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Submitted By Shannonsmile
Words 370
Pages 2
Step 1

Create a list of important employee policies for your business. Get help when actually writing your employee handbook. Write drafts of policies or ideas for policies that are important to the way you want to run your business. For example, you may have a certain code of conduct that you want employees to follow or you may wish to draft a policy to ensure that a particular person or department is not overstepped. The U.S. Small Business Administration advises that you should have basic employee policies regarding wages, discrimination and other important issues. Consult the administration and an attorney when drafting policy to ensure it is legal and serves your purpose.

Step 2

Write policies in clear, easy-to-understand language. Include definitions where words may have multiple meanings and avoid using words that may be easily misconstrued. For example, the Nonprofit Risk Management Center advises against ever using the term "permanent employee," as it suggests that an employee cannot be fired. Consult your attorney about any other easily misinterpreted words.

Related Reading: Employee Drug Policy

Step 3

Clearly communicate your policy to your employees and their supervisors. Hold training session during which you explain policies and solicit questions. Address "what-if" questions. For example, if your office has a policy for anonymously reporting sexual harassment, answer the question, "What if I am feeling harassed, but I don't want anyone to know?"

Step 4

Evaluate your policy frequently, using different methods. For example, keep track of the number of times a problem is handled according to policy compared with the number of times when it is not. Distribute a survey that asks employees to rank a policy in terms of its effectiveness. Some policies, such as an employee code of conduct, may be easier to evaluate for employees

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