The prerequisites for this chapter are basic concepts of graph theory. See Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications.

A food web is a directed graph modeling the predator-prey relationship in an ecological community. We will use this directed graph to study the question of the minimum number of parameters needed to describe ecological competition.
For this purpose we will consider how graphs can be represented as intersection graphs of families of sets.
We will also investigate the axiomatic description of measures of status in food webs.

In an ecological system, the various species of plants and animals occupy niches defined by the availability of resources. The resources might be defined in terms of factors such as temperature, moisture, degree of acidity, amounts of nutrients,


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

and so on.
These factors are subject to constraints such as temperature lying in a certain range, pH lying within certain limits, etc. The combination of all these constraints for a species then defines a region in n-dimensional Euclidean space, where n is the number of factors. We can call this region the ecological niche of the species in question.
For example, suppose we restrict ourselves to three factors, such as temperature, nutrients, and pH. Assume that the temperature must be between t1 and t2 degrees, the amount of nutrients between n1 and n2 and the pH between a1 and a2 . Then the ecological niche these define occupies the region of
3-dimensional Euclidean space shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

An ecological niche.

Euclidean space which has as dimensions the various factors of temperature, pH, etc., is called an ecological phase space. Generally, no two distinct species will have the same ecological niche in phase space; however, two species compete if their ecological niches have non-empty intersection. A basic principle of ecology, known as the principle of competitive exclusion, dictates that species whose niches are too similar, or overlap too much, cannot coexist.
If the factors defining the niche are independent, then the niche in phase space would be a box such as that in Figure 1. If the factors are not independent,
i.e. the level of one depends on levels of others, then the niche would be some other type of set, e.g. convex, but not a box.
For example, consider the two factors temperature (t) and per cent humidity (h). We might have constraints such as: t must be between 0 and 100, and h must be between 0 and 100t − t2 . In this case temperature and humidity are not independent; the possible values of h depend on the values of t. The region in two-dimensional space defined by these constraints is not a rectangle.
Our discussion of ecological communities and related concepts such as

Chapter 13

Food Webs


species, food webs, and competition will be somewhat oversimplified in order to make a brief presentation possible. Interested readers should consult reference [1] for an in-depth treatment of these topics. Our mathematical treatment follows that of reference [6].

Food Webs
It may be difficult to know all the factors which determine an ecological niche, and some factors may be relatively unimportant. Hence it is useful to start with the concept of competition and try to find the minimum number of dimensions necessary for a phase space in which competition can be represented by niche overlap. One approach to this question is to consider the notion of the food web of an ecological community.
Definition 1
A food web of an ecological community is a directed graph with a vertex for each species in the community and a directed edge from the vertex representing species A to the vertex representing species B if and only if A preys on B.
Figure 2 shows a simple food web for a community of seven species: robin, fox, grasshopper, raccoon, salamander, milksnake, and toad.

Figure 2.

A simple food web.

We can define competition using the food web. Two species compete if and only if they have a common prey. Thus, in the example of Figure 2, raccoon and fox compete (since robin is a common prey), milksnake and raccoon compete,


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

while salamander and robin do not compete. We use this competition relation to define a graph called the competition graph.

Definition 2
The competition graph of a food web is a simple graph with a vertex for each species. Two vertices are joined by an (undirected) edge if and only if the species they represent have a common prey.

Example 1

Find the competition graph for the food web of Figure 2.
The competition graph for this food web is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.

A competition graph.

To represent the competition relation in phase space we want to assign to each vertex of the competition graph a subset of Euclidean space of some dimension in such a way that two vertices are joined by an edge in the competition graph if and only if the sets assigned to these vertices have non-empty intersection. Figure 4 shows a representation of the competition graph of Figure 3, using an interval for each vertex. We have thus represented the competition graph using only one dimension.

Figure 4.

Interval representation of a competition graph.

We can now state a general mathematical problem, but first we need to develop some terminology.

Chapter 13

Food Webs


Definition 3
A graph is an intersection graph for a family of sets if each vertex is assigned a set in such a way that two vertices are joined by an edge if and only if the corresponding sets have non-empty intersection.

Definition 4
A graph is called an interval graph if it is the intersection graph for a family of closed intervals.

Our goal is the representation of competition graphs of families of sets in Euclidean n-space. Clearly the simplest case would be that of competition graphs that are interval graphs. This would mean that only one ecological factor is necessary to describe niche overlap.

Example 2
Find the interval graph for the family of closed intervals A =
[1, 3], B = [2, 6], C = [5, 8], D = [4, 5].
Figure 5.

