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Margaret Narwin's & Quo Analysis

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Court is a very serious matter. The first amendment of the constitution says we have the freedom of speech, press, religion,peaceful assembly, and the freedom to petition for a governmental redress of grievances. I think that a question roaming through all of our minds during this book was what would happen if Mrs. Margaret Narwin took her case to court. Who would win? If the case stated in “Nothing But the Truth” were to be put in court, I hypothesis that Mrs.Narwin would win. There are many reasons I have to believe this statement, but here are the main reasons I believe that the “predator” in this story would end up the winner.

In the event that Mrs. Narwin went to court, I hypothesis that Mrs.Narwin would win in because she wasn’t the …show more content…
Narwin claims to believe that Philip could be a good student if he tried, nevertheless likes Phillip, so why would she want to inflict a suspension upon him. Some important facts include, “A boy I like. Intelligent. With real potential.”Pg. 5.This proves that she likes him and thinks of him as smart. Not only does she believe he has a strong intellectual brain but she also says this,“Perhaps that’s why he irritates me so- for he shows no desire to strive, to make sacrifices for the betterment of self, the way we were taught.” Pg 5.This shows that Philip irritates her but, she still believes that he show potential and she wants him to strive instead of not use his potential. If she believed this all the way through the intensity of our story doesn’t it prove that she wouldn’t want him suspended. And finally, another important fact I would like to touch base with is this.“Really, a nice boy.” Pg 77.This adds to my idea that she likes and respects Philip.If I were a teacher, I wouldn’t kick a kid I know deep down inside has a big heart out of class but instead take to smaller measures like arranging a meeting with his parents alone or talking to him …show more content…
Narwin and was trying to get out of her class, therefore being rude and humming (not singing) the anthem of our country and freedom, in a disrespectful manner. This only digs my holoe deeper that it wasn’t Mrs. Narwin’s doing or opinion that got him kicked out of school.“Anyway, I got this Mrs. Narwin. She’s a real b*tch….” Pg 52 Why would a ninth grader speak like that to an adult, during the 1900’s, unless he didn’t like the person, in fact despised, them.This proves that Philip does not like Mrs. Narwin at all.This next issue makes you think a little bit more. “Is someone humming?” Pg 60.This proves that Philip was humming disrespectfully during the national instead of what singing like he claimed he was doing.Philip went out of his way to make a fool of himself and annoy his class and teacher to try to get out of Mrs. Narwin’s class.“I don’t know the words.”pg 212. This proves that Philip was humming because he says he doesn’t know how to sing and “singing” without the words is called humming , which is different from singing. If he had known the words it would have been a benefit to his testimony, because he could have proven that he did know the words and was rightfully singing that he was singing the national anthem, there then proving that Mrs. Narwin was guilty of sending him to Dr. Palleni for showing patriotism,

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