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New Business Development for Foods Companies in Korea for 2011


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식품업체들의 신사업 돌파구…‘쓴맛 단맛’ 사연
“의 만앞 다 실 , 구 적 계 과 인 라 구 우 돼 ” 욕 섰 간 패 체 획 프 축 선 야

입력 2012.01.26 14:21:22

조민경 기자 |

[프라임경제] ‘원자재가격 상승’, ‘가격담합’, ‘물가안정 정책’ 등 지난해 식품업계를 둘러싼 부정적인 이슈가 유난히 많았다. 이를 반영하듯 다수 식품업체의 지난해 3 분기까지 영업이익은 전년 동기대비 크게 밑돌았다. 이 가운데 여러 식품사들은 사업다각화에서 돌파구를 찾았다. 이들의 신사업 추진은 또 다른 분야에서 경쟁이 치열해진다는 것을 의미하지만 그만큼 업계에 활력을 불어넣을 것이라는 기대감을 높이기도 했다.

이 같은 식품업체들의 신사업 개척은 지난해 연초부터 활발했다. 남양유업(003920)과 동서식품, 웅진식품, 삼양사(145990) 등이 지난해 신사업을 추진한 대표적인 업체다.

◆‘부진 돌파구’ 신사업 주력

첫 스타트를 끊은 곳은 남양유업(003920). 남양유업은 ‘프렌치카페 카페믹스’를 앞세워 커피믹스 시장에 진출했다. 유가공시장 것이다. 성장세가 남양유업은 둔화됨에 또 따라 매년 성장을 한 거듭하는 커피시장을

신성장동력으로 도전장을 던졌다.





이어 지난해 5 월에는 웅진식품이 원두 로스팅에서부터 RTD(Ready-To-Drink), 에스프레소머신 렌탈 등 커피시장에 발을 들여놓았다. 기존의 음료, 주스사업을 넘어서 커피까지 사업영역을

확장하겠다는 포부를 밝혔다.

커피믹스시장의 절대강자 동서식품도 사무실 및 업소 전용 캡슐커피 머신 ‘타시모 프로페셔널’을 출시하며 캡슐커피 시장에 진출했다. 이어 10 월에는 인스턴트 원두커피 ‘카누’를 선보이며 커피전문점과의 본격 경쟁을 선언했다.

12 월에는 삼양사가 ‘큐원 BDlab’을 론칭, 뷰티∙다이어트 시장에 진출하며 지난해 신사업 진출 막차를 탔다.

◆첫해 기반 닦았다…본격 사업은 이제부터

이들 업체는 무난히 신사업 기반을 다졌다는 평을 받고 있다. 시장 진출에 앞서 소비자 니즈 분석과 철저한 시장조사가 뒷받침됐기 때문이다. 또한 기존 사업의 큰 틀에서 벗어나지 않고 영역확장 중심의 신사업을 추진한 것도 시장 안착에 한몫했다.

특히 이들 4 개 업체 중 현재 큰 성과를 거둔 곳은 지난해 가장 먼저 신사업에 뛰어든 남양유업이다. 남양유업의

커피믹스 ‘프렌치카페 카페믹스’는 지난해 1 월 시장 진입을 시작했으나 대형마트 등 매장에 안정적으로 자리 잡는데

남양유업 '프렌치카페 카페믹스'.

6 개월여가 소요됐다.





시작됐음에도 ‘카제인나트륨을 뺐다’는 경쟁사 비방에 가까운 마케팅과 입소문을 타고 지난해 누적 매출은 1000 억원을 돌파했다.

시장점유율도 당초 목표치였던 20%에 근접했고 커피믹스시장 2 위인 네슬레를 제쳤다. 독보적 1 위 동서식품마저 위협했다. 남양유업은 이미 커피믹스 시장에 안착했다고 판단, 여세를 몰아 올해 더욱 적극적인 마케팅을 펼쳐 ‘프렌치카페 카페믹스’로 커피믹스 시장점유율 30% 달성을 목표하고 있다.