We use the definition of intersection graph to obtain the graph of

Figure 5.
Example 3 graph. An intersection graph.

Prove that the 4-cycle graph C4 of Figure 6 is not an interval

Solution: The proof depends on the order properties of the real numbers. Let the interval corresponding to vertex n be [nl , nr ]. Since the intervals for vertices
1 and 2 overlap, we must have either 1l ≤ 2l ≤ 1r ≤ 2r or 2l ≤ 1l ≤ 2r ≤ 1r ,
Assume for specificity that 1l ≤ 2l ≤ 1r ≤ 2r . The argument for the other case is analogous.
Since the interval for vertex 3 must meet that for vertex 2 and must not meet that for vertex 1, we must have 1l ≤ 2l ≤ 1r < 3l ≤ 2r . Now the interval for vertex 4 must meet those for both vertices 1 and 3, so we have to have
1l ≤ 4l ≤ 1r and 3l ≤ 4r ≤ 3r since interval 1 lies entirely to the left of interval
3. However, since 2l ≤ 1r < 3l ≤ 2r , the intervals for vertices 2 and 4 overlap, which is forbidden.


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

Figure 6.

A graph that is not an interval graph.

The 4-cycle can, however, be represented as the intersection graph of a family of boxes in Euclidean 2-space, as shown in Figure 7.
There are several methods known for determining whether a simple graph is an interval graph. A detailed discussion of this topic may be found in Roberts’ book [6]. We simply state the characterization due to Gilmore and Hoffman
[3] without proof. Before the characterization can be stated, we need some definitions. Figure 7.

A box representation.

Definition 5
A graph H is a generated subgraph of a graph G if the vertices of H are a subset of the vertices of G and vertices in H are adjacent in H if and only if they are adjacent in G.

Definition 6
The complement of a graph G is the graph G where the vertices of G are the vertices of G, and two vertices in G are adjacent if and only if they are not adjacent in G.

Definition 7
An orientation of a graph G is an assignment of a direction to each edge in G (which makes G into a directed graph).
An orientation is transitive if whenever (u, v) and (v, w) are directed edges, then (u, w) is a directed edge.

Chapter 13

Food Webs


The characterization due to Gilmore and Hoffman is given by the following theorem. Theorem 1
A graph G is an interval graph if and only if it satisfies the following two conditions:
(i) The four-cycle C4 is not a generated subgraph of G,
(ii) The complement of G is transitively orientable.
Our goal in our study of ecological competition is the representation of niches in Euclidean space and competition by niche overlap. It seems desirable in an ideal representation that the factors determining the dimension of the ecological phase space would be independent and the niches would be represented as “boxes”, or Cartesian products of intervals. This leads us to the next part of this discussion, namely, when can we represent a graph as the intersection graph of a family of boxes in n-space.

Definition 8
The boxicity of a graph G is the smallest n such that G is the intersection graph of a family of boxes in Euclidean n-space.
Note that an interval graph is simply a graph with boxicity equal to 1.
It is not entirely clear that every simple graph has a boxicity. The following theorem resolves this difficulty.
Theorem 2
Every graph G with n vertices is the intersection graph of a family of boxes in Euclidean n-space.
Proof: Let v1 , v2 , . . . , vn be the vertices of G. A box in Euclidean n-dimensional space is the set of all n-tuples of real numbers (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) such that each xi is in some closed interval Ii . Now, for each k = 1 . . . , n and each vertex vi , define closed intervals Ik (vi ) as follows.

⎪ [0, 1] if i = k

Ik (vi ) = [1, 2] if i = k and {vi , vk } is an edge in G

[2, 3] if i = k and {vi , vk } is not an edge in G.
For each vertex vi define a box B(vi ) in Euclidean n-space by
B(vi ) = {(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) | xj ∈ Ij (vi ) for j = 1, . . . , n}.


