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Submitted By linqiong9999
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王珍十岁生辰那天,大姐王瑶失足掉进了池塘,一家子手忙脚乱,待到把大姐救上来,也没了兴致,结果生辰也没过好。当时她不知道,对于她,对于王家来说,神不知鬼不觉的变化已经开始发生。 王瑶持续两天高热不退,情况危险性命堪忧。王珍每天都去探望她,第三天早上,她听丫鬟说,大姐终于退热醒来,但是脑子烧糊涂了,把以前的事都忘记了。王珍脚步一顿,失忆... 王珍随着丫鬟进了大姐的房里,大姐大她三岁, 虽有正庶之别,但作为正房所出的长女王瑶待庶出又丧母的三女王珍却较为亲厚。王瑶秀丽文雅,极有才情,又通音律,为人和善,年纪虽也不大,却是靖城里有口皆碑的淑女。 待她见到王瑶的时候,王瑶正坐在菱花镜前由丫鬟帮她梳头,她用手摸索着自己的脸,后又仔细打量自己的手,古怪的笑了起来,王珍心里有说不出的惊异,她看到王瑶的眼里,泛着莫名的光彩. “大姐,你...起来做什么,身子骨还没好全,怎么能够起身?”王珍小心又关切的问. 王瑶抬起头一脸惊艳道:“你好漂亮,你是王珍...小妹吧,我听小桔说,这里就属三小姐王珍生的最好看,我想不会有比你更好看的了...抱歉,我什么都不记得了。”小桔是王瑶身边的丫鬟。 王珍没有说话,静静的盯着王瑶,盯得王瑶浑身不舒服,不禁发悚。突然,王珍笑了,笑得单纯无比。 “大姐这次受了大苦,脑袋一时迷糊也是难免的,不记得就不记得吧,过些日子说不定就能想起来了”。 “希望如此。”王瑶低头,埋下闪烁的眼神。 “不过你身子才好点,不该这就起身,依珍儿看还是在床上躺躺吧。”王珍语调里着实带着些关切。 “不要紧,我只是睡得身子骨酸了,起来略动动,一会再回去躺着。” “瞧着大姐你虽然不记得以前的事儿了,但也没什么大的不妥,方才听丫鬟说你失忆了,珍儿还乱担心了一把呢。”王珍不好意识的吐吐舌头。 “谢小妹关心,其实我昨夜就醒了,唤了医...郎中来看过,身体已经无恙,只是脑子给烧的稀里糊涂把以前的事情都忘记了,才醒的时候十分害怕恐慌,但现在已慢慢平静了一些,问了身边人好些事情,知道都是我失足落水才引起的,哎,慢慢治吧,还能怎么着呢?”王瑶叹道。 王珍心里咯噔一下,一脸心疼,眼睛立马湿了,泪汪汪的,漂亮的小脸更加惹人怜爱,她还像以前那样上前把王瑶抱住,脸埋在她的怀里:“别担心,会好的...珍儿刚才还想,要是大姐你不认珍儿该如何是好,素来大姐最疼我,要不认了,可真让人伤心死了,没想到就是失忆了,大姐也能一眼把珍儿认出来,真让人好生欢喜。” “......难怪我一见小妹就特别亲切,我们姐妹还像往常一样相处吧。”王瑶轻抚着王珍的头发道。 “那是自然。” 王瑶抱着王珍看不到王珍复杂的表情,王珍低着头也看不到王瑶脸上莫测的笑意。 姐妹俩聊了一会,听到丫鬟们说大夫人要过来,王珍拭了泪退了出去。 大夫人一向不待见她,要不是老太爷和爹爹待她一向与众不同,说不定早就被大夫人打发到不知道哪个角落去了。而他们待见她的原因却是,王珍是个绝世美人的胚子。 王珍走在廊下,丫鬟小桃见她一脸心事,不敢打扰,她却突然停住,说:“小桃你看我这记性,我现在去看二哥哥,二哥哥上次找我要的绣帕我竟然忘记带了,我在凉亭等你,你赶快去帮我拿来吧,我也不记得放在哪里了,横竖都那几个地方,你自己找找吧。” “那好,奴婢这就去拿,三小姐就在凉亭里歇息片刻,可别乱跑呀。”