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Not so Organic


Submitted By vassdiva
Words 960
Pages 4
Name: Keika Davis
Date: May 25, 2016
Course: BIO-220
Instructor: Samridhi Shrestha
Not So Organic

Organic materials which cross pollinates to become highly nutritious and valuable are genetically modified foods. In middle school we did a lesson on the Gregory Mendel’s experiment. It was an example of genetically modified foods using peas. During the developing stages the pea pods looked much brighter. Genetically modified foods also have bad consequences. Although the can be filled with nutrients and vitamins and it can be endangering to humans health. GMOs can also be very expensive in some cases. These modified products also only require limited farming. Buyers only need a few products from Agricultural and Business Bureau to stop the sales of GMOs (Walters, 2013). Genetically engineered foods should not be heavily consumed because those who are on genetically modified diets end up having more problems like economic instability, health and human risks, and environmental hazards (Fukuda-Parr, 2013).

Farmers feel that harvesting genetically modified foods are healthier and more nutritious. Although famers feel that genetically harvesting these foods is the best way to produce more it is not good for human consumption. The farmers in Georgia are doing really well with their genetically modified crops (Walters, 2013). Although Georgian farms are doing well finically they have second thoughts about the growth of gene transmissible crops into food because the foods are very harmful (Walters, 2012). In the past twenty years people in the United States have been eating plants that use modern technology to pump up the food and make it look better or last longer. Most of the foods American eaten on a daily basis contain genetically modified ingredients. Some human transmitted diseases are spreader from the production of GMO's. Most labels can be

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