커피믹스로 신사업에 탄력을 받은 남양유업은 건강기능식품, 그 중에서도 임산부용 비타민 시장에 진출했다. 임산부용 비타민 시장 규모는 300 억원에 불과하지만 남양유업은 이를 통해 추후 대상을

확대해나갈 방침이다.

남양유업 관계자는 “우선 건강기능식품 사업은 처음 추진하는 것이기 때문에 시작은 (분유 제조업체인) 전공을 살려 산모를 대상으로 한 제품을 선보인 것”이라며 “임산부, 태아 관련 제품 노하우를 살린 제품인 만큼 추이를 지켜보고 사업을 진행할 것”이라고 설명했다.

동서식품 도 지난해 캡슐커피 머신과 인스턴트 원두커피, 2 가지 신사업을 전개하며 사업 영역을 확장했다.

캡슐커피 머신인 타시모프로페셔널은 업소용과 사무실을 대상으로 한 캡슐커피 머신이다.

동서식품은 여기에 이어 지난해 가정용(개인용) 캡슐커피 머신도 출시할 계획이었지만 지연돼 올해 첫 선을 보일 예정이다. 회사 관계자는 “올해 가정용 캡슐커피 확대될 머신까지 것으로 출시되면 보인다”고
동서식품 캡슐커피 머신 '타시모프로페셔널'(좌)과 인스턴트 원두커피 '카누'.

시장점유율이 설명했다.

인스턴트 원두커피 ‘카누’도 지난해 10 월 출시되며 60 억원 매출 달성을 기대했다. 그러나 출시 두 달만에 100 억원 매출을 올리며 높은 성장세를 보였다. 이에 동서식품은 올해 600 억원으로 목표했던 ‘카누’ 매출을 상향 조정 중이다.

◆신사업 계획수정 있지만 “인프라 구축 과정”

웅진식품은 당초 지난해 원두 로스팅부터 RTD, 에스프레소머신 렌탈 등 전체 커피시장을 아우르는 사업 전개에 뜻을 밝힌 바 있다. 이와 함께 500 억원 매출을 목표했다. 그러나 사업 진행이 차질을 빚으며 당초 매출 목표를 달성하는데는 시일이 걸릴 전망이다.

웅진식품 관계자는 “지난해 9 월 가동하려던 기존 유구공장 내 로스팅 설비가 기계 설치 등 문제로 지연되며 전반적인 커피관련 사업이 활발히 이뤄지지 않아 사업 진행에 차질이 생겼다”고 말했다. 해당 로스팅 설비는 오는 3~4 월경 완공될 예정이라고 덧붙였다.

에스프레소머신 렌탈 사업은 현재 편의점과 오피스를 중심으로 1600 여대가 운영 중이다. 이 사업 역시 3~4 월경 로스팅 설비가 완공되면 시너지 효과에 힘입어 본격 매출이 증진될 것으로 회사 측은 내다봤다.

웅진식품은 이와 함께 보다 활발한 커피사업 추진을 위해 커피전문점 할리스커피와 RTD 제조 제휴를 철회했다. 회사 관계자는 “할리스커피와의 제휴로는 마케팅 등 여러 부분에서 제약이 많았다”며 “커피시장이 크면서 웅진식품만의 브랜드를 키우며 사업에 집중할 필요가 있다고 판단했다”고 말했다. 이에 따라 웅진식품의 커피 브랜드는 기존 ‘할리스커피온바바’에서

‘바바커피’로 변경됐다.

한편, 커피사업의 기반이 될 로스팅공장 설비가 지연되며 당초 목표와 사업계획도 수정 중인 것으로 알려졌다. 이 관계자는 “현재 커피사업 관련 사업계획이 변경 중이기 때문에 정확한 매출목표도 산정하지 못했다”며 “로스팅설비가 완공된 이후 OEM(주문자상표 부착생산)뿐 아니라 B2B, 원두판매 등 커피사업이 본격 추진될 것이다”고 말했다.

