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Nature Deprivation In Children

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Human behavior is affected by many elements. A dominant factor that plays a role in the development of one's behavior is the content of one's environment. Emerging scientific studies have proven that the children of upcoming generations are unconsciously suffering from “nature deprivation” (Bratman; Nature experience, cognitive function, and mental health.) or nature deficit disorder. “Nature deficit disorder refers to a hypothesis by Richard Louv in his 2005 book Last Child In The Woods that human beings, especially children, are spending less time outdoors [2] resulting in a wide range of behavioral problems” (Wikipedia). Behavioral problems and cognitive development issues are most prevalent in young children of the current generation. Cognitive abilities began to develop during the early stages of childhood. …show more content…
Advancements in technology are not to blame for the unconscious nature deprivation. Technology has propelled the human race into the future; however, man has turned a blind eye towards nature affecting humans, primarily contemporary children, psychologically. This is a self-inflicted issue that can be reversed with taking the initiative to fill the nature experience gap. Nature is forever omnipresent despite how advanced the human race becomes, our natural surroundings will never change or cease to have an affect on humans. Scientists in multiple fields of study have identified that nature has a unique effect on a child’s cognitive abilities, emotional stability and mental health that cannot be replicated by any man-made tool or machine. Scientists refer to time spent in nature as a “nature experience.” Nature experience is defined as an interaction with nature and vastly differentiates from simply standing outside in the

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