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Nein Nazi


Submitted By asdfghjkl126
Words 573
Pages 3
All Germans must die for what they did to the Jews, right? For putting the Jews through torture, the endless days of pain and agony. Only the men and women who were eligible to work were to live. Many women, children, and elder were sent to die. Living in concentration camps, not knowing when their last day will be. The Jews have lost their lives in the most cruel ways possible. Dying of disease, being shot, hangings, and sending them to burn in chambers. What if the Germans weren’t aware of what was going on? They were completely clueless of what was happening. The Germans were not responsible for the Holocaust.
Before the ending of WWII, The Germans took a survey regarding their knowledge of the Holocaust. They surveyed throughout Cologne, Dresden, and Berlin. 9.85% of the Germans knew about the Holocaust, which is 255 people. 85.12% Germans didn’t know about the Holocaust, 2,289 people had no idea what was happening to the Jews. Should the ones who didn’t know be the ones to blame? The one’s to blame are the ones who knew about the Holocaust. Why didn’t the Germans stand up for the Jews? They knew about it, so why didn’t they say anything? The Germans had great fear of Hitler. They feared o stand up for the Jews. They risked their life if they were to do so.
You can’t blame all the Germans for the Holocaust. You should blame the one’s who knew about the torture the Jews had gone through. They’re the one’s who should’ve spoken up. If they were to stand up in the beginning, it would have never happened. There wouldn’t have been a Holocaust. The Jews would’ve lived a peaceful life. No harm to the Jews would’ve never happened. 6 million Jews wouldn’t have died. No Jews wouldn’t have suffered. They’re the reason why they've gone through so much. All German shouldn’t be the ones to blame, the ones to blame are the ones who knew. Why

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