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

Thus, the box B(vi ) corresponding to vi is the Cartesian product of the intervals
Ij (vi ) for j = 1, . . . , n.
Now we show that vi and vj are adjacent in G if and only if B(vi )∩B(vj ) =
∅. Thus the graph G is the intersection graph of the family of boxes B(vi ). First, suppose that there is an edge joining vl and vm . If k is different from both l and m, then according to the definition, Ik (vl ) ∩ Ik (vm ) is [1, 2] ∩ [1, 2], [1, 2] ∩ [2, 3], or [2, 3] ∩ [2, 3]. In any case we have Ik (vl ) ∩ Ik (vm ) = ∅. If k=l or k=m then
Ik (vl ) ∩ Ik (vm ) = [1, 2] ∩ [0, 1] = ∅. So, if there is an edge joining ve and vm , then for all k, Ik (vl ) ∩ Ik (vm ) = ∅. Hence B(vl ) ∩ B(vm ) = ∅.
Now suppose that B(vl ) ∩ B(vm ) = ∅. Then for each k from l to n, Ik (vl ) ∩
Ik (vm ) = ∅. Set k = l then Il (vl ) = [0, 1] and Il (vm ) must be [1, 2] for the intersection to be nonempty. By definition of Il (vm ), vl and vm are adjacent.
Thus G is the intersection graph of the family of boxes B(vi ).

This theorem shows that boxicity is well-defined. Unfortunately, there is no efficient algorithm known for determining the boxicity of a general graph.
There is no characterization known for graphs of any specific boxicity other than 1.
In fact, there are not many general classes of graphs for which the boxicity is known. It is not hard to see that the boxicity of the n-cycle Cn is 2 for n = 4 or larger, and this is left as Exercise 6. Another general class of graphs for which the boxicity is known is the complete p-partite graphs. These are the graphs
Kn1 ,n2 ,...,np defined as follows: there are n1 + · · · + np vertices partitioned into p classes, where the ith class has ni vertices. Within a class no vertices are adjacent, and every vertex in any class is adjacent to all vertices in the other classes. Roberts [6] showed that the boxicity of Kn1 ,...,np is equal to the number of ni that are larger than 1.
One result which helps somewhat in calculating the boxicity of a graph is due to Gabai [2]. This theorem depends on the concept of independence of a set of edges.

Definition 9 in common.

A set of edges in a graph is independent if they have no vertices

Gabai’s theorem [2] is the following, stated without proof.
Theorem 3
Let G be a simple graph. If the maximum size of an independent set of edges of G is k, then G has boxicity less than or equal to k. Also, if G has a generated subgraph consisting of k independent edges then the boxicity of G is greater than or equal to k.

Chapter 13

Food Webs


Gabai’s theorem is useful in determining the boxicity of relatively small graphs and for certain families. In any case it limits the amount of trial and error needed.
In our study of competition we search for the representation of the competition graph of a food web as the intersection graph of a family of sets in
Euclidean n-space for some n. As a consequence of the theorem proved above, this representation is always possible. Furthermore, we can use the boxicity of the competition graph as an indicator of the minimum number of factors essential for describing competition in the community. Cohen [1] has studied more than 30 single-habitat food webs published in the ecological literature and has found that the competition graphs of all of them are interval graphs. That is, in all cases one dimension suffices to represent competition by niche overlap.
It is not known whether this is a general law of ecology, but it does raise many interesting questions. In some single-habitat communities a single dimension for the niche space can be identified. It may be some obviously linear factor such as temperature, body length or depth in water. However, it may well be that more than one single dimension will work. And, of course, we can’t expect the single-niche dimension to be the same from community to community.
Hypothetical food webs have been constructed such that their competition graphs are not interval graphs, but these combinations of species have never been observed in nature at the same time and place.
The representation of graphs as intersection graphs of boxes has important applications in ecology, as we have seen. Applications to such diverse fields as archaeology and automobile traffic control have also been investigated (see reference [6]). We conclude with an additional application of food webs.

Trophic Status
In the study of social systems it is often useful to measure the status of an individual in an organization. Harary [4] first introduced the idea of measuring the status of a species in a food web. In ecology this status is usually called the trophic level and is helpful in assessing the complexity and diversity of a web.
The idea is that a web with many species at each trophic level has a high degree of complexity. In ecology it is generally thought that more complex ecosystems are more stable. In this section we study the question of how trophic status can be defined in a food web.
If the food web is simply a directed path (a food chain) then it is easy to define trophic status; just follow the order of the species in the chain. Some other structures also allow for an easy definition of trophic status. For example, we might think of species with no outgoing edges as being at the bottom of the web. Suppose that for every vertex, all directed paths to vertices at the bottom have the same length. Examples of such webs are given in Figure 8.


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

Figure 8.

Graphs of two food webs.

