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Meth Mouth


Submitted By kimmy69905
Words 1187
Pages 5
Methamphetamine was first developed in 1893. It wasn’t until 1919 that it was turned into a crystalized form. Adolf Hitler actually received daily injections of methamphetamines for the last three years of his life to assist with depression and fatigue. It is highly addictive and tolerance develops quickly, requiring higher dosages or frequency. By the 1960’s Crystal Meth was being manufactured illegally in many homes. With eighty dollars’ worth of simple items that you can easily acquire from your local pharmacy and hardware store, you can turn to a profit of one-thousand dollars. It is no wonder this has become such an epidemic. With this new discovery also came the dental condition called Meth Mouth. Meth mouth is a dental condition often characterized by severe tooth decay and loss of teeth.
The condition got its name toward the latter part of 2004 when it started becoming a major problem for the corrections departments and local jails. The influx of persons with these conditions prompted city officials to look for the root cause. The exact cause of the condition is unknown as of today but grinding of the teeth also known as bruxism and dry mouths known as xerostomia are believed to be involved in the condition. There are many negatives associated with Methamphetamines, the obvious being that it is illegal. Another more visible side effect is Meth Mouth. Meth mouth is a severe Dental condition that causes loss of teeth, enamel erosion and sever tooth decay. It may also be described as stained, blackened, or rotting teeth. In many cases the teeth cannot be saved due to the severity and must be removed. The carries rate for meth users is four times higher than an average non meth user. Symptoms and outward signs are rampant tooth decay, broken teeth, attrition of teeth, abscessed teeth, and seriously bad breath. Rampant tooth decay occurs especially around the gum line. Broken teeth happen frequently due to the weakening of the teeth because of the decay at the gum line and between the teeth. This in combination with the constant grinding caused by the methamphetamine causes the teeth to chip and break. The attrition of the teeth occurs with the wear of the enamel due to the constant grinding. The seriously bad breath remains a problem usually due to poor hygiene, tooth decay and dry mouth. The abscessed teeth happen when the decay is so bad that it kills the nerve in the tooth. All the effects mentioned can be painful to the meth users and can make it very difficult to eat and get proper nutrition.
The reason that meth users have so many dental issues is because once they get the meth crash or extra energy effect they are unable to perform simple tasking’s such as brushing their teeth, flossing, and rinsing. These effects can last many days for some individuals. All they can think of is when to get the next dosage or about what they are doing at the time, not about daily tasks. They do not drink water like they should either. Meth users usually drink carbonated drinks like soda to replenish the thirst and dry mouth which only adds to the problem because of the caffeine or sugar build up on the teeth. The aggressive carries result in complete destruction of the coronal portion of the teeth leaving multiple retained roots throughout the mouth. There are also other factors that are linked to contributing to this condition such as poor dieting. The legitimacy of this condition is still out for debate, but the advocates for this condition say the factors are all there.
The treatment of meth mouth is extremely difficult and could also be very dangerous for active users. As stated before, the teeth in some cases are so bad and decayed that they cannot be saved and must be removed. Meth mouth treatment can also be very costly to the users. Cardiac problems can arise from the result of local anesthetics with the drugs. Salivary flow must be increased to reduce the dry mouth, tooth decay must be stopped and treated and the individual must stop the bad oral hygiene habits. Treating the patients takes prescribing fluoride to fight tooth decay and medication to increase saliva for dry mouth. Rehabilitation along with proper dental care are very critical in reducing the individual’s meth mouth case. Education can also be a very effective treatment if the patient is receptive to change. They have to be willing to take that first step. It is always good for people to know how to properly brush and floss their teeth. A change in diet is normally necessary for recovering meth users that are currently receiving dental treatment. A good intake of water, sugar free gum and the avoidance of dehydrating beverages can also be very beneficial. Meth mouth is more rampant in certain parts of the country and can create public health clinics.
Methamphetamine abuse has increased significantly over the years making a meth mouth a common occurrence amongst society and dental offices. It not only affects the user’s life but the mouth which is critical to our health. Everyone must eat and drink water daily and with meth mouth it makes it that much harder to get the daily nutrients. To date there have been no controlled studies on meth mouth and several of its characteristics are still very unclear. The current hypothesis for meth mouth occurring in individuals is that when the methamphetamine combined with the effects creates a perfect environment for dental disease to occur. The condition has become very main stream by media coverage, but still no conclusive studies have ever been conducted to match methamphetamine use to the symptoms that are generally expected with meth mouth. The media coverage is meant to show people the effects of meth mouth and to disgust them so that they do not do it. There is information not only on billboards and commercials but all over the internet and at local dental offices so that people can stay informed. People should be aware of the effects of meth use and be educated in oral hygiene at all times. The best thing an individual can do is stay away from methamphetamine, it not only causes health and psychological issues but it destroys their teeth. Proper care of the mouth and teeth is essential for a healthy lifestyle. References
Kelsch, N. (2007). Meth mouth & dental care considerations. Journal of the California Dental Hygienists Association, 22(2), 16-28.
Padilla. R., & Ritter, A. (2008). Meth mouth: methamphetamine and oral health. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Official Publication of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Ravenel, M., Salinas, C., Marlow, N., Slate, E., Evans.Z. & Miller, P. (2012) Methamphetamine abuse and oral health: a pilot study of “meth mouth”. Quintessence International (Berlin, Germany: 1985), 43 (3), 229-237.
Settle, S. (2010). “Meth mouth” for the general practitioner. Dental Association Journal, 101 (8), 31-42.
Shaner., J., Kimmes, N., Saini, T., & Edwards, P. (2006). “Meth mouth”: rampant caries in methamphetamine abusers. AIDS Patient Care, 20(3), 146-150.

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