小桃不放心的叮嘱,大小姐这次落水可罚了不少下人,小桔要不是大小姐一向离不得她,可不是挨几板子能应付的过来的,三小姐千万要安安分分才好啊。 小桃走后,王珍到凉亭里坐下整理思绪:不是她太多疑,而是失足落水+发烧+失忆乃是穿越的经典要素啊,不会这么巧又是一个吧. 刚刚“王瑶”说什么来着?唤了“郎中”来看过? 不对,之前明明是说的“医...”医什么?八成是医生,这大政朝虽然是个“架空”朝代,但是磁场难道就真这么强大,连招引来两个穿越的?还在同一家?先观察看看吧,要是这“王瑶”真是的,不怕她不露出破绽,到时候再见机行事。 在这个时代,这个家庭中,别的王珍没有学会,唯有谨慎和装傻学了个八九成,枪打出头鸟是个经久不衰的至理名言。 如果说这个王瑶真是“灵魂穿”,那么王珍就是“投胎穿”了。她上辈子挂掉之后,再有意识就是一个横空出世的小娃娃,只是还有记忆而已,她再次经历了一个小孩子成长的漫长岁月,却没有表露出半点特异之处,甚至还十分低调,为什么呢? 王珍前世也看过不少杂书,穿越题材的也没落下,不会不了解“穿越”这两个字的定义,对于这种奇奇道道的事儿,一直抱着“既然不能证明它没有,那它可能就存在”的看法,只是从来也没想过会发生在自己身上。 不过,既然穿了,她活了这么多年也不能说缺心少眼,据她冷眼旁观,生在这王家,还是悠着点心里踏实些。 王珍所在的王家是什么人家?答案:官宦之家,附注,乃是穿越题材言情小说恶俗之最,无数的恶俗事件都是以这个立足点发生,莫看官宦之家几个字听起来风华正茂前程似锦,但是在那些小说里,这绝对是先扬后抑啊先扬后抑,绝对不是好事,呃……当然,这是看过数本穿越小说之后,留给王珍的心理阴影…… 但是,越了解她就越发现,那些作者的想象力是可怕,因为,她已经看到了痕迹…… 先来说说王家吧,王珍的爷爷王敬之是开国功臣,最高官职曾任太尉,也风光一时,后来不知道因为什么原因,辞官隐退把自己的两个儿子丢在了泱泱宦海之中。 大儿子王遇现任中书监令,二儿子王吉现任御史中丞,王遇有三个儿子,除了最小的那个才十五岁,其他两个也前仆后继奔向朝廷。王吉呢,目前最大的女儿也不过十四岁,二儿子比王珍大两岁,三女儿就是王珍了,而王珍却被王吉乃至整个王家寄予了莫大的希望。 因为他们都说,她是绝世美女的胚子。 王珍照过镜子,发现他们说的,可能是事实……几岁的时候,她照镜子觉得自己是长的挺可爱很漂亮的,但是小时了了,大未必佳,虽然家里人都对她兴致勃勃,期望颇高,但是她倒没那么强烈的感觉,可是随着年纪增长,脸越长越开……呃,好了,反正已经俗了,就不介意更俗一点。 拥有这样的皮相,是她上辈子做梦都会笑醒的事,这得多亏了她长俊美的爹和据说极为美貌的娘。虽然她的娘只是个妾,又死的早,但他们关于相貌的那一部分的遗传基因,顽强的抗拒了中途叛变的可能,顺利的在她身上继承了下来。此件事例说明,基因突变终究只是个案,非主流。 这种出身加上容貌,一股子意犹未尽的意味,在王家这样的人家,不会说重男轻女,在自古联姻就是一种不能避免的政治需求前提下,女儿也很有价值,美丽的女儿则更加可贵,而绝世美女的女儿却是万金难求的,有女如此,不客气的说,只要经营的高明,想在大政朝翻云覆雨都无不可能。 所以,王珍已经有了认知,她的命运可能免不了一番恶俗的折腾。不过,恶俗就恶俗吧,生活本来就是一番折腾,也用不着太介意,她这样想,就淡定了。 但是她并不知道,她淡定的太早了,她的命运与她的想象截然相反,远远超出她的意料之外,应该说,是任何人都预想不到的……


