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Merrill Lynch


Submitted By anuvjti
Words 1028
Pages 5
1) Why did Merrill Lynch need to update its IT infrastructure?

Merrill Lynch needed to update its IT infrastructure in order to remain competitive. One of the most important ways to do so was to provide customers with Internet-based applications that provided them with up to date access to portfolios and the tools needed to work with those portfolios. There are many competitors in the financial management industry and if Merrill Lynch cannot maintain its technological edge then those competitors will take advantage by offering a more user friendly web interface and variety of tools for customers to take advantage of. Merrill Lynch also needed to consider its IBM mainframe and how to include it in the update of its IT infrastructure. The mainframe provided a strategic advantage in terms of processing power but did not have compatible software for implementing Internet-based applications that were needed to stay competitive.

2) What is the relationship of information technology to Merrill Lynch's business strategy? How was the web services initiative related to that strategy?
The information technology used in Merrill Lynch's business has played an important role in the companies’ profitability. The business strategy is directly linked to the IT infrastructure because without their IBM mainframe installation they could not stay competitive and would not have all the tools they need to carry out their strategies. In fact, you can find several articles on their web site explaining the impact the IT has on the different sectors of the business. These articles illustrate the evolution of this company with technology adopted into its systems.
The article explains how web services and SOA initiatives are related to that strategy. Crew knew that if he purchased a platform rather that adopting one from another the company would be able to deploy web services faster. However, he felt that their own creation was more conventional. The result was an extension on the mainframe capabilities. Read how Merrill Lynch builds a research analyst workbench from MS technologies here. It's an interesting article and it explains Crew's side on service oriented development strategy. Ultimately, Merrill Lynch’s web services enable them to reach their diverse customers and market the right products to them at the right time.

3) Evaluate Merrill Lynch's approach to web services development. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is it a good solution? Explain your answer.
Jim Crew set out to establish system in Merrill Lynch that could support the online needs of the firm’s diversified clientele. He also needed the system to be compatible with server database formats. As stated above, the approach was unconventional because Crew knew it would be expensive to retrain the firm’s programmers with new tools in SOA platforms. Even though purchasing a platform would have been easier than building one. Crew led the firm in its development and then tackled the issues involved with copying data into its mainframe.
There are many advantages and a few disadvantages to the web services development. One side the project team did not any changes written to the program code on the mainframe because any alteration would have hindered it operations. They also did not want to install a middleware server to translate requests from different computer languages. This promised better performance from the mainframe. Another advantage was, without the middleware, the advisors could request information from their desktops. Web services have saved the company $41 million in application costs through wealth management applications and their X4ML development tool.
In an article written by Isaac Mathews, "Benefits, Costs and Limitations of Online Investing to the Individual Investor", he explains the many advantages and limitations for investors using web services in the investment banking. Among some of the advantages, investors enjoy independence and freedom associated to market access, avoid many tactics used by brokers who are commission based, and experience wider choices in the product and services online. Some of the disadvantages are costs in "technical reliability" because not all networks are safe from failure.
I believe that the new web services are a great solution to Merrill Lynch's business and strategy. Not only does it connect the business to its clients regularly but it has the capacity to market its many products to them indirectly. With JIT strategies being more executed across global communities, Merrill Lynch has a great advantage by keeping their products readily available over the web. They sustain an advantage by giving their clients the ease and speed they require to make their investment decisions. Decisions that need to be made in a timely manner, affecting the monetary portfolios of people across may time zones and several miles away. Merrill Lynch made the right decision when it employed web services because they kept their cost lower and used the modern tools available to allow them to compete against a rapidly changing landscape in investment banking.

4.) Do you think that Merrill Lynch's decision to sell off its successful technology initiatives was a good idea? Why or why not?

I think that over the short term it was a good idea for Merrill Lynch to sell of the technology. It gave the firm a large amount of money to re-invest in IT or other areas of the company and helped recoup some of the $1 billion in costs that the firm spent over a three year period to update the financial advisers' financial management applications. However, in the long-term it might leave Merrill Lynch at a competitive disadvantage because now its competitors have access to this new IT infrastructure. The competition can now go to SOA Software and purchase the system for $125,000, which is a lot less than the $1 billion plus that Merrill Lynch invested to develop and launch X4ML. If the competition is able to take advantage of the applications of this IT system in the same way that Merrill Lynch did then Merrill Lynch could lose its competitive advantage. Merrill Lynch may have been better off licensing the technology to different companies, at lease then it would have had some control over whether competitors had access to the technology

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