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National Security Threat


Submitted By blake12
Words 1017
Pages 5
National Security
Terrorism can be looked at from many different points of view. The definition of terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. That doesn’t put a target on foreign countries alone. Terrorism can happen between Americans as well. Though the most fatal attacks such as 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and Boston Marathon Bombings were done by groups such as the al-Qaeda, Imperial Japanese Navy and as little as two foreign Soviet brothers who immigrated, became citizens, then attacked.
Many things can be done to protect Americans at home. Records could be kept of every action someone makes. Surveillance of the internet sites accessed, text messages and phone calls made, and financial transactions. Being able to access and monitor these records will allow National Security to prevent attacks before they happen. A system could be made where they don’t monitor 24/7 but there would be red zones or red flags, which would alert National Security to investigate or watch over whatever is happening. This shouldn’t be a problem to many Americans if they claim they’re not doing anything wrong. This is a similar scenario as the National Terrorism Advisory System. It alerts to communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the public, government agencies, first responders, public sector organizations, airports and other transportation hubs. Using available information, the alerts will provide a concise summary of the potential threat, information about actions being taken to ensure public safety, and recommended steps that individuals, communities, businesses and governments can take to help prevent, mitigate or respond to the threat.
These possible procedures would violate our right to privacy. Americans are given the right to be free of unsanctioned intrusion. Being on surveillance is

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