“二哥哥,你要我绣的帕子做什么啊,我这个绣得不好,改天专门跟你绣个更好的成不?”王珍奶声奶气的腔调,禁不住自己先恶寒了起来。 二少爷王翰与大姐王瑶是同母嫡出的,跟王珍也很亲近,与大姐只流于表面的亲善不同,他心底倒是真心喜欢这个小妹。 要知道,他的几个小伙伴,都羡慕他有这么漂亮的妹妹,成天个拐弯抹角的打探她妹妹的事儿,连带的对他也颇为讨好,他这次就是想把王珍的绣帕拿去逗他们,那几个小子说不准还会抢打起来,多有趣啊。 汗一个,王家的二公子从小就有些为人所不齿的偏好。 “不用那么麻烦,这个就好,远怀那个臭小子把他妹妹的绣的荷包拿出来炫耀,说她妹妹多么心灵手巧,说你只是看着好看,未必有什么真本事,我拿给他看看,你绣得可比她妹妹不知强到哪里去啦。” 李远怀就是丞相家的四公子,他和双生弟弟李沐怀加上御史中丞家的二少爷王翰,端王府的小世子周旭还有征西将军的三少爷上官衷,是一起磕过头的“结拜兄弟”自称是靖城五小虎,这名儿多恶俗啊。 其实就是几个平均年纪十一、二岁在家闲的没事的小少爷,爱聚一起小打小闹而已,好在每家的家教都很严厉,不至于做什么出格的事情。 王珍一头黑线,她到底是比这帮小娃娃多活一辈子的人,做事自然强得过些,要拿去给这些真的小孩子炫耀,虽然她脸皮已经越来越厚,依然会觉得...很不齿啊... 可是.... “你说过我要是给条帕子你,你就带我出去玩的。”王珍十分幽怨的说,这朝代类似于中国古代,女孩子要出门可不是那么容易的呀。 “这...”王翰想想:“上次爹爹说不准带你出去玩。” “爹爹出去了,他不会知道的。” “爷爷也不让。” “爷爷最近身体不好,不会差人来找我过去说话的,他也不会知道。” “这...” “还靖城五小虎呢,说话不算数,胆子还小到针眼里去了。”王珍不屑道。 “谁说的?你去我房里换身我的衣服,咱们从后门走!”小孩子就是小孩子,受不得一点激,还不住的催促:“赶紧!” 王珍换了王翰的衣服,随着他和两个下人出了后门,小桃被迫眼泪汪汪万分担忧敢怒不敢言的留在家里给王珍打掩护,王翰这边也派了人打掩护,这些都是惯做的,安排的妥帖得很。 一行人偷摸的溜出去,在吉庆茶楼与其他几只“小虎”碰面。 “四小虎”早已到齐,只等王翰这第五只,见他珊珊来迟,正要数落几句,又瞄到后面跟的是王珍,只见她穿着白色祥云绣纹锦衣,腰间束着玉带,脚下穿着鹿皮小靴,头上梳着两个童子髻,看上去既像是用粉团儿捏出来的,又像是拿玉细琢出来的小童子,可爱透了。 不用说,准是又把王翰的行头穿在身上了,他们一个个便都把笑脸堆了起来。 “呵呵,珍儿妹妹你来啦。” “好久不见呀,饿不饿,这云片糕是干净的,没人动过,你先吃吧。” “珍儿你渴不渴呀,小二,再上壶好茶!” 王珍和他们早已相熟,各自打着招呼,旁边的王翰得意的撇了一眼李怀远:“我妹妹听说你妹妹的绣工好得天下独一份儿,想来学学,把你的荷包给我们看看吧。” 李怀远立刻满脸通红,支支吾吾的不肯拿出来,他平日那样说,只是为了气气王翰,倒没真的有想贬低王珍的心思,现在见到王珍,想解释又不知道怎么解释。 “放心,不会把你那独一份儿的荷包拿去不还的,喏,这是我妹妹绣的帕子,抵押在你这里啦。”王翰的嘴巴尖酸的不得了,从怀里丢出一张绣着双飞燕的帕子,还要做出一副看也不看随手一扔的样子。 其他几人立刻围上来,抱着帕子赞叹,别说还真的绣得好,就是绣得不好,也能照样夸朵花出来,赞着赞着几个半大小子居然还真争抢起来,只有李怀远眼睛轻轻的往帕子上一少扫,脸红的要滴血了。 王珍脸上挂着甜甜的笑容,看心理想的却是:看这哥几个含羞带臊的样子,真是早熟的让人感叹啊,想想也是,自己读高中那年纪,搁这时代已经该娶的娶改嫁的嫁啦。 “怀远哥哥,你别听二哥哥瞎说,我就是在家无趣,央了哥哥带我出来玩,见到几个哥哥真高兴啊,我们今天还去看杂耍吗?”王珍故作天真帮着解围。 “不是...杂耍的班子今天没来,要是你想看下次一定带你去看,今天...去我家玩吧。”李怀远感激的望着王珍道。 “你家有什么好玩的?又不是没去过”王翰不满。 “这你就不晓得啦。”李沐怀叫嚷道:“我爹素爱兰花你是知道的,最近得了一盆叫什么‘束兰’的花,一根枝子上开三朵颜色不一样的花,还有奇香,稀奇吧,没见过吧?” “没见过,真有那样的花吗?”上官衷问,这里他的年纪最小,只有十岁。 “我知道,这是大域进上来的贡品,一共就两株,一株在宫里皇后那儿,一株赏给了丞相,是个稀世之物,”小世子周旭道。 这里他年纪最长,也不过十三岁而已,束兰的事听他父亲端王爷随口提过,没真见过,稀世之物也是他爹嘴里蹦出来的词儿。 “原来是贡品啊,那真要见见啦。”王翰点头道。 本来看花这种事挺没劲的,但如果是贡品,又连小世子周旭都说是稀世之物,就另当别论了,最主要的是可以在其他公子少爷面前炫耀,然后用“瞧你那没见识的相儿,肯定没见过吧”的眼神蔑视别人,倍儿有面子啊。 王家二公子这德行,令人担忧啊。 既然目标达成统一,几个小公子加上王珍带着一票下人浩浩荡荡的来到丞相府。

