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Ocean Pollution Research Paper

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The variety of ocean creatures in an aquarium is supposed to represent the real variety of the ocean but at this rate, it may not stay that way for long. While the general idea is that the big threat to marine species is their natural predators, in reality a more silent and deadly killer threatens to wipe out thousands of marine animals: ocean pollution. Ocean pollution kills thousands of birds, fish, and sea mammals alike every year, by toxic particles released in the water and being strangled by plastic alike. How many species have been killed off by pollution, let alone ocean pollution, may never be known. To preserve all of the planet’s species, action must be taken. Ocean and beach pollution must be stopped to prevent the destruction of …show more content…
Invasive species can have devastating impacts on local ecosystems because they are not native to the area, so when they are introduced they have no natural predator. Without a natural predator they are able to grow out of control, which causes imbalances within the food chain and ecosystem. Invasive species have always posed a threat to local ecosystems and they are usually introduced directly by humans who do not know the negative impacts they will have on the ecosystem. For example, the Lionfish, originally from Florida pet owners (Lionfish Infestation), was introduced to North Carolina waters and they took over quickly. Now, the Lionfish continues being a problem today after more than ten years. Dumping containers with living organisms in oceans all over the world is a direct way humans cause invasive species. However, humans are also indirectly responsible for introducing invasive species by means of pollution, and transporting water from one place to …show more content…
Ballasts are used to balance a ship in the water. To do this they take in and let out water from the ocean into these ballasts. These ships transport around 3000-4000 million tons of untreated water every year all around the world. It is also estimated that over 10,000 different marine species are transported every day (“EMSA”). One well known invasive species introduced by this method is the Zebra Mollusk. These mollusks traveled in the ballasts of European ships and contaminated the ecosystem of the great lakes. This was more than 20 years ago in 1990 and regulations were implemented to prevent more invasive species in the Great Lakes. If more regulations like this were put in place, the increase of invasive species could be reduced. It would not be hard to prevent more invasive species if ships just follow the regulations in Michigan, around the

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