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Lyme: A Short Story

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I got to school feeling ok, but that would soon change. Class began like any other day. I was talking to my friend and the class began. We were taking notes, and I started to get a feeling in my stomach. I knew I was going to be sick, but that just made me more annoyed with myself. My stomach was really queasy, and reflecting back on that moment, going to the nurse would have been the easiest thing to do, not procrastinating. Past me wanted to try and wait it out, at least it’s good to know I was as stubborn then as I am now. I got out of my seat, walked over to the trashcan, and threw up. Right then and there. Everybody just kind of stopped and stared. I went to the nurse carrying the trash can. I can remember wishing that I didn’t have to …show more content…
It was the sentiment that every situation had and upside and a downside. The downside was obviously vomiting in class, and embarrassing myself in front of new friends, but the upside to this situation was leaving school early, and hanging out with my grandparents instead of doing work. This was the only time that having Lyme really effected my ability to do things. Other than that, being tired a lot, having Lyme didn’t turn the whole world upside down. It was a problem, but I learned to deal with it. Learning to deal with problems like this is a good skill to …show more content…
I agreed, because I was worried. I generally am a worrier, always have been. We took the drive to Amherst and got my blood work done so they could test it. A couple long weeks later, the results came back. My mom came into the kitchen and she said that the results were positive. I actually didn't believe her for a second, but then it sunk in. It was more surprising than upsetting. After all of the stress that came with moving to a new city, and a new school, and changing so much, I then had a whole new problem weighing me down even more.
Lyme, and the symptoms of it were one of the few problems I couldn’t solve myself. There was nothing I could do to magically change the situation, I just had to wait it out. Even moving away from my childhood home was something that I was able to get over, but with this, I just had to be a patient, which required a lot of patience, and that wasn’t one of my strongest points.
I started taking the antibiotics shortly after we found out. For the most part it was ok, I was never good with pills, and sometimes I would feel nauseous, but the pain was less and less with each passing week. It felt like positive progress, but I still worried nonetheless. I worried that something would go wrong, and I realize now how silly that was. It was stupid of me to make myself worry so much, because I was really lucky with how everything turned

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