삼양사는 론칭하며


BDlab(큐원 시장에

비디랩)’을 도전장을


내밀었다. ‘큐원 BDlab’은 시리얼 등 한 가지 제형만으로 구성된 원푸드 다이어트 일변도인
삼양사가 ‘큐원 BDlab’(사진)으로 사업영역을 확장했다.

경쟁사 제품과 달리 바, 시리얼 등 다양한

제형으로 차별화를 둔 것이 특징이다. 현재 이마트에만 입점돼 있으며 시리얼 제품군 점유율 25%를 차지하며 성공적인 시장 진입으로 평가받고 있다.

삼양사 관계자는 “올해 상반기 또 다른 제형의 제품을 출시할 예정이며 현재 이마트에만 한정돼 있는 유통채널을 확대해 브랜드 인지도를 확대해나갈 것이다”며 “이로써 올해 100 억원을 매출을 목표하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

◆준비 없이 무작정 뛰어들었다간 ‘낭패’

앞선 기업들처럼 신사업을 별탈 없이 진행하거나 또 신사업으로 승승장구하는 경우도 있지만 그것이 말처럼 쉽지만은 않다. 소비자와 시장을 바탕으로 한 철저한 시장조사 등 준비 없이 무턱대로 사업 확장을 꾀했다가는 실패가 불 보듯 뻔하기 때문이다. 이처럼 무리한 사업 확장 욕심에 신사업을 추진했다 철회한 업체들은 어렵지 않게 찾을 수 있다.

대표적 사례가 빙그레(005180)다. 유가공사업을 주력으로 하는 빙그레는 유가공시장이 포화상태로 점쳐짐에 따라 이미 2000 년대부터 신사업 개척에 힘써왔다. 그러나 의욕을 앞세운 무리한 사업전개로 냉동식품과 라면, 베이커리 사업에서 모두 고전을 면치 못했다. 또 최근에는 2008 년 설립한 실버사업(노인 대상 건강식 배달사업) 전담법인 ‘예담(예가든)’ 사업을 접은 바 있다. 이에 대해 회사 관계자는 “사업 수익성이 나지 않는다고 판단해 법인을 청산하게 됐다”고 해명했다.





확장에 실패한 케이스다. 지난 2010 년 9 월 ‘오렌지-고(Orange-go)’ 브랜드를 론칭하며 시리얼 시장에 진출했다. 그러나 이 사업은 1 년도 채 지나지 않아 제품이 단종 되며 마무리수순을 밟았다.
매출 부진 등으로 단종된 제품들. 삼양식품 '오렌지-


관계자는 “라면



다른 고' 시리얼(좌)과 코카콜라 '두유 해브 모조'.

사업을 한 번 전개해보자는 취지에서 시작했으나 생각만큼 잘 되지 않아 사업을 접게 됐다”며 “시장진출에 앞서 나름대로 준비를 했지만 결론적으로는 미흡한 부분이 있었던 것 같다”고 아쉬움을 표했다. 삼양식품은 이로써 당분간

기존사업이자 핵심사업인 라면사업에 집중할 방침이다.

코카콜라도 2010 년 두유시장에 진출했다. 건강기능식품에 가까운 기존 두유제품과 달리 음료에 중점을 둔 가벼운 질감의 두유 ‘두유 해브 모조(두유 have mojo)’로 새로운 카테고리를

형성하겠다는 포부를 밝힌 바 있다. 그러나 총 3 종(허니, 바나나, 카카오) 중 허니는 소비자 니즈가 없어 단종됐다. 바나나와 카카오는 계속 판매되고 있으나 이마저도 두유시장에서 확고한 입지를 다지지 못하고 있다.

몇 가지 사례만으로도 신사업 전개에 있어 ‘철저한 준비와 계획이 선행돼야 한다’는 교훈을 얻을 수 있다.

