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Managing Cultura Differences


Submitted By VaneCor
Words 229816
Pages 920


Managing Cultural Differences:
Global Leadership Strategies for the 21 st Century, Sixth Edition
Philip R. Harris, Ph.D., Robert T. Moran, Ph.D., Sarah V. Moran, M.A.
Managing Cultural Diversity in Technical Professions
Lionel Laroche, Ph.D
Uniting North American Business—NAFTA Best Practices
Jeffrey D. Abbot and Robert T. Moran, Ph.D.
Eurodiversity: A Business Guide to Managing Differences
George Simons, D.M.
Global Strategic Planning: Cultural Perspectives for Profit and Non-Profit Organizations
Marios I. Katsioulodes Ph.D.
Competing Globally: Mastering Cross-Cultural Management and Negotiations
Farid Elashmawi, Ph.D.
Succeeding in Business in Eastern and Central Europe—A Guide to Cultures, Markets, and Practices
Woodrow H. Sears, Ed.D. and Audrone Tamulionyte-Lentz, M.S.
Intercultural Services: A Worldwide Buyer’s Guide and Sourcebook
Gary M. Wederspahn, M.A.


Editorial Coordinator

Elsevier Butterworth–Heinemann
200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
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Copyright © 2004, Philip R. Harris, Robert T. Moran, Sarah V. Moran. All rights reserved.
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...HISTORY AND THEORY STUDIES FIRST YEAR Terms 1 and 2 Course Lecturers: CHRISTOPHER PIERCE / BRETT STEELE (Term 1) Course Lecturer: PIER VITTORIO AURELI (Term 2) Course Tutor: MOLLIE CLAYPOOL Teaching Assistants: FABRIZIO BALLABIO SHUMI BOSE POL ESTEVE Course Structure The course runs for 3 hours per week on Tuesday mornings in Terms 1 and 2. There are four parallel seminar sessions. Each seminar session is divided into parts, discussion and submission development. Seminar 10.00-12.00 Mollie Claypool, Fabrizio Ballabio, Shumi Bose and Pol Esteve Lecture 12.00-13.00 Christopher Pierce, Brett Steele and Pier Vittorio Aureli Attendance Attendance is mandatory to both seminars and lectures. We expect students to attend all lectures and seminars. Attendance is tracked to both seminars and lectures and repeated absence has the potential to affect your final mark and the course tutor and undergraduate coordinator will be notified. Marking Marking framework adheres to a High Pass with Distinction, High Pass, Pass, Low Pass, Complete-toPass system. Poor attendance can affect this final mark. Course Materials Readings for each week are provided both online on the course website at and on the course library bookshelf. Students are expected to read each assigned reading every week to be discussed in seminar. The password to access the course readings is “readings”. TERM 1: CANONICAL BUILDINGS, PROJECTS, TEXTS In this first term of...

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Relation Between Stress, Performance & Organizational Comittment

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