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One Way and Factorial Anova


Submitted By candib16830
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Running Head: One-Way and Factorial ANOVA

One-Way and Factorial ANOVA
Applied Psychological Statistics
Kaplan University

Research Question 1:
Compare the different ethnicities of students in the course and determine if there a statistically significant difference in average Final Examination points between the different ethnicities? How would you report your conclusion to the instructor? a. State Hypotheses:

Let us define:

µ1 = mean final exam score for American Indian student

µ2 = mean final exam score for Asian student

µ3 = mean final exam score for Afro-American student

µ4 = mean final exam score for Caucasian student

µ5 = mean final exam score for Hispanic student


Ho: There is no difference in average final exam between the different ethnicities, µ1 = µ2 = µ3 = µ4 = µ5.
Ha: At least one among µ1, µ2, µ3, µ4, µ5 is different from the other four.

Since there are five (5) ethnicities with one independent variable, it is appropriate for a one-way ANOVA test.

b. Predict Results:

The p- value in ANOVA analysis is 0.540. Since this is > 0.05, we cannot reject Ho. We conclude that there is no difference in average final exam between the different ethnicities.

|Final Exam Points |
| |
|Final Exam Points |
|Tukey HSD

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