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Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler


Submitted By ricksnavywife
Words 2419
Pages 10
The world is filled with good and evil. Who defines it? The people, the actions of that certain person or someone’s judgment. Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte both concord countries. They both had a military back ground and their father’s both died when they were young. The difference is that we see one as a hero/leader and the other leader/monster.
According to he was “the first emperor of France, Napoleon Bounaparte was born August 15, 1769 in Corsica.” His father Carlo Bounaparte was a lawyer and supported the nationalist’s side. But once that leader he supported fled the island, Carlo switched his allegiance to the French. Napoleon father was appointed assessor of the judicial district of Ajaccio in 1771. This job gave Carlo the opportunity to send his two sons Joseph and Napoleon to college. Napoleon took a different route and went to military college of Brienne. He studied for five years and moved to Paris. His father past away in 1785 of stomach cancer. He graduated early from military school as a second lieutenant of artillery and return to Corsica in 1786. He found himself following his father’s footsteps without even realizing it. When he went back home he followed Corsica’s resistance to the French occupation. But just like his father, he had a following out with his father’s ally and relocated to France. Once moving back to France, he assumed is last name as Bonaparte.
Since his return to France he return to service in the French military. He was assign to Nice on June 1793. Feature in the website, Napoleon: The Man & the Myth, on December 18, 1793 Napoleon destroyed ten English ships in Toulon’s harbor. He led his men to attack the fort guarding the city, when he suffered a wound to his thigh from an enemy bayonet. His first victory made him a hero throughout France. Changes were occurring, before he

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