식품업계 관계자는 “전반적인 경영환경이 어려워 몇몇 업체들이 사업영역 확장을 위해 신사업 계획을 갖고 있는 것으로 알고 있다”면서 “기존 주력사업에서 크게 벗어나지 않는 범주에서 사업을 진행하면 그만큼 위험부담이 적지만 그것만 믿고 시장에 진출했다가는 실패할 확률이 높다”며 적극 투자에 앞서 구체적인 계획이 선행돼야 한다고 강조했다.

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...REFEREED JOURNAL OF REASEARCH IN COMMERCE & MANAGEMENT CHANGE THE GAME: A NEW MANTRA FOR FUTURE SUCCESS IN RETAIL INDUSTRY? A CASE STUDY OF TESCO’S SUCCESS IN KOREAN RETAIL INDUSTRY Dipanjay Bhalerao Assistant Professor, Indira Institute of Management, Pune Email: INTRODUCTION Today’s exponentially growing retail market of around USD 15 trillion (2011) is worth watching as lots of new practices and strategies are being adopted by the retailers around the world. Today there is an increasing need for every giant company to look for the emerging economies for growth. But in that growth pursuit are they slipping from the home grounds or the established markets! Also when the retail company enters into new established markets for expansion, they need to do something innovative which also suits those markets. So what should the retailers do to balance the growth of the established & emerging economies for the expansion! What provokes this thought is Tesco’s rare success in the Korean market. Why to call it rare! As Korea is the retail market where the Retail Giants like Carrefour had bowed to the knees in the battle of retail with the Korean retailer E- Mart, Lotte, the Market Retailer of Korea. Knowing such a market back ground Tesco did something, which stormed the market & brought Tesco into the big league of Korea. Before going into what Tesco did, let’s learn about Tesco and the Korean retail battle ground in light...

Words: 2892 - Pages: 12

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...share of technology and knowledge, inflow and outflow of foreign capital. Reduction of tax and tariff, easy enter into the foreign market, easy transportation impacted large domestic company. Now they seek possible opportunity in the foreign market and no longer national but multinational. The intension of this paper is to explain the impact of globalisation on Multinational Corporation. This study selected a multinational company ‘’Tesco Plc.” From food retail industry. And study explores how globalisation impacted Tesco Plc. On their international market, global policy, market competition etc. Table of contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 4 2. Market Drivers………………………………… ………………………………………. 4 3. Competitive Drivers………………………………………………………… …………. 5 4. Cost Drivers…………………………………………………………………… ……… 6 5. Government Drivers…………………………………………………………… …… 7 6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………… ……….. 8 7. References………………………………………………………………… …………. 9 1. Introduction Globalisation is not a new phenomenon, but it is process by which world is becoming interconnected. Globalisation has changing the world’s trade and production pattern, has increased production of goods and services. Now a day’s globalisation is the key to gain competitive advantage for companies, response to the strong competition and changes economic environment. Globalisation have been removed the geographical barriers and showed the possible way to enter into the foreign market...

Words: 3590 - Pages: 15

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Emerging Markets South Korea

...Elaine Hannah Why Invest in South Korea? Elaine Hannah Why Invest in South Korea? Why invest in emerging markets? To cash in where growth is today, and for the foreseeable future. But success is only possible if you have chosen the right entry modes to your market and understand the environmental, political and sociocultural factors of the chosen host country. This report analyses South Korea and demonstrates this emerging market is there for the taking if approached with shrewdness. The South Korean Government, after the financial crisis in 1997, decided it needed to make its country attractive for foreign direct investment, which resulted in the release of the Foreign Investment Promotion Act in 1998. This opened up a passage for 99.8% of Korea’s industry for direct investment. This report looks at the successes and failures of FDI’s in South Korea referred to as Korea from hereon, and what business factors influence these outcomes. Global Business Project Lecturer: Enda Murphy Student: 1063289, 1602617, 1728607 No of Words: 6198 Why invest in emerging markets? To cash in where growth is today, and for the foreseeable future. But success is only possible if you have chosen the right entry modes to your market and understand the environmental, political and sociocultural factors of the chosen host country. This report analyses South Korea and demonstrates this emerging market is there for the taking if approached with shrewdness. The South Korean Government...

