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Nursing Research Diabetes


Submitted By lwangus
Words 1248
Pages 5
The incidence and challenges of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in Saudi Arabia

The incidence and challenges of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in Saudi Arabia
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 cases in Saudi Arabia is currently estimated to stand at 17.7% for men and 16.4% for women. This constitutes about 33% in total. These records are according to the report of the International Diabetes Federation study done in the year 2015 (Afifi, et al. 2014).
By the year 2015, there were 3.4 million people suffering diabetes from in Saudi Arabia. It happens to be amongst the leading 10 nations in the world in diabetes cases in general. It is projected that the prevalence for diabetes mellitus type 2 will be 20.8% for the whole population ("Prevalence Of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension And Hyperlipidemia Among Students And Employees In University Of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia," 2016). .
The Saudi population is discovered very late because of the subtle nature of the disease. It does not have very clear symptoms from the beginning. Most of the people found with this type of diabetes are those with liver diseases and the cases are discovered during diagnosis of other sicknesses.
The spread of the disease in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is attributed to two factors. The first is lifestyle, where people are reportedly engaged in smoking, poor eating habits leading to obesity, lack of physical exercise and negligence of medical checkups. The other factors that cause the spread of the disease is genetics (Dar, Dar, & Wani, 2013).
Since it was discovered in Saudi Arabia, the prevalence has been changing in terms of the population percentage affected almost every year. For instance, the prevalence among people aged above 25 has risen from 8% in 1992 to 31.4 % today. It is estimated that the cases increase by about 1.2% every year since the condition was discovered

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