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Minimum Wage Persuasive Speech

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John took his son to the store one day to get him a gift for getting good grades in school. His son had picked out an item and they headed to checkout. John saw the price of the item and knew that he didn’t have enough money. He had to tell his son why he couldn’t afford the item. John took his son by the hand, put the item back onto the shelf, and walked out of the store feeling sorry. He knew that his son wouldn’t get over the fact that his dad couldn’t afford it. Do you think that John should live on the minimum wage? Is it ok for people like John to live off of minimum wage and use that money to provide care for their families? First of all, the current minimum wage is not enough to cover daily needs for the average person. As a result, nearly half of the U.S population is in poverty. The minimum wage has lowered from 1968 by a third. In addition, businesses even suffer from the wage being raised. The big companies have to cut workers and for the reason have less production being …show more content…
In respect to, those that live off minimum wage have to decide between insurance, food on the table, clothing on their backs, etc. The current minimum wage is $8.44 and the newly raised minimum wage would become $10.10. With that money, you could feed a family of 4 for one meal. A 4-pack of chicken, 1 bag of potatoes, and 2-cans of vegetables comes to a cost of $8.50. You could save a little bit more if you can find them on sale or have coupons, however you save a little bit of you daily pay. On the other hand, the cost of goods and services will go up because companies have to raise their prices due the raise in the minimum wage. Yet with a raised minimum wage you could provide your family with a day’s worth of food and to pay for basic needs. Lastly, newer employees that start off with the new minimum wage will be able to afford their basic needs because they would have extra money left over from their daily

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