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...A. Hare English 46B May 18, 2012 Final Question 1 Victorian novels Emma by Jane Austen, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Middlemarch by George Elliot and early twentieth century novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf all portray and emphasis a heighten sense of awareness in their societies, social lives and love. The evolution of main characters in each of the novels shows transition between the writers and characters through close observations of social interactions. Victorian novels more often idealized a sort of portrait of love and luck that wins out towards the end; rewarding virtue and that wrongdoer are punished. This however was to be intended to improve the moral nature of one’s heart. Twentieth century writers had and a slightly different view of that of Victorian writers in which embodied a more modern period and more modern view on life. The concepts of love in each of these four distinct novels are apparent in the way that each are craftily structured. Jane Austen’s Emma use of free indirect style for example on page 327-28 which marks a crucial moment in the novel where the main character Emma has a crucial realization “with insufferable vanity had she believed herself in the secret of everybody’s feelings; with unpardonable arrogance proposed to arrange everybody’s destiny”; the theme in which this novel centered around a number of marriages and social status. In gaining social advancement was especially important for women if they stood a chance for improving...

Words: 835 - Pages: 4

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Evolution of British Novel

...The English novel is an important part of English literature. This article focuses on novels, written in English, by novelists who were born or have spent a significant part of their lives in England, or Scotland, or Wales, or Northern Ireland (or Ireland before 1922)]. However, given the nature of the subject, this guideline has been applied with common sense, and reference is made to novels in other languages or novelists who are not primarily British where appropriate. Portrait of Samuel Richardson by Joseph Highmore.National Portrait Gallery, Westminster, England. Contents [hide] 1 Early novels in English 2 Romantic period 3 Victorian novel 4 20th century 5 Survey 6 Famous novelists (alphabetical order) 7 See also 8 References Early novels in English[edit source | editbeta] See the article First novel in English. The English novel has generally been seen as beginning with Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) and Moll Flanders (1722),[1] though John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) and Aphra Behn's Oroonoko (1688) are also contenders, while earlier works such as Sir Thomas Malory's Morte d'Arthur, and even the "Prologue" to Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales have been suggested.[2] Another important early novel is Gulliver's Travels (1726, amended 1735), by Irish writer and clergyman Jonathan Swift, which is both a satire of human nature, as well as a parody of travellers' tales like Robinson Crusoe.[3] The rise of the novel as an important...

Words: 4017 - Pages: 17

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Novel Study on 'the Droughtlanders

...Independent Study Novel Sarah Driedger The Droughtlanders Part A 1. Carrie Mac is an award winning author who wrote the Droughtlanders series. Carrie is a writer, storyteller and an artist. She’s written countless books, many that are award winning her very first book ‘The Beckoners’ won the Arthur Ellis YA Award, is a CLA Honour book, and is being adapted for film. Carrie is able to hold the interest of many teenagers with her griping novels. 2) The novel ‘The Droughtlanders’ is set in a futuristic world where disease and death are kept outside city walls and is spread by the Droughtlanders- people who try to survive on the parched land between the keys. The characters in the novel want to destroy the keys so that all the Droughtlanders may have a chance at living without the fear of death. The main issues the characters face in this story are the erupt changes of lifestyle that they must undergo in order to survive. Also they seek approval from their family this proves to be an issue when nothing they do makes them happy so they push themselves to their limit and at the same time uncovering new traits about themselves. 3. Character | Physical Description | Psychological Description | Motivation | Static or Dynamic + Proof | Eli | He is the smaller twin of Seth but becomes more physically fit as he works in the circus with the Droughtlanders. Tan skin, darker hair then Seth. | He is very timid and shy. Very wimpy. But after escaping to the Droughtland, Eli...