Words: 9441 - Pages: 38

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Uburger Goes to China

...UBurger is a fast-casual food chain that is committed to serving fresh high quality products to a discerning populace. They specialize in a selection of burgers topped with fresh produce and sauces with three choices of protein - beef, chicken, and vegetarian patties. In addition to their staple burgers, they also serve french fries and milkshakes. We would like to take UBurger to Shanghai, China to profit from the market for American fast food which has emerged in the industrialized country. UBurger is not the first to follow down this path; many others such as McDonald’s and YUM! Brands have done the same. We feel that these other brands have left an opportunity for a healthier line of food to strive. Given that UBurger does not have the same network of international support as these other brands, a joint-venture would be the best mode of entry to this new market. Real Kung Fu - China’s largest fast food restaurant - would become partners with UBurger in this new venture. As the UBurger Brand grows, we will open additional stores across the nation. Within three years, we will have opened a new location in Beijing and then spread out from there, eventually opening locations in the capitals of all of China’s provinces. UBurger serves signature burgers that are topped with a variety of fresh produce and sauces in its fast-casual food chain locations. The addition of and attention to this produce and these sauces creates separation from traditional fast food chains and increases...

Words: 8352 - Pages: 34

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New York Fries

...S w 9B11M082 DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL GROWTH STRATEGY AT NEW YORK FRIES Sharda Prashad wrote this case under the supervision of Christopher Williams and W. Glenn Rowe to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmission without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail Copyright © 2011, Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation Version: 2011-08-18 It was May 2011 at the head office of 122164 Canada Ltd. (the Company) in uptown Toronto. The Company was the parent company of New York Fries (NYF) and South St. Burger Co. (SSBC). The mood at the head office was subdued, disguising the hectic pace that came with being one of the few companies that had managed to escape the recent global economic turmoil. In fact, business at the Company had been on an upward trajectory ever since it was founded in 1983...

Words: 4213 - Pages: 17

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International Marketing Report of Iceland

...current resources and competencies 10 Table 3 10 The Boston Consulting Group matrix (BCG) matrix 10 Figure 1 10 External Analysis 10 PESTLE 11 Competitive Environment 12 Retailers 12 Table 4 12 Frozen Food Manufacturers 12 Table 5 13 Customer Trends 13 Target Market 14 Porter’s Five Forces 14 Figure 2 14 Lotte Group Analysis 14 SWOT 15 Strengths and Weaknesses 15 Opportunities 16 Threats 16 Objectives and Market Entry Strategy 16 Objective 1(Short term: 12 months) 17 Objective 2 (Medium Term: 1-3 years) 17 Objective 3 (Long Term: 3-5 years): 18 Internationalisation objectives 18 Marketing Mix 19 Product 19 Price 21 Table 6 21 Table 7 21 Promotion 22 Place 23 People, processes and physical evidence 24 Implementation 25 Table 8 26 Figure 3 26 Figure 4 27 Control 27 Figure 5 28 Bibliography 28 Executive Summary This report has been produced to provide Iceland Foods Group with a strategy to further internationalise. After investigation of potential countries it was decided that South Korea was the best market to enter. Analysis has been undertaken into both the external and internal environments with regards to South Korea and Iceland. Research into the frozen food sector in South Korea has shown the market is growing .The success...

Words: 10415 - Pages: 42

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...corporate and leisure destination in Asia, offering tourists a diverse mix of cultural, entertainment, dining and shopping experiences. International visitor arrivals have been on the rise since 2003. The Korean wave and the government’s initiatives to boost tourism as well as the depreciation of the Won have encouraged visitation to Seoul. In 2012, international visitor arrivals to South Korea was recorded at 11.1 million, above the target of 10 million tourists. In 2013, visitor arrivals edged up to 12.2 million tourists, a 9.3% year-on-year increase, supported by the increasing number of tourists from Mainland China. Japanese visitors decreased dramatically by 21.9% compared to 2012 due to the weakening of the Yen and a strained political relationship. However, Japan and Mainland China still remained as the top two source markets to South Korea in 2013. There has been a significant increase in hotel development in the capital city of Seoul against a backdrop of demand growth and limited room supply in recent years. According to Korea Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (KMCST), approximately 50 new hotel projects have been submitted which could potentially result in an additional 22,200 rooms by 2017. Several international branded full-service and limited-service hotels opened in the past few years and others have intentions to enter the Seoul market by 2015. Hotel trading performance in Seoul recorded year-on-year growth until 2012 but showed a decline of 10% in Revenue per Available...

