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Math in Racing


Submitted By ethanram
Words 474
Pages 2
Math in auto racing

Mathematics is found everywhere in life and work and auto racing is

no exception. There are many applications of math in racing.

The purpose of racing is to win and in order to do that there must be a lot of

math involved. If you don’t use math and use it correctly then you will not win.

Mathematics is involved in racing in two ways, the car setup and scoring an

measurements. The car setup involves tire pressure, down force, wedge,

aerodynamic Drag, camber, track bar and valance. The scoring system also uses math.

In addition to scoring math is also used to measure different racing related

subjects such as car weight, gas mileage time interval, qualifying, and the track


Tire pressure is used as a setup tool that is akin to adjusting spring rates in

the vehicles suspension. Increasing the air pressure in the tires raises the spring rate

in the tire itself and changes the vehicles handling characteristics. In order for

optimal performance the teams must know the proper p.s.i ( Pressure per square inch)

for a certain tire on a certain track for a certain air temperature.

Math is also used in measuring the “downforce.” Downforce is the air pressure

traveling over the surface of the car. This air pushes the car downwards which creates

the term downforce. The greater the psi the greater the downforce which creates better

tire grip for higher speeds through turns.

Engineering is the word that does not have proper definition. Every person thinks with different point of view so create different definition but most commonly used definition of engineering is, this is the practical application of science to commerce or industry. As we know that the work of scientist is to know, the engineer to do i.e. the engineer brings the knowledge from science to solve the problems. Engineering also give account of costs, safety, performance and limitations of the given resources.
Mathematics is defined as the study of quantities and relations with the help of numbers and symbols. So, mathematics and engineering work together as they are right hand to each other because engineering uses mathematical operations in calculation of their projects. Mathematics is very famous in modern industry. So, mathematics is found in every sector of the job market as in engineering research, telecommunications, computer services and software, energy systems, computer manufacturers, aerospace and automotive, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, and government laboratories, among others.
Different types of mathematics 1. Geometry 2. Trigonometry 3. Calculus I and II 4. Linear Algebra 5. Differential Equations 6. Statistics.
Different types of engineering are: 1. Computer science engineering. 2. Chemical engineering. 3. Civil engineering. 4. Mechanical engineering. 5. Electrical engineering. 6. Aerospace engineering. 7. Electrochemical engineering. 8. Nuclear engineering. 9. Marine engineering. 10. Architectural engineering. 11. Environmental engineering.

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