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Novel Comparison Essay

...ISP ESSAY How one lives their life relies a great deal on perspective. Perspective is either the key to happiness, or the route to misery. The novels Family Matters by Rohinton Mistry and Freedom by Jonathan Franzen both display how ones perspective determines their path and ultimate outcome in life. Although the novels deal with two completely different styles of families they do share many common themes concerning the aspect of perspective. Both the Vakeel and the Berglund families struggle with the trials and tribulations of everyday life, however they approach it differently due to their past experiences, as well as their personal values and morals. This allows for an overall completely different experience for the characters. Firstly, the characters perceive the issue of family relationships differently, as one family is close knit, whereas the other is torn and distant. Secondly, each novel displays the character’s struggles with finding personal freedoms and breaking away from the traditional views of society. Lastly, the characters in the novel deal with finding their true self and the person they are meant to be. Therefore both authors incorporate the themes of family relationships, personal freedoms and self discovery into their thrilling novels to empathize the power that perspective has on one’s life. In Family Matters, the relationships within the Vakeel family are strong due to an abundance of communication, respect, and equality. As a result the members...

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Jeanette Winterson's Novels

... Her father was a factory worker and her mother was a stay at home housewife. She grew up being raised in a Pentecostal religion household, where she wrote sermons for her church when she turned six. Winterson liked to read a lot, there were only six books in her household, which included the bible, Malory’s Morte d’ Arthur, but reading wasn’t approved unless it was the bible. When she turned 16 years old, she came out as a lesbian and decided to go out and live on her own. She enrolled herself into an all girls grammar school and later she went to Oxford University where she studied and read English. When she moved to London she wrote her first book, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, which won the 1985 Whitbread prize. Most of Jeanette’s novels are...

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Wave Novel Study

...Independent Novel Study: Wave Part A: Plot 1. The point of view in which the story is written is of Sam and Beth Brooks, two siblings who have been separated at Christmas in 2004, with Sam on vacation away from home and Beth forcibly staying at university for a swim meet that she must attend. I believe that the author chose to write from these perspectives because both characters are greatly affected greatly by the main plot, though dealing with it in two different situations. Sam is experiencing the entire story from Phuket, Thailand, where they are hit with a tsunami. Beth was in New York at her dorm, first learning about the tsunami from her boyfriend, Tad. Both characters have different feelings about what has happened, and we, as the readers, get to hear both perspectives. 2. The story takes place on the one hand in Phuket, Thailand during Christmas break of 2004, and on the other side of the world in New York, where Beth's dorm and university are located. The difference that the setting makes is that if most of the characters were not located in Thailand where the tsunami happened, and majority of the story did not take place there, we would only be privy to secondary information of what was happening. Beth was only able to watch the huge tsunami unfold on television, being an unbelievable 27-hour flight away from the wave. Sam having been in Phuket even before the tidal wave hit was a primary witness...

Words: 1852 - Pages: 8

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Summary Of The Novel 'Blaze'

...Blaze hears George, but he can’t see George. George had planned a risqué plan for the both of them to pull off; that was before he died. In Blaze, Clayton Blaisdell Jr. otherwise known as “Blaze” has remarkable guise when he kidnaps baby Joey, and runs from place to place with him. The FBI is trying to get baby Joey back to his opulent lifestyle and away from Blaze. Eventually, the FBI tracks down Blaze and baby Joey and barely gets baby Joey out safely but killing Blaze. While reading this novel, I questioned some characters upbringing, evaluated some characters lives, and made connections to Blaze. Throughout this novel it was clear that Blazes friend George shared numerous traits with me. One way I felt connected to George was that we both are aggressive. He did not believe in taking the nice route, he thought intimidation was key. Blaze would talk to George, or more his figment of George for help and advice with baby Joey and George would usually be upset with blaze, especially when in came to the baby. “I’m not talking about taking him back!” “What do you think he is, a fuckin’ returnable bottle? I’m talking...

