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Object Oriented Programming


Submitted By BooOllie
Words 465
Pages 2
Object Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) provides computer programmers not only a new way to program, but a new way to think in terms of objects. This type of programming (“Object oriented programming,” 2012) allows programmers to use objects as a way of thought versus using a procedural language and organizing by data structures and algorithms. This is a new way of programming centered on objects to develop programs. C++ gives the programmer a way to incorporate encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphorism and C++ also provides many ways of support Object-Oriented Programming. Programming was once thought upon as using a series of tasks for the computer to perform but object-oriented programming uses a collection of objects. In this type of programming, each object can receive message and process data, as well as send other messages to fellow objects. By placing information where it is not accessible by the entire computer program, OOP (“Object oriented programming,” 2012) calls the data using methods. The methods then act as intermediaries for working on the data they control. Object-oriented programs center on different types of objects. Each object contains a kind of data that manages the information within the program itself. The method of the object will use a system of checks and safeguards that are defined in the types of data the object contains. Because of this system, adaptations to the program can be made without changing the rest of the program. Classes within OOP explain a user-defined data type. When a variable is stated, a new object is created. There are several characteristics related within OOP. They are listed in the following paragraphs.
When an object is declared, the constructor is called and when an object is erased, a destructor is called.
Encapsulation refers to the

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