Words: 6524 - Pages: 27

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Hallyu Wave

...Date: April 18, 2016 References: * Shin, H. I. (2004, August 26). Keeping the ‘Korea wave’ washing onto Asian shores. The Korean Herald * Ravina, M. (2010, November 21). Introduction: conceptualizing the Korean Wave. ai_n45060645/ * Hallyu Korean Wave. (n, d.) * Rachel. (2015, May 24). The Hallyu Wave: How Crisis Led To K-Pop. * Fuelled by fashion, the Korean wave is taking the world by storm. (n, d.). First operated by the spread of K-dramas shown across East, South and Southeast Asia during its beginning stages stages, the Korean Wave evolved from a development within the country, into a global phenomenon due to the rapid increase of Korean pop (K-pop) music videos on YouTube. Currently, the expansion of the Korean Wave to other corners of the world is visibly seen amongst teenagers and young adults in around Latin America, Western Asia, North Africa, Southern Africa, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and other places among Western world. As Korean pop, or K-Pop culture becomes an increasingly globalized phenomenon, its fast-growing popularity in many parts of the world has encouraged South Korea to utilize its cultural and entertainment area to access, tap and break into foreign...

Words: 993 - Pages: 4

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...Strategy Group (GSG) III. GSG & You IV. Korea & Seoul I. Samsung Overview I. Samsung Overview (Revenue & Global Presence) Fast growth and vast global footprint Samsung Group Revenue ※ Billion US Dollars Global Operations 318   369,000 employees worldwide 510 offices and facilities in 79 countries 141 87 226 Electronics 80 Samsung 22 1997 2005 2012 4 I. Samsung Overview (Leading Products) 5 I. Samsung Overview (Leading Products) 6 I. Samsung Overview (Brand Value) Samsung ranked 9th among global companies in 2012 7 I. Samsung Overview (Total 29 Affiliates Companies) The Samsung Group consists of many different business units Electronics Industry Electronics Engineering & Heavy Industry C&T Corporation Engineering Financial Services Life Insurance Fire & Marine Insurance Samsung Card Securities Asset Management Venture Investment Chemical Cheil Industries Inc. Petrochemical Fine Chemicals BP Chemicals Total Other Companies Cheil Worldwide Everland Inc. The Shilla Hotels & Resorts Economics Research Institute S1 Corporation Medical Center BioLogics SDS Heavy Industries Electro-Mechanics Techwin SDI Display Corning Precision Glass Bioeps 7 Affiliates 3 Affiliates 6 Affiliates 5 Affiliates 8 Affiliates 8 I. Samsung Overview (SEC Biz. Division) HME : Health Medical Equipments 9 I. Samsung Overview (SEC Set Business) Electronics (Set Biz) World Leading...

Words: 5322 - Pages: 22

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Business Law

...AGB 302 Danmeng Yin U.S. Korea Trade Agreement and Arizona The U.S.-Korea Trade Agreement is an integral part of the President’s efforts to increase opportunities for U.S. business, farmers and workers through improved access for their products and services in foreign markets. The KORUS Agreement supports the President’s National Export Initiative goal of doubling of U.S. exports in five years. It would also promote the further integration of the U.S. and Korean economies and enhance the competitiveness of U.S. business in the world’s 12th largest economy. For agricultural products, the KORUS Agreement would immediately eliminate or phase out tariffs and quotas on a broad range of products, with almost two-thirds of Korea’s agriculture imports from the United States becoming duty free upon entry into force. Effective March 15, 2012 entry into force of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) marks a historic milestone in the economic integration of the United States and Korea.  Companies with U.S.-Korea business interests should carefully plan to take full advantage of the many opportunities KORUS presents. Effective March 15, 2012, with justifiable fanfare, the United States and South Korea bring into force the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS), marking an important and historic milestone in the economic integration of these two major trading partners.  With two-way trade already valued at more than US$85 billion...