In this kind of web, the trophic status of a vertex can be defined as the length of a directed path from the vertex to the bottom.
In general it is difficult to define trophic status in complicated food webs.
Because more than one approach may be possible, we will use the term trophic status in this context rather than the term trophic level which is well-known in the context of food chains. Our goal is to investigate how trophic status could be measured rather than to develop a unique possibility.
To start, we need some basic assumptions about food webs. In particular, we assume that our food web is acyclic, i.e. that the directed graph has no cycles. Thus, there are no species s1 , . . . , sn such that for i = 1, . . . , n − 1, si preys on si+1 and sn preys on s1 . In particular there are no two species such that each preys on the other. Thus, the prey relationship is asymmetric.
We will take an axiomatic approach to defining measures of trophic status.
That is, we will state conditions which any reasonable measure should satisfy in the form of axioms. A measure will then be acceptable if and only if it satisfies the axioms. The axioms will define an ideal model for the concept of measure of trophic status. Our approach will follow that of Harary [4] and Kemeny and Snell [5], who work with status in an organization, and the treatment in
Roberts [6], which is more detailed.

Definition 10
In a food web a species v is a direct prey of a species u if there is a directed edge from u to v. A species v is an indirect prey of u if there is a directed path from u to v.
It could well happen that there are two species u and v neither of which is an indirect prey of the other.
Definition 11
If v is a direct or indirect prey of u, then the level of v relative to u is the length of the shortest directed path from u to v.

Chapter 13

Food Webs


We can now state some reasonable axioms for measures of trophic status.
Let tW (u) be the measure of status in the food web W . The axioms are:
Axiom 1: If a species u has no prey then tW (u) = 0.
Axiom 2: If, without otherwise changing the food web, we add a new vertex which is a direct prey of u to get a new web W , then tW (u) > tW (u).
Axiom 3: Suppose the web W is changed by adding edges and/or vertices in such a way that the level of some direct or indirect prey of u is increased, and no direct or indirect prey of u has its level relative to u decreased. If W is the new web, then tW (u) > tW (u).
These axioms make sense intuitively when we consider that we are saying that a species with no prey is at the bottom level (Axiom 1), that if the number of prey of a species increases its status increases (Axiom 2), and that the status of a species increases if its level relative to some indirect prey is increased (Axiom 3).
There is a measure of status which satisfies the axioms. Harary [4] suggested the following definition.
Definition 12 k, then

If a species u has nk species at level k relative to u for each

hW (u) =

knk . k Theorem 4

The measure hW (u) satisfies Axioms 1-3.

Proof: If u has no prey, then hW (u) = 0 because all the nk = 0.
If we add a direct prey for u, then n1 increases by 1, so the sum defining hW (u) also increases.
Likewise, if some direct or indirect prey of u at level k relative to u is moved to level k + n below u and no other direct or indirect prey of u has its level decreased, the sum for h increases by at least kn, verifying Axiom 3.
Kemeny and Snell [5] also show that if tW is any other measure of trophic status satisfying Axioms 1–3 and having all its values nonnegative, then for all species u, tW (u) ≥ hW (u). Thus, h is in a sense a minimal measure of trophic status. While h satisfies our axioms it fails to have other desirable properties. For example, it seems reasonable that if tW is a measure of trophic status and v is a direct or indirect prey of u, then tW (u) ≥ tW (v).


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

The measure h does not have this property. Figure 9 shows an example of an acyclic food web W with two vertices u and v for which v is a direct prey of u but hW (v) > hW (u).

Figure 9.

An acyclic food web.

In this example, hW (u) = 6 and hW (v) = 8.
The problem we have found can be avoided if we modify our definition of level of one species relative to another: If v is a direct or indirect prey of u, then the level of v relative to u is the length of the longest directed path from u to v.
It is not hard to show that if h is defined by the same formula as before, but using the new definition of level, then h satisfies Axioms 1–3 as well as having the property that any species has higher status than any of its direct or indirect prey (see reference [5]). The problem we encountered here demonstrates one of the difficulties with the axiomatic approach. Our problem lay in the definition of level and this would not show up in any consideration of the reasonableness of the axioms. Ideally, all of the terms used in specifying the axioms should either be left undefined or else be checked for “reasonableness”, just as the axioms themselves are. In this light we would also have to examine the new definition of level.
Without referring to the notion of relative level in a food web, perhaps the only requirement we can state for a measure of trophic status is that if there is a directed path from u to v, then tW (u) ≥ tW (v).
There are other ways to investigate complexity of food webs and relative importance of species in food webs. General methods of measuring complexity in graphs can be applied to competition graphs and food webs. For example, such ideas as the number of edges divided by the number of vertices, and the average out-degree and average in-degree might be useful. The importance, or criticality, of a species in a food web could be studied by investigating what happens to the web when the species is deleted from the web. For example, if the web is disconnected when a species is removed that would indicated a high level of importance. More information on these questions can be found in [6].