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Novel as a Literary Form

...NOVEL AS A LITERARY FORM The eighteenth century is the century of the prose as well as rise of novel. The novel emerged as a new and significant mode of writing, becoming more than means of providing entertainment, it become a means of radical questioning that would lead a change in entrenched attitudes. THE NOVEL AS FICTION As against imaginative fictional, the novel is a realistic form. It presents that segment of life and society in more or less approximate terms, which has been seen and experienced by the actual men and women of a particular period. The concept of mirroring or reflecting an object is more significant in the case of the novel than it would be in the case of poetry or dreams. While reading a novel, readers are transformed to a different world with its own laws, rules and regulation. Towns and villages, markets, streets and pathways hold out as actual places with their distinct coloring and feel. Not only the characters are shown as speaking with their own mannerisms but ordinary information about their appearances, conditions, opinions and state of mind also imparted by the author in his or her voice. The remarks of the author meant clearly for sharing with the reader, lend authenticity to the description in novel and make the reader accept it as truthful account. This leads to a state in which the reader is strongly drawn into the ethos of the world of the novel. While poetry and drama are also invented and imagined, they cannot be equated with...

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Mind in Catholic Novel

...´ ´ ETAT PRESENT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CATHOLIC NOVEL? TOBY GARFITT MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD The idea of a specifically Catholic novel arose during the nineteeth century. The often anti-Catholic agenda of the philosophes and the libertine novel had been counterbalanced by writers such as Rousseau and Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, who sought to reveal God through the wonders of the natural world. But it was Chateaubriand’s Atala (1801) that inaugurated the new genre of the Catholic novel as a riposte to the dechristianization associated with the Revolution. Chateaubriand was more partial to the epic, however, and in this he was followed by Bonald, who appreciated the scope that the epic afforded for the depiction of ‘le merveilleux chretien’, including angels.1 An interesting ´ twentieth-century representative of this tradition is Patrice de La Tour du Pin, ´ whose three-volume Somme de poesie (1946 – 63) charts the progression from lyrical poetry in a neo-Romantic vein, through a process of kenosis or selfemptying (which involves a shift towards prose in the second volume), to the ´ ´ creation of a new theopoesie.2 Epic poetry continued to offer a means of exploring religious and scientific ideas throughout the nineteenth century (Quinet, Hugo, Bouilhet), but there was already a backlash by the 1820s, and, as the novel rapidly established itself as the major literary genre, a number of Catholic sub´ genres developed. The ‘Avant-propos’ to Balzac’s Comedie humaine expresses nostalgia...

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Novel by Mark Haden

...The Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night-Time is written by Mark Haddon. This is a murder mystery novel with strange feeling. Christopher is fifteen years old boy, who is the narrator and detector in the story, but suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome diseases. He is intelligent in math but hardly know something about human beings and their emotions. It’s good to learn something new from others and that feeling I found in Christopher because even though he has difficulty in understanding emotions but he is always curious to know what it mean. In the novel he took help from Siobhan to draw different faces and what they meant and how people react in such situation. Even he doesn’t know why people tell lies and takes lot of time in thinking what the metaphor means. Christopher makes comparison between human beings and animals and though he loves animals. It’s true that animals are honest and never say lie in their life. But it doesn’t mean that people are saying lie by using metaphor and by lots of talking without using any words. For example: we had a real pig of a day. He think that people said lie because there is no relationship between pig and a day as also known as not correlated to each other. I think it doesn’t mean that people are telling lie if they doesn’t share any relation, but different people think differently and it might confusing and goes in opposite directions. When he finds that his father was crying alone in the living room, but he didn’t understand that his...

Words: 772 - Pages: 4

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British Novel

...This essay presents a brief overview of the development of the nineteenth century English novel. Transition and Transformation: One could be forgiven for believing that the words ‘fiction’ and ‘novel’ mean one and the same thing. The main reason for this confusion is that both of them have a common denominator; they both tell a story. In the novel, we have the theatre of life and for over two centuries it has been the most effective agent of the moral imagination. Though it has never really achieved perfection in form and its shortcomings are numerable, nevertheless one experiences from it not only the extent of human variety, but also the value of this variety. Fiction existed right from the first time man told a story and thus it is in this respect only, that it is similar to the forerunner of the novel as we know it today, which is any work of fiction in England written before 1670. Novelists express their conscious conclusions about life as they experience it and these manifest themselves not only in the characters they create and their interaction with each other, but also in the way they make them react or respond to the various situations in which they find themselves and in what they say within these situations. They are relatively free to choose their material, but their conclusions about life and the nature of their novels are dependent on their innate personality, as this affects not only the way in which they present their characters, but also our own understanding...

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