Premium Essay

M1 Health and Social Care


Submitted By rarslan
Words 894
Pages 4
Rusen Arslan
Unit 7
M1. Use two sociological perspectives to explain different concepts of health.
In this assignment I am going to explain the different concepts of health and what effects individuals health by using two sociological perspectives. The two sociological perspectives that I am going to explain are Marxism and feminism.
Marxism was known as a conflict model, as it is a structuralise model. It was first developed by Karl Marx (1818-83). Karl Marx also thought that individual behaviour was shaped by society but he believed that it was the economic system that defined society and peoples place within it. Marx held the view that in the industrial society of his time there were two social classes: * The bourgeoisie or capitalists-the small powerful group who owned the factories and other places of employment. * The proletariat which is a much larger, poorer group of workers- the people of hands that the bourgeoisie employed.
Marx’s view was that these two social class groups would always be in conflict, the owners of the factories, land and offices would want a high profit and the employees would want higher wages that would eat into the profits. So this is why Marxism is often called the conflict model. Marx thought that this conflict would lead to revolution. There was an unequal relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and conflict was inherent in the economic system.
Marx believed there were two social classes; the capitalists and the proletariat. The proletariat group were made up to superior powerful individuals who worked in the capitalists business of employment.
Feminist sociology is a conflict theory and theoretical perspective which observes gender in its relation to power, both at the level of face-to-face interaction and reflexivity within a social structure at large. Focuses include sexual orientation, race, economic

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