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Oil Research Paper


Submitted By ggilbert307
Words 650
Pages 3
Black Gold

HST 370.05
Prof. Hoikkala
October 19, 2015

In Oil! by Upton Sinclair, published by Penguin Books, Sinclair writes to expose the corrupt oil industry in California through the education of both readers and main character, Bunny Ross, on the proceedings for success in the oil business, including bribery and propaganda. Through the start of the book, the reader learns that the main characters father is a rising business man on the verge of becoming a magnate, although only through bribery of politicians and land proctors. Unfortunately Bunny sees both from a upper class and a lower class frame of reference and does not wish to abuse his power and take advantage of the lower class, yet still become a rich individual such as his father. This battle between the classes is seen with Bunny’s fight in favor of workers unions and against religion, using propaganda to aide him.
I chose to write on this novel because I was familiar with Sinclair’s work in The Jungle, and after researching more about this book and his inclusion into the real-time history of California and how big of an impact Sinclair caused, I couldn’t choose another book to interest me as much as Sinclair engages his readers. The idea of capitalism and the processes in its execution always grab my attention due to their need for wealth and lack of inclusion from outside aide in order to better increase their wealth. Sinclair is also excellent in his ability to give a rich character development, leaving little to curiosity about what the character may have gone through in the past or what he or she might be thinking, which is one of my favorite styles of writing.
Upton Sinclair had an incredible impact on the development of California and the United States as a whole with the socialist agenda that he carried with him. Being the political activist that he was, when moving to California in 1915 began campaigning against corrupt oil companies leasing land to drill illegally during the Teapot Dome Scandal by writing Oil!(1927). After attempting to obtain a seat in the California House of Representatives in 1920, he founded the Southern California branch of the American Civil Liberties Union in 1923. Sinclair ran for governor of California three times, in 1926, 30, and 34, his campaign was known as the End Poverty in California (EPIC) plan. This plan would have taken over unused land that had previously been profit focused and switched to state controlled “for use” activity that would reduce the number of unemployed Californians as well as give pension to the elderly.Although due to his views, Sinclair spoke out against President Roosevelt and inevitably turned his voters against him, costing him the election.

"California Writer." : Upton Sinclair’s Oil!: A High Octane California Novel! May 27, 2005. Accessed October 19, 2015.

""The IWW History Project."" Mapping American Social Movements Through the 20th Century. 2013. Accessed October 19, 2015.

"The Jungle." Upton Sinclair Biography. 2015. Accessed October 19, 2015.

"Upton Sinclair." History. 2015. Accessed October 19, 2015.

[ 1 ]. "California Writer." : Upton Sinclair’s Oil!: A High Octane California Novel! May 27, 2005. Accessed October 19, 2015.
[ 2 ]. Ibid
[ 3 ]. Ibid
[ 4 ]. Ibid
[ 5 ]. "The Jungle." Upton Sinclair Biography. 2015. Accessed October 19, 2015.
[ 6 ]. Ibid
[ 7 ]. Ibid
[ 8 ]. ""The IWW History Project."" Mapping American Social Movements Through the 20th Century. 2013. Accessed October 19, 2015.
[ 9 ]. "Upton Sinclair." History. 2015. Accessed October 19, 2015.

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