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Moon Theory

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The moon is a critical part of the function of earth. Without the moon, we wouldn't have night or tides. Centuries ago, scientists began to research the origin of the moon and how it began to orbit around earth. Their research provided them with four different theories on the formation of the moon, however, one question arises. Which one of these theories is valid? The impact theory holds the most truth and is supported with the most accurate information and, therefore, should be accepted on a global scale.
The capture theory implies that the moon was formed somewhere else in space, and later captured by the Earth's gravitational force. After it was captured, it began to orbit around Earth.
In contradiction to this theory, captured moons are often …show more content…
The sister theory suggests the moon and earth were created at the same time around 4.5 billion years ago. All the dust and gas particles came together to form two nuclei, one small and one quite larger. "Both went on to form independent spheres, with the Moon circling
Earth" (Sisters theory). This theory was forgotten about by the scientific community because no one could find a reason as to why earth was rich in iron and the moon had none whatsoever.

Another theory that was discussed is the Fission theory. This theory states that earth was spinning so fast that a piece of it slung off; the departed piece of earth became known as the moon. Also, "The chunk of Earth that separated to form the Moon is believed to have come from the Pacific Ocean basin" (Center for Lunar Origin). However, this theory provides no fossil evidence of the spinning or explanation for the lunar crust being more baked than earth's crust.
In light of these conflicts, the majority of humans disregarded this theory. Additionally, the final theory is the giant impact theory. This theory states that a mars-sized object collided with earth at its younger stage; causing earth material and debris to be ejected into space. Over time,

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