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Meowmix Eater


Submitted By ratlookinsob
Words 422
Pages 2
“The Rocking-Horse Winner,” by D. H. Lawrence, is an attention grasping story about the son of a greedy mother. In this story, Lawrence conveys the theme of not only fear and grief, but also a noble sacrifice. Paul, the main character in “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” rides a mystical rocking horse with which he uses to learn the name of the horse that will win the next horse race. “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” by D. H. Lawrence, is an attention grasping story about the son of a greedy mother. In this story, Lawrence conveys the theme of not only fear and grief, but also a noble sacrifice. Paul, the main character in “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” rides a mystical rocking horse with which he uses to learn the name of the horse that will win the next horse race. “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” by D. H. Lawrence, is an attention grasping story about the son of a greedy mother. In this story, Lawrence conveys the theme of not only fear and grief, but also a noble sacrifice. Paul, the main character in “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” rides a mystical rocking horse with which he uses to learn the name of the horse that will win the next horse race. “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” by D. H. Lawrence, is an attention grasping story about the son of a greedy mother. In this story, Lawrence conveys the theme of not only fear and grief, but also a noble sacrifice. Paul, the main character in “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” rides a mystical rocking horse with which he uses to learn the name of the horse that will win the next horse race. “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” by D. H. Lawrence, is an attention grasping story about the son of a greedy mother. In this story, Lawrence conveys the theme of not only fear and grief, but also a noble sacrifice. Paul, the main character in “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” rides a mystical rocking horse with which he uses to learn the name of the horse that will win the next horse race. “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” by D. H. Lawrence, is an attention grasping story about the son of a greedy mother. In this story, Lawrence conveys the theme of not only fear and grief, but also a noble sacrifice. Paul, the main character in “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” rides a mystical rocking horse with which he uses to learn the name of the horse that will win the next horse race.

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