Words: 3679 - Pages: 15

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Tesco Plc Value Analysis

...Tesco is known to many US investors. In this analysis I will attempt to outline the key dynamics of this company and demonstrate why I consider it to be an excellent investment at the current market price. Readers should be aware that I have been a shareholder in Tesco PLC since 2006. In addition, since this analysis has been written for the Gurufocus value ideas competition there may be some unconscious element of positive bias, even though I have attempted to be objective. Therefore I would strongly advise investors to do their own further research before investing in this company. Tesco is listed on the London Stock Exchange, stock code TSCO, and is also available on the US market as an ADR, stock code TSCDY. At the time of writing this article the share price in London was 395 pence and $19.59 for the ADR in the US. The Business Tesco PLC is the largest retailer in the UK and its core business is large format stores for food and other convenience items. In addition the company offers telecoms services such as mobile and broadband to UK customers as well as financial services including household and car insurance, personal loans and credit cards. In 2009/2010 the company achieved 31% of total sales in international markets. The market cap is 31.7 billion pounds (US$51.83 billion) and Tesco is now the world's third largest retailer behind Wal-Mart (first) and Carrefour of France. In the UK it has been reported that one out of every eight pounds spent in retail stores...

Words: 4676 - Pages: 19

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Global Business Cultural Analysis of South Korea

...Global Business Cultural Analysis of South Korea John Smith University of Rochester BUS 800 – INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Dr. Peterson March 6, 2015   Abstract Today, the United States conducts a substantial amount of business with South Korea. It is important that American managers, entrepreneurs, and businessmen understand the South Korean social, cultural, and religious dimensions of the nation. The South Korean culture and customs are uniquely different from those of the United States. The culture and customs of the United States are based on European traditions and religious Christian beliefs. The culture and customs of South Korea are based on Confucianism’s way of life, Buddhism’s individual salvation, and since the 1950’s Christianity’s redemption of the soul. American businesses that incorporate South Korean culture into American business practices will develop long lasting business relationships with their South Korean counterparts. American businessmen working in multinational corporations have adjusted well the collectivist culture of South Korea. Multinational enterprises considering cross border business in South Korea can feel safe investing in South Korea. Keywords: South Korea, United States, cultural dimensions, multinational business, Hofstede.   Introduction South Korea is one of the United States most important strategic and economic partners in Asia. Members of Congress tend to be interested in South Korea for political purposes. South...

Words: 7498 - Pages: 30

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China Export Import

...Japan’s Export: A Business Opportunity Maria Griselda Dillet Marketing 4308 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Japan 5 Government and Politics 5 Foreign Relations 6 Economy 6 Imports and Export 7 Imports 8 Export 9 Business Opportunity 10 Making the Opportunity Work 13 Recommendations 14 Declaration 16 Works Cited 17 Executive Summary Japan is a country east of South Korea, China, Russia and North Korea. It consists of 6852 islands. The country’s authority is vested in the monarchy. There is an Emperor, who is a ceremonial figure. The country has two parliaments, i.e. the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors. Japan has strong foreign relations being a member of the APEC, G8 and ASEAN. It has been a member of the United Nations since 1956. It is the third in the world as far as the national economy is rated. Japan’s main imports are raw materials, fuels, machinery and equipment, textiles, chemicals and foodstuffs. Its main import partners are the United States, Saudi Arabia, European Union, China and United Arab Emirates. The country’s main exports are motor vehicles, office machinery, semiconductors, scientific and optical equipment and other electronic components. It exports products to the United States, European Union, South Korea, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. The idea is to start a company and locate it in one of the African countries. This company will be involved...

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