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Mast Cell Case Study Essay

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Taylor was just like any typical teenager, playing sports, serving within her church/community, and hanging out with her friends. She was in soccer training with the hopes of making it to the junior national team. Suddenly, around 2008/2009, Taylor’s asthma was getting out of control and we were not sure why. As her symptoms became worse, and then allergic type symptoms arise leaving many baffled as to what was occurring in her body. After many doctors, test, and hospital admissions, Taylor was finally diagnosed with a rare disease known as Mast Cell Activation Disorder. It took about 6 years, and receiving this diagnosis was the answer to all the puzzle pieces no one could place together years prior.

Mast Cell is a disorder in which the mast cells in the body produce to many mast cells or when these cells do not function properly. There are different forms of mast cell diseases, but the form Taylor suffers from is Mast Cell Activation Disorder/Syndrome (MCAD/MCAS). In Taylor’s case, the mast cells in her body do not function properly. To receive the diagnosis of MCAD/MCAS, Taylor and her mother had to travel to Minnesota to be seen by the top physician who is well versed in this disease. Receiving the diagnosis was step one in getting Taylor’s symptoms under control. …show more content…
Overall, symptoms affect different systems of the body and can be caused by known and unknown triggers. Specifically for Taylor, some of her symptoms include tachycardia, memory dififcuutles, migraines, hives, rashes, throat tightness, shortness of breathe, swelling, and GI cramping. Triggers that can cause her symptoms are mainly temperature change, direct sunlight, smells/fragrances/scents, or the

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