Chapter 13

Food Webs


Suggested Readings
1. J. Cohen, Food Webs and Niche Space, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1978.
2. H. Gabai, “N -dimensional Interval Graphs”, mimeographed, York College,
C.U.N.Y., New York, 1974.
3. P. Gilmore and A. Hoffman, “A Characterization of Comparability Graphs and Interval Graphs”, Canadian J. Math., Vol. 16, 1964, pp. 539–548.
4. F. Harary, “Status and Contrastatus”, Sociometry, Vol. 22, 1959, pp. 23–
5. J. Kemeny and J. Snell, Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences, MIT
Press, Cambridge, MA, 1972.
6. F. Roberts, Discrete Mathematical Models with Applications to Social, Biological, and Environmental Problems, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River,
N.J., 1976.

1. Find the ecological niche in Euclidean space of the appropriate dimensions in each case.
a) Temperature between 10o F and 90o F ; nitrate concentration in soil between 1% and 5%.
b) Carbon monoxide in atmosphere between 0% and 1%; relative humidity between 20% and 100%; nitrogen gas content in atmosphere between
15% and 20%.
2. Find the competition graph for the given food webs in each case:


Applications of Discrete Mathematics

3. Find a representation for each graph as the intersection graph of a family of rectangles in the plane.

4. Find a representation for each graph as the intersection graph of a family of intervals on the line.


5. Show that if a graph G is an interval graph then it satisfies the conditions of the theorem of Gilmore and Hoffman characterizing interval graphs. Hint:
For an interval representation let I(v) be the interval assigned to the vertex v. If u and v are adjacent in G, make the orientation (u, v) if and only if I(u) lies entirely to the left of I(v).
6. Show that if Cn is the cycle of length n, then the boxicity of Cn is 1 for n = 3 and 2 for n ≥ 4.
7. According to Roberts’ result quoted in the text, the boxicity of the complete bipartite graph K(3, 3) is 2. Find a representation of K(3, 3) as the intersection graph of a family of boxes in the plane.
8. Let Q3 be the graph formed by the edges and corners of a cube in Euclidean three space. Is Q3 an interval graph? Why? Determine the boxicity of Q3 .
9. A food web for some species in the Strait of Georgia, B.C. ([1], page 165) is given by the following table. The numbers atop columns indicate predator
(consuming) species and those at the left of rows indicate prey (consumed) species. An entry 1 indicates that the predator in that column consumes the prey for that row, an entry 0 that it does not. The key identifies the various species.

Chapter 13




4 5





Food Webs





Juvenile pink salmon
P. minutus
Calanus and Euphausiid furcilia
Euphausiid eggs
Chaetoceros socialis and debilis mu-flagellates a) Construct a directed graph for this food web.
b) Construct the competition graph for this food web.
c) Find a set of intervals on the real line such that the graph of part b) is the intersection graph of this family of intervals.
10. Repeat Exercise 9 for the following food web for a community of pine feeders
[1], p.148.

2 3



6 7


9 10











Caterpillars, moths
Aphids, secretion
Digger wasps

11. Give an example of a food web which has two species, neither of which is a direct or indirect prey of the other.
12. In the section on trophic status two different definitions of relative level were given and two corresponding versions of the measure of trophic status hW were also given. Calculate the trophic status of each vertex in each of the following food webs using both versions of h.


Applications of Discrete Mathematics



13. If the only requirement we make for a measure of trophic status tW is that if there is a directed path from u to v then tW (u) > tW (v), show that every acyclic food web has such a measure of trophic status.
14. (Roberts [6]) If relative level is measured using the length of the shortest directed path (our first definition), a plausible measure of trophic status is tW (u) =

hW (v), v where the sum is taken over all vertices v for which there is a directed path from u to v. Show that this possible measure has the property that if there is a directed path from u to v, then tW (u) ≥ tW (v). Which of the
Axioms 1–3 does this measure satisfy?
15. In our discussion of trophic status we assumed that the food web was acyclic. How restrictive is this assumption? Can you think of two species each of which could have the other as prey?

Computer Projects
1. Write a program to calculate trophic status in acyclic food webs.
2. Write a program to calculate the adjacency matrix for the intersection graph of a family of intervals given as pairs (a, b) of their endpoints.

