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Faithful in the Time of Despair


Submitted By aminam
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Faithful in the time of Despair
Ruth 1:3-17; 1:10

Tell the story of Naomi and Ruth
When Naomi’s husband died she knew that God would take care of her and her sons. She had enough faith to not give up; Naomi trusted God and continued to serve him in spite of what was in front of her. She went through a period when she began to doubt God because of all she had endured.
But Ruth refused to turn her back on her mother-in-law. Ruth, someone new to serving God and trusting him decided that she would put all her Faith in him. She witnessed what God had done for her husband and mother-in-law, and believed that there was something out there better for her. Ruth wanted what God had for her and was willing to forsake all she knew for God.
Orpah, on the other hand, did not trust god. She only saw what was in front of her. She decided to revert back to her comfort one and what she knew. While Orpah returned back howm god began to work. That was the last that you heard about her in the bible. I am not going to speculate what happened, but obviously it was nothing Grand or even important enough for it to talked about in the Bible.
However, Ruth followed her mother in law because she knew what God could do, because he has sustained them in their tme of need. Ruth remained faithful in her time of despair. When her husband died she no longer could depend on him or his mother because they had no money. But she yet trusted God.
Further down in the book of Ruth, it talks about how Naomi had a kinsman named Boaz who was rich and took a liking to Ruth. Boaz eventually married Boaz and had a son named Obed.
If Ruth was disobedient to God she may have never received what God had for her. The bible says if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed he will work in your life. Ruth’s constant faith in God gave her the strength she needed to endure this walk in her time of despair.
Saints we have to have the same faith when it comes to wanting God to work out conditions, whether its health, finances, and marriages. Trusting God to actually be God in your life can change the outcome for the better.
Is there something that you want to trust God to work out? We have to believe that if God has brought us this far, he will not leave us know. We have to learn to trust God no matter what comes our way. God is the Author and finisher of our lives. Trusting him to do what she says he will do will not only open door; it will knock down walls.
God put prayer on my heart.
If there is anything that is going on in your life, I want you to get it on your mind and trust God to take away any concerns.

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