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...Luis Buñuel has once again created a surrealist piece to quickly grab the viewer's attention. The Phantom of Liberty is like a continuous triathlon without a finish line, but does not leave the audience exhausted after a number of events. Each story is effortlessly tied to the next like a different course in a triathlon, and is logical because as said by Roger Ebert, “[Buñuel’s] editing makes everything seem to follow with inevitable logic,” (Ebert). Buñuel was attempting to make the viewer believe the stories interlaced with each other by prompting other characters to appear on screen and connect the character’s lives together. The preconditioned idea humans created to believe in a resolution at the end of film is disregarded after an abundance...

Words: 354 - Pages: 2

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...On the world of fashion designing Haute couture (High Sewing) represents top fine garments whereas Ready-to-Wear is made for the masses. Couture clothing is made from more luxurious fabrics which further drives up the price of a finished garment. The most expensive Haute couture involves expensive and very high labor such as beading and embroidery. It is usually custom made to a specific client. A client can choose from a couture collection presented by a designer, or can commission a one-of-a-kind piece, such as a gown for the red carpet or a wedding dress. Some of the couture gowns are made month after month with more than 7 sewers hand sewn or even hand painted the whole dress. That is why the couture dresses are so expensive. An evening dress can cost thousands of dollars and a suit not much less. Most of the clients are celebrities or very rich people. Christian Dior is an example of Haute Couture brand who dresses Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Middleton wears Alexander McQueen garments. Moreover ready-to-wear refers to clothing intended to be worn without significant alteration. Traditionally, they are made for ordinary people who can pay less. These collections are made to satisfy masses. Production is more rapid than couture. Some of the designs have special detail and beautiful prints that make them popular. Everyone can buy this type of clothes. Typically this clothing is manufactured using factory equipment and distributed to department stores. For instance Macys a retail...

Words: 303 - Pages: 2

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...Meliton cruz Professor Riedel STACC English 100 13 November 2013 RD Essay 3(Theme “Curtis Martindale”) In the book “Southland” by Nina Revoyr tells us about Jackie Ishida, a young Japanese American law student, has recently lost her grandfather, Frank Sakai. At the complex where Aunt Lois lived, there is discussion of an old will that leaves the store her grandfather owned for years to a strange man called Curtis Martindale. Neither one of them have ever heard of him. The mystery begins, although Jackie disagrees with this will, she later agree to try and find out about this man. Argue WHY HE LEFT The Store To CurTis!!!! -----Curtis was his son ---- This issue starts after Frank Sakai dies, which was a surprise for his daughter and granddaughter because he was an active and healthy man. Lois than finds a box in Frank’s closet full of papers, old pictures and articles but then she finds another box that had the name of store marked on it. That box was full of money, it was about $38,000, and they got shocked because they had never seen that much money in their lives. This is where the problem starts because they find a paper that they think was Frank’s will. Needs supporting details and concluding paragraphs The will of Frank surprises them because the store that owned Frank was left to this man called Curtis Martindele. “Wait. You think the money should go to–” She looked down the paper again. “–Curtis Martindale? Who is Cutis Martindale, anyway?” (Pg. 26) Jackie...

Words: 489 - Pages: 2

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Luis Cardenas

...Luis Cardenas’ Career Possibilities Have you ever been given the chance to pick between a job that will keep you financially set for life or a job that will satisfy you as a career and as a passion? Luis had a passion for teaching ever since he was in high school teaching crafts to 10 year old kids. “He decided to go into teaching nine years ago, between his sophomore and junior years in high school”(Integ, pg 64). Luis was raised in the largest city of the state, where he has deep roots with friends and family. For half a year he had felt like a slave as a paralegal in a large law firm, and another half year as a junior executive has only made him realize his desire to become a teacher. Finally after completing his B.A and receiving his teaching credentials, he decided to apply for a part time substitute teaching position until something came up. Soon because of the many retirements and the good impression he had earned with the school where he worked, they offered him a full-time teaching job. However, Sunset National Bank, a place where he applied, is offering him a job over 15 other candidates, “Sunset National Bank has chosen him over 15 other candidates for the trainee position because of his excellent academic background, fine references from his previous jobs, and outstanding interview” (Integ pg, 64) . This opportunity would give him a slighter better paying salary, starting at $38,000 a year. In addition to his pay at the bank, where he’ll be promoted to loan...

Words: 1638 - Pages: 7

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Luis Cardenas - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » English and Literature Luis Cardenas In: English and Literature Luis Cardenas Luis Cardenas’ Career Possibilities Have you ever been given the chance to pick between a job that will keep you financially set for life or a job that will satisfy you as a career and as a passion? Luis had a passion for teaching ever since he was in high school teaching crafts to 10 year old kids. “He decided to go into teaching nine years ago, between his sophomore and junior years in high school”(Integ, pg 64). Luis was raised in the largest city of the state, where he has deep roots with friends and family. For half a year he had felt like a slave as a paralegal in a large law firm, and another half year as a junior executive has only made him realize his desire to become a teacher. Finally after completing his B.A and receiving his teaching credentials, he decided to apply for a part time substitute teaching position until something came up. Soon because of the many retirements and the good impression he had earned with the school where he worked, they offered him a full-time teaching job. However, Sunset National Bank, a place where he applied, is offering him a job over 15 other candidates, “Sunset National Bank has chosen him over 15 other candidates for the trainee position because of his excellent academic...

Words: 390 - Pages: 2

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...waste of 47 minutes that won’t be given back, but the actuality is most poets write in hopes that the individual will interpret their own meaning using their imagination. That’s what makes poetry so fun! Jean Cocteau made it clear, at the beginning of the film, his display of the filming equipment in the background is a clear indication that he was attempting to express himself on screen. Jean was the first poet to do this. One scene that stood out was the young boy at the end lying down in blood, yet was completely ignored. As in all of his scenes it showed the despair and depression throughout the movie. I can only imagine this was a time the French were also experiencing those same emotions with their country. Der Andalusische Hund by Luis Bunuel This movie took a lot of research to understand what some of the scenes meant. Research on it was quite hard because majority of it was not in English. Here’s what I did find though. The two scenes with the ants in the palms, meant he was “itching to kill” the woman. Where I am lost is what does the scene mean when he has her cornered, yet he turns away to pull the piano, dead donkey and ten commandments towards her? I can only guess that the ten commandments was in reference to “thy shall not kill?” In any case this movie was very disturbing. From the eye being split by a razor in the beginning to the man almost looking like zombie while he is groping her. This short film was more suspenseful and left a lot of unexplained questions...

Words: 350 - Pages: 2

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Knowing Your Audience

...were any survivors in the trapped hole. When the media came out and broadcasted the news, all of that was reported was havoc and chaos leaving the whole world wondering and assuming the worse for 17 days. The Minera San Esteban Primera Company next step was to coordinate a rescue, and how they were going to address the families of the 33 trapped workers. The Minera San Esteban Primera Company amazing impressed and inspired Chili with their rescue mission. The rescue that had the miners trapped for a few months in a narrow shaft that was a half of mile deep was successful. The rescue took almost a full day to accomplish once communication was established. Moreover, with the quick training and coordination of Luis Urzua is which helped the miners survived. Luis Urzua was the last member to come out of the hole. Chili has unstable mines, because of their frequent earthquakes. Therefore, with the impressive techniques and resources, Codelco, which is as state owned mining company, started drilling exploratory holes, eight to be exact. On the seventeenth day, one of the exploratory holes, where drilling was in process, they found a note attached to a drill bit. The note read "Estamos bien en el refugio, los 33" (English: "We are well in the shelter, the 33 of us"). This note had the whole nation of Chili overwhelmed and excited. This caused the whole nation of Chili to demand that they continue and coordinate to rescue the miners and bring them...

Words: 731 - Pages: 3

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Mr Luis

...Introduction & Thesis Statement We have seen according to the International Shark Attack File “the number of unprovoked shark attacks has grown steadily since 1900, despite an overall decline in shark populations”. (Amin, 2012, p. 189) We walk through our negotiations to make it legal to hunt sharks and eliminate a threat to humans. A threat that is increasing as our world population’s increase. Shark attacks have affected, business, tourism, our safety, and could impact our health. Allowing us to fish for sharks, can eliminate a threat, we have lived with for hundreds of years. Body Today we meet to introduce Bill No. 6-142 into the senate. This will be recorded as our Fourth Regular Session. This bill has been created as an amendment to “Title 27 of the Palau National Code to prohibit foreign fishing vessels from fishing within a 50 nautical mile radius to the east of the reef entrance to Malakal Harbor; to prohibit foreign fishing vessels from taking reef fish, turtles, rays, sharks,” (Techera, 2012, p. 6) If this bill is passed we will be putting unnecessary lives at the risk. We have discussed the arguments we need to punish “any person who is found by the Supreme Court in a civil proceeding to have committed an act prohibited by section 181 of this title shall be liable to the national government for a civil penalty which shall not exceed $500,000 for each violation.” (Techera, 2012, p. 6) These fishermen would be protecting the lives of numerous individuals...

Words: 941 - Pages: 4

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Tlatelolco Massacre

...of October 2, 1968. Ten days before the Olympic Games, a group of 10,000 students decided to protest against the government’s oppression. Unfortunately the government sent the army to control the event and opened fire on the group of students and killed hundreds of them. All those innocent lives killed ten days before the opening ceremony of the 1968 Summer Olympic Games made a lot of noise in Mexico but also in the whole world. At that time, the Mexican propaganda controlled the media and let the citizens know that the group of students was hostile to the army, which explained the actions of the president and therefor the soldiers. The official paperwork was only available to the public in 2000. These documents got Gustavo Diaz Ordaz and Luis Echeverria, the Mexican president and his interior minister at that time in a lot of trouble, not only after the massacre but also after the publication of the government’s documents. The book I chose is Massacre in Mexico (“La Noche de Tlatelolco”) written by Elena Poniatowska. The book takes place in Mexico City during the year of 1968. During this period, Mexico has many political repressions. At this time it is also a year of searching and aspirations by students and the labor sector as well. This book is a collection of testimonies about the student massacre that occurred on October 2nd, 1968. It relates the thoughts and the feeling of the people in favor of the student movement but also the point of view of couple of people against...

Words: 2204 - Pages: 9

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Land Without Bread

...Land Without Bread by Luis Bunuel There are numerous ethnographic surrealist films that have an intriguing relationship to aesthetics and politics. A film that exemplifies this relationship is “Las Hurdes: Tierra Sin Pan” (Land Without Bread). This film is only 27-minutes and is directed by the infamous Luis Bunuel in 1933. Bunuel was a Spanish filmmaker of the 1920’s to the 1970’s. He is often attributed to being one of the major contributors to the surrealist movement of the 1920’s. “Ethnographic surrealism is a utopian construct, a statement at once about past and future possibilities for cultural analysis.”(Clifford, 119) ‘Land Without Bread’ has a clear connection between politics and aesthetics. It uses many techniques, specifically the narrator and soundtrack, in order to enhance the ostensible political meaning of the film as well as link it to the ethnographic surrealist movement. Many ethnographic surrealist artists turned their attention to the problem of representing otherness. “Bunuel identified what he saw as a Surrealist tendency to “use” bourgeois society’s ‘other’s’ to negate the cultural status quo while never giving these others their due”(Lastra, 55). Land Without Bread is considered one of the earliest forms of ethnographic surrealism. Fatimah Rony describes Ethnographic cinema as “above all a cinema of the body: the focus is on the anatomy and gestures of the indigenous person, and on the body of the land they inhabit”(Rony, 111). While many film scholars...

Words: 1384 - Pages: 6

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Assignment 1

...Name:___________________ Favorite Snack:___________________ Introduction to Business Part 4, 5 and 6: Marketing Management, Managing Technology and Information and Managing Financial Resources Chapter 12-18 Email to: Dr. Luis Ortiz at Multiple Choice and Essay Exam MULTIPLE CHOICE Chapter 12 1. ________ is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. |a. |Marketing | |b. |Market segmentation | |c. |Consumer behavior | |d. |Marketing research | DIF: 1 REF: p. 380 OBJ: TYPE: KN TOP: AACSB Analytic 2. Place utility is created ________. |a. |when arrangements for the transfer of title from seller to buyer are made | |b. |by having the good or service available at a convenient location when the consumer wants to buy it | |c. |when the product is made available to the consumer at a time...

Words: 1084 - Pages: 5

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In Always Running Luis

...In Always Running Luis throughout the story had a moment in his life when he took control and brought latinos and gringos together. Luis always wanted to feel like he was the leader or alpha of the crowd. He makes the decisions that not only takes part of his life, but others as well. In Always Running Luis throughout the story had a moment in his life when he took control over his life and brought latinos and ‘gringos’ together as one. When luis was a child he was apart of a club at school called TohMaS, meaning ‘to help mexican american students’. He and his friend were asked to tryout to become the school's mascots. “ A flush of pride soon covered my face. We won” Luis wrote “more chicanos became involved with our club” (always running 117) . Luis felt good about his accomplishment. These are good choices he made during his youth even though he had made bad choices he made during his past , but this one accomplishment made him feel good about himself. Later on in the story, he continues to makes choices to change his life as well as others for the better. In the book always running page 212 Luis writes